Is God within you......?

December 14, 2010 8:32pm CST
when you observe and analyse your own body very closely you will notice that so many activities are going on in your body itself like digestion, flow of blood, heart beating, breathing etc. You please start thinking as to who is doing all these activities which are being done without your knowledge and effort.Even when you sleep these activitie are going on nonstop from birth to death. Only certain things we do consciously and with some effort.Who must be directing all these activities in our body.There is some spirit which in charge of all these activities which are different.No two activities are similar.Eyes can only see but not hear and similarly each organ in the body does a distinct and different activity.Suppose we have to do these activities consciously by ourself it possible.Definitely No.The vision in the eyes , the taste in the tongue ,the hearing in ears and thinking in the brain are done by the same spirit which we cannot recognise.The ancient sages of India thought over the matter deeply and comtemplated on this issue and propounded that the spirit unknown and beyond human conception which does all these activities is God.When I thought over the matter I realise that God is within us only and that God is in every one.Do you agree.I am not here to praise Hinduism but I am telling the facts which have nothing to do with any religion...
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9 responses
• United States
15 Dec 10
Yes, chayapathys, God is the creator of these wonderful bodies and He has left nothing to chance. It is no accident that each of our bodily functions work perfectly without any thought or effort of our own. It is a mystery to me how anyone can think these perfect creations could have just evolved on their own. We had a Creator who fashioned us with love. We were no accident. And, as you say, He is within us always.
• India
15 Dec 10
When we analyse human bodies and the harmonious functions of all organs we begin to wonder as to who has made all these so perfectly.The obvious answer is God.Thus God is in every living being and supervising all the activities.So great is God.So we should try to see God within us and in every living being and then there will be no place for hatred and illfeeling among human beings.Am I right...?
• India
16 Dec 10
When we realize that God is within us we can easily visualize that God is in every living being.When we can see God in ourselves and in others where is the place for hatred.It is all love only and nothing else.When there is universal love there is universal peace which we all want....
• United States
15 Dec 10
You are right, chayapathys. Just as when God looks at us He sees us through the blood of Jesus, we should look at each other and see Jesus, and Him crucified. When we know that God loves us all the same, and His spirit is in each of us, we should love each other as God loves us. It doesn't always work out that way, though, does it. In a perfect world there would be perfect people.
• India
15 Dec 10
Hi Chayapathys Thats an interesting line of thought there, I guess there are scientific reasons for the way we evolved into human beings and how our bodies function on their own with very little effort and interference from us(thank God!) I mean absorption, digestion and how every cell in our body multiplies is scientific and yet once cant but wonder at the whole wonderful and brilliant process !! The whole universe in fact works like clockwork in fact. For me I like to remember this always and be grateful for this life that I've been given. One more thing I think is important that could further increase your awareness is by meditating or just focusing on the beauty around you. Close your eyes and focus on your breath for even 5 - 10 minutes a day and you will start seeing sea changes in the quality of your life...
• India
15 Dec 10
When we the harmonious way the human body is functioning and the harmonious behavior of the entire univese we begin to wonder as to how this is possible.Suppose sun does not rise regularly at the appointed time and takes weeky holiday or monthly holiday what will happen to this univese and our living.Suppose the clouds refuse to rain and go on indefinite strike..imagine out fate.similarly the human heart does not want to work regularly so also other organs of human body want weeky off.. what next?Assuming after creation if God entrusted the conduct and supervision to human beings what is the result.During sleep we may forget heat beet or neglect proper blood flow to heart and like that so many things....imgine what? So God is within you and you can realise Him thropugh meditation only and not otherwise....
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
15 Dec 10
Hi chayapathys, I agree that God is within us and I believe in all living things. God is all that is, therefore we can find God everywhere and in all people and things. It is really impossible for a mere mortal to understand all that is God. Blessings.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Dec 10
My old Chevy pickup truck does all kinds of things on it's own too. Our physical bodies are no more than our transportation. That is not who we are. We are all spiritual beings in a physical body. If you really want to explore God, explore your spirituality,for God is spiritual as well. Next look around you. God's actions can not be hidden in this time based causal universe. The question remains. Do you know what you are really looking at??
• India
16 Dec 10
No doubt our body works like an automobile.As there is fuel to run the engine so also there is spirit in us which runs our body.What is that fuel in our body.Is it food.The power of digestion makes the fuel which is necessary for running our body.The power of digestion, the vision in the eyes, the taste in the tongue, the power of thinking in the brain are all beyond human conception.That we can call God.So God is within us me, in you, and in every living being....
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
15 Dec 10
The God there is always a servant hearts who believe in Him. God's presence will only be considered if hearts and our minds always remember Him, therefore I always believe, God is always with me
• India
15 Dec 10
Yes God's presence can be perceived by hearts and minds only.Who gives the faculty of thinking to human mind except God.Therefore the God is always with human beings only.No other creature like animals and birds have the faculty of thinking.The existence or otherwise of God has no relevance to animals and birds etc.Only human beings can realise God and we are all lucky to have taken the birth of a human being whether male or female.Let there be no place for hatred and ill feeling among human beings as we are very close to God.God bless you...
15 Dec 10
yes I agree that God is within us. We can't control all the things that is happening within our body that's how marvelous God is. All the things here on earth are creations and we people are the greatest and amazing creations of God because we are the one who has the capability to read, write and think.
• India
15 Dec 10
Which force can do different activities as Godly force does in human being like seeing hearing thinking etc.You can notice harmonious woking among all the organs of a human being.There is no confusion or overlapping in the duties of organs of human beings.Who is supervising and directing these harmonious functions in human body except God. Suppose God had left all these duties to human beings what will happen.In sleeep we may forget beart beat or fail to direct the pancreases properly or ignore flow of blood to the heart.Imagine such a situation and consequential results...
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
15 Dec 10
all creations possess a portion of the prime creator in them only a portion, because the whole essence of prime creator will be way too much for the creations to handle but we can develop this portion in us and create our reality because that's what prime creator is all about, creation, not destruction any god that claims he or she destroys something, is not prime creator but a creation of prime creator, just like we are I am not Indian nor native american nor Hindu, but I find that in general these 3 speak about God the same way
• United States
18 Dec 10
God designed our bodies to function in a particular way. Just like machinery can be programed to function without a human being having to manipulate all the parts for the machine to work, God doesn't have to manipulate our inner workings for them to work. I do, however, believe that God dwells within the believers. It is His Holy Spirit.
• India
15 Dec 10
chayapathys thanks for sharing this thought provoking post. If we look at any man made machine we know it needs a kind of power to run it. Be it an automobile, which needs fuel, a motor, which needs electricity and so on and so forth. Every living thing also must need a power to keep it going. Let us again take the example of automobile. Fossil fuel powers it. What is this fossil fuel? It is the remains of organisms of the era gone by. Therefore, every living thing too is powered by the remains of something that had lived before. God too is the purified remains of those who had brought us forth into this world. Their will to live on is powering us. The power that powers inanimate objects is a demonic force, whereas the power that powers the living things is the Godly force purified to a greater extent than the fossil fuel. This belief has given me a fairly good idea, what God really is.
• India
15 Dec 10
As you rightly say everything is run by power.Similarly human beings are also run by some unknown power by whatever name you call it.In human beings also the power which is running the human beings can be called God.Man can create and run robots but they can never be substitutes to human beings.Will they show love and kindness as human beings.Certainly not.It is only that Godly power that makes a human being what he or she is today otherwise there is no place for good and noble qualities now seen in human beings