Let It Sun,Let it Sun, Let it Sun The weather outside is delightful.

@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
December 17, 2010 11:05am CST
taking liberties with the old song Let It Snow. okay to those who love Snow my apologies as I am really happy with a green Christmas after all its really the Birth of Christ we are celebrating and if we live in a warm climate why not enjoy the fact? most of us are refugees from places where white Christmases were at times dreaded like being snowed in or lost in a blizzard or not getting mail as the roads are closed, whats fun about that. I love the sun and getting my mail on time. anyone else like a Green C hristmas. your take please?After all some places just do not snow at all. My son is 51 and has never seen a snow storm.
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36 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
17 Dec 10
Why the birth of Christ is associated with snow is beyond me. I would prefer a warmer climate, but without the big insects..lol
• United States
17 Dec 10
Well the impression you got I don't think is too far off. I don't speak about it because it may offend many, but if you want to know what I believe, let me know and I'll PM you. Yuck roaches, only one time have I seen them up close and I never want to see one again..
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@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
18 Dec 10
The Romans did their taxes in August, and the shepherds wouldn't have been out in the fields with the sheep in the winter so there is good evidence that Jesus was probably born toward the end of summer.
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• United States
18 Dec 10
Yep, you are getting close ElicBxn..:D
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• India
22 Dec 10
Dear Hatley i am 65, have never seen snow, because in india, we don't have snow in most places, i have seen snow only in movies, wish i visit Kashmir in north india soon with my wife and grand kids, where there is snow and play like kids, but my health is problem as i always say. Thank you so much for this discussion. Professor ‘Bhuwan’. . Merry Christmas HAPPY NEW YEAR
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 11
hi professor here it is April and we have had some warm days and lots of sun too.I can really sympathize with you and your wife. I feel like a ninny as I ate two donuts last night after having low blood sugar now feel groggy and my blood sugar stands at 280 which I am so ashamed of . why did I do that? I was so hungry as I was low bu t I never expected to go so high. yes diabetes is not really a lot of fun. my son saw snow only once when he was in kindergarten and it did not lastlong. and he is now 50 and will be 51 in June.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
17 Dec 10
It is not all that rosy to be in a tropical climate. The weather is fine but the heat is so hot that going outside is like being baked in the hot oven. I have to use double coat of sunscreen to protect my skin from the hot rays of the sun. Even going outdoor for few minutes will make the skin sweaty and sticky. But the cold winter is no better than the hot sun I guess. I don't think I like wearing layers of garments during winter. But I dream of having white christmas which I never experience.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Dec 10
hi zandi you are in a real tropical climate here we do h ave some really cold days so we do have sort of a winter in that the nights are prettyh cool down to forty and sometimes freezing but the days warm up and are up to 70 degrees and sometimes 80 degrees so its more temperate' and thats good,I lived in Arizona for several yearsa and it was really dreadful in the s ummer, the winters are great but th wage there were mild. here it is better. no snow. Merry Christmas
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
17 Dec 10
I'm with you Hatley, I like my sunshine Although today is rather a dreary looking day up here in the desert and it appears to have already rained a little. Still, better rain than snow
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Dec 10
hi fwidman all week long the weatherman says rain and it gets all black then by noon the sun hascome out. but we may get rain yet and thats okay I do not mind rain just not snow. Merry Christmas. I am having the oddest problems on my computer right now as other screens keep popping up and I have to delete them, I dont know what causes it but its most annoying.
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@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
26 Dec 10
It´s Christmas here, in the south hemisphere and tomatos are ripening in my garden, the apricot tree is full of it´s bounty and fake Santas are scalding themselves with those costumes while I´m at home in shorts. Yes, Hatley, it´s Summer here. No snow. Yes to the sun! I used to want to see a white Christmas and I got my wish when I was 11 and we went for a year and a half to the US. Fortunatly I was that age: I could not bear it at my age now. I not only like sun: I need it.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 11
hi marguicha now its April 19 and a mild sunny day with some clouds but no rain. I am so far behind what with 20 days spent in the rehab hospital and 13 days kept out of my room as my roommate was ill with shingles. so altogether 33 days off line. a lot of catching up to do. loll.now I am fighting the clock as we have lunch at 11 am just having had breakfast at almostg 8 oclock. I am never hungry as its too close to breakfast. we had a lot of unusually cold days here this year too.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 11
hi marguicha here it is Mar 22 and I am just commenting sorry I got way behind when I had that bad fall. now its still rainy off and on but still its officially spring. so hope we start getting much warmer weather.its been colder than usual for March so far here in Calfornia.
