Family & Christmas

@Blondie2222 (28611)
United States
December 17, 2010 10:55am CST
So what is christmas all about for you? Is it about stressing to find money so you can buy everyone gifts or is it all about just being with you're loved ones and enjoying the day? I have no money this year to buy gifts and everyone in my family knows that and all they care about is just being able to spend time together. I'm all about that. I think buying gifts should only be for the little ones and us older kids should be just thankful for what we do have now and be with the ones we have around us because who knows if they'll be here with us the next day. My family is all about getting together all the time and having parties here n there. We never like to lose touch with one another although in the past we have but recently we all have reconnected again. I'm looking forward to christmas this year and this is my niece's first christmas she'll be almost a month old. Only 1 week and 1 day til xmas :).
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3 responses
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
18 Dec 10
Unfortunately, this year Christmas really isn't about a whole lot for us. Usually it's about family, but this year we were unable to make it back home to visit our family. Thankfully, we live near my grandparents, so we'll be spending the holidays with them, and we will be having a web cam to watch my little sister open her presents from us on Christmas morning, but that's about it! Presents are also pretty slim this year considering we have our first baby on the way and we're trying to save up for that. Hubby and I are getting each other a couple little fun things (and our joint gift is something we really need...a screen door!), so it'll be worth it overall. Still, it's a shame to not be able to spend the holiday season with family! I still can't believe how close we are to Christmas; I'm just not into the countdown this year, I guess.
• United States
18 Dec 10
I do not have much money for gifts, but I made homemmade baskets of goodies for my husband's family. I made sure we had enough money for gifts for my niece and nephews (aged 8 and triplets are 5 years old) then after that I made a list if who we really wanted to buy gifts for. My parents were on top, then my brother and sister. My husband and I are going to Nevada for Christmas this year so we can see my family. I am looking forward to it.
• United States
17 Dec 10
it doesnt matter how much you get others as long as they feel happy during christmas at least try to be kind and caring to everyone around you