how to improve writing skills

December 13, 2010 11:32pm CST
i'm a English major student in china. I want to improve my writing skills very much. but I don't have a clue how. as we all know that practice makes perfect. but even though I keep writing, I highly doubt I would make great progress. because I don't know the mistakes I made especially grammar mistakes. so will you give me some your own advices ? thanks
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6 responses
• Singapore
14 Dec 10
First of all, read newspapers, English ones. Read them as often as possible. Other than that, try subscribing to any websites offering great English advice and take note of them. Try writing to friends and ask them what they think. I think that should help
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• Philippines
14 Dec 10
Hi! Just as JudgeIronFist mentioned, you can practice by reading. Aside from newspapers, you can try other literature too like short stories or novels. You can also watch films/TV shows in English. You may not consciously realize it but you can improve overtime. Also, I'd like to suggest a website about grammar. I used for work and I'd say I learned a lot from it. There are several topics and quizzes. Here is the website: Also, here's another website we used at work: You can subscribe to their free newsletter. Each newsletter tackles a certain topic about grammar and it's very helpful because most newsletters feature common errors in English grammar usage like confusing spelling and use of words and common sentence construction mistakes. I hope these help. Have a nice day!
• China
14 Dec 10
thanks a lot. but I don't know how to work on that and that grammarbook website confused me
• Indonesia
15 Dec 10
EnslinPorter, I totally agree with you. Qianyunlv, you can read grammar books. There are lots of grammar books that are pretty fun to read, not very heavy or technical. I'm an English major student too, in Indonesia. I taught myself English since elementary school by watching lots and lots of movies and series. I find that very useful. I read lots of books (mostly novels/fiction), I browse online in English, I read grammar books, I listen to songs in English. Overtime, my writing skills improve. I don't make as many mistakes or errors too. If you put your mind to it, it'll work.
@arunmails (3011)
• India
14 Dec 10
Writing skills can be improved only by reading. Because, while reading we come to know how an incident can be expressed in different ways. So, read many english novels and topics. Moreover you can read many english newspapers, so that your vocabulary can be improved.
@elims15 (69)
• Philippines
15 Dec 10
we are in the same problem. I also want to improve my writting skills specially in English.This thread is good for us to read some suggestions of our friends here in mylot. I highly need to learn and become good in grammar in english. Maybe like what you said , Practice makes perfect and be patient
@pokumon (644)
• United States
14 Dec 10
I would suggest just writing more and having someone who knows it better to proofread your work. I can just see from your post that you need the help. You can't start sentences off with but and because because they are dependent clauses. If you combined it all into one sentence it would be a run-on so you need to learn how to write whole sentences apart from each other. Take out the as we all know and say we all know. Take out the but before even. Take out the period before because. You can post on myLot a lot and ask others to correct your English. I'm tempted to do that on a lot of posts because English is a second language to a lot of myLotters, but then again it might be considered offensive so I refrain from doing so.
• China
15 Dec 10
thanks a lot!!! this is exactly what I needed and I won't be offended at all. I hope you can correct my post
• Philippines
14 Dec 10
Reading, listening, and writing contributes to improve your writing skills. you have to have great input to have a good output. be a wide reader, try to read the news, things about current affairs, movies, history, the bible, etc.. observe carefully how they are written, take clues with everything you read. hope this helps. goodluck