during what time of the day can you review best?

December 14, 2010 10:14am CST
Preliminary examinations is fast approaching and I am sure that every student will review soon. Different people have different modes or methods of reviewing, and they also review at different times of the day; some at nighttime, afternoon, or daytime. Personally, I prefer reviewing during the night because I have noticed that most of what I had reviewed is retained, though I simply read on the lines and jump from one page to the other.
2 responses
• Philippines
15 Dec 10
personally, nighttime or early morning is my best time to review things or study. I usually study or review after I slept (as to keep my mind fresh from worries) whether I had a good sleep or not. Some people told me that it is a kind of procrastination but it works for me in my school years and even when I am working. Also, I prefer the early morning since there are no noises to disturb or disrupt my studying or reviewing. There are also no people that will ask for me or bug me about something.
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
Yeah, "fresh from worries". I can't review well when I have much stuffs in my mind. Good for you, you forget those after you slept (well, some maybe). When I have stuffs that bothers me, I'll just stare at my notebook and won't do anything productive. The people who asks you before the start of the examination will "mix up" or will make you forget some of what you have reviewed. =D
@yippih (101)
15 Dec 10
Ya, i also like to review on night, what i had read is more easier for me to remember at night because of the quiet environment. Now scientists have also proven that what we had read before night, the memory will undergo recombination while we at sleep, this is why we can had better memory of what we had read a night before. Another time that i prefer to read is in the morning, i feel refresh after a night of sleep and feel energetic to do revision at the morning. Happy mylotting.
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
So, there's a scientific explanation for that? Cool. =D. I haven't heard of that before. I usually review during the normal "night time". My cousin can review best during "late night", one which is very close to past 12 in the evening. I don't review when it's already very late since I will feel really tired in the morning and all I would want to do is sleep. XD