how to drag yourself out of bed in winter?

December 13, 2010 11:35pm CST
it's harder and harder for me to get up every morning as the winter is coming. as a result I late for school a lot. I feel upset about that though I told myself to get up on time, however my body disobey. the bed is so warm!!!! how do you force yourself to get up on time? any good ideas?
4 responses
• United States
14 Dec 10
The best thing I have found is to get a very loud and annoying alarm clock that you cant possibly sleep through and the set it for the time you need to be up. The catch is you set it across the room from your bed so you have to get up to turn it off. The only real challenge then is making yourself not get back in bed once its turned off. Hope this idea helps. It works for me I use it year round.
• China
14 Dec 10
that's a good advice, the toughest thing as you said is keep yourself from getting back in bed. however, I live in the dorm so that must bother others, anyway thank you
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
1 Feb 11
Well, winter time is especially hard for me to get up that early too. I felt for you. Sometimes, I might as well oversleep and late for work. But I will try my best to get up early. I will set up the alarm clock earlier than usual. And I will go to bed earlier too. When I think of how much bills I have to pay, and I have to get up in time to work, I just have to force myself to get out of the bed no matter how cold and sleepy I am. That is the force within.
@luckycat (220)
• Bolivia
14 Dec 10
hello. I also had a same experience.But now i try to think about beauty things might happen today.That gives me strength to get up.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
14 Dec 10
I have the same exact problem! I just hate getting out from under my warm blanket into the cold air. So I honestly have not found a way to solve it yet, I am still dealing with this issue I'm afraid....