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
31 Mar 11
I hope you are feeling well now, friend. I was away for 2 weeks for vacations and now I´m just begining to organise real life again. We are having a mild and dry Autumn. The weather is not as it used to be
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
17 Dec 10
So glad that you have fine weather in your place well what's sunny and fair in your country would still be considered cold in mine. Guess we all appreciate a little cold wind cause we associate that with the smell of Christmas and consider it a break from the heat, same way the summer heat reminds us to take a vacation or a trip to the beach or the pool, wish you the best and hope it stays that way in your place always, perfect as you want it to be
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Dec 10
gremlins stole my comment lol You must be in a tropical climate I take it and thats fun too and when we get cold winds its' towards C hristmas too here. Have yourself a wonderful' Christmas and a great \New Year too. I am so hoping that 2011 brings some changes for the better in our economy. jobs for everyone for a change. lol.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
13 Apr 11
Well, I have lived where there are White Christmas almost every yr. and now I live where only occassionally have I seen one, and some yrs. very little snow to boot as well. For me, the only day I really ever wished it would snow is Christmas. I do enjoy the warmer weather though as well. Just too me I enjoy the scenery from a white christmas as long is it is not too bad to drive in.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 11
hi tina this year at Christmas Los Angeles actually had a snow storm. it did not last long but it definitely did snow.here now its April and we have already had two hot days in the 80's and some in the mid sevenies so spring is here and summers not far behind.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Dec 10
I do like the Snow Patsy it just seems to make Christmas more Christmas A white Christmas is what gives me the Christmas Spirit We might have it this year as we have had so much Snow over the last few weeks lol but again I guess it will stop snowing now and start again after Christmas Merry Christmas with much Love from me and your little Man in the Doggie Suit
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 11
hi gabs wow I am so behind I cannot believe it and now its April and am commenting back to you and my little man in the doggie suit Gissi I am even behind in all my email. but come to add it all up I was gone 20 days in the rehab hospital and then I no mofre than get back here for a few days then my roomie comes down with shingles. so they make me stay in a different room so now I have spent 33 days off the net. no wondr I am so behind.lol but I will get caught up one day at a time. So since I did not get to wish you and Gissi a wonderful Christmas I am wishing you a Happy april 19th instead. I mean we can still wish people other happy days for sure can we not. lol lol hugs three of them for you and Gissi and hope this finds you aNd gissi feeling great and happy too.
@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Here we are in April, the weather is just about perfect, and I have a cold. Yuk. It is beautiful and my fruit trees are in various stages of bloom. I planted new tulips last year and they have flowers as well. I am so glad you are done with the pain pills. Getting rid of that extra long walk helped too, I am sure. Of course it may have built up your strength even though it did hurt. Have a great day Hatley.
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@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
20 Apr 11
I cut some lilacs the other night - The smell is heavenly. I have all shades from white through pinks and lavenders.
We are having cooler days again. It seems the temps will bounce around. I have a bowl of lilacs inside to smell right now.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Apr 11
hi GardenGerty I am slowly but surely getting caught up now.today april 26th its 80 degrees out but our room is much cooler for some reason. mayb the sun had not warmed us up yet. gosh almost May and one of these days we will moaning again about the hot weather here. like steve one of our tablemates says we people are never satisfied. He is a nice guy and has on of those curved spines where he has to walk all bent over. for several day\s here it was gloomy with big black clouds but they all'blew away and no rain. Not that we need any more rain.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 11
higardengerty April already and we have had two days where it was above eighty and hot the spring flowers are up but here in California so many flowers and shrubs bloom all year around. but I love the jacaranda trees as suddenly now they will spring forth in tons of little purple bells and the tree is a big lilac colored ball and they smell really sweet not overpoweriong like Magnolia trees but a gentle sweet odor like night bloomning Jasmine. In tustin one whole street where the civic center is is lined with blooming Jacaranda trees and its a delight to be seen for sure.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Dec 10
I've never seen snow. I've been listening to the news about the weather in England and some places in the US and you can have those blizzards, low temperatures, slush, and all the other horrid stuff that goes with a white Christmas. Give me Christmas in the sun where it sizzles and I'll be as happy as an emu, mate. Cheers.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 11
hi mstickle and marquicha now I am really late getting back. march 22 and Spring is offically here. so far its not that warm forSouthern California either but am hoping it will warm up now.
• United States
28 Dec 10
You really are lucky to live in such a delightful place with perpetually good weather. We used to live in Florida and it's supposed to be some kind of paradise with pleasant weather all the time. But, that's just a myth. Florida is really a place of great weather extremes. During the summer, it hovers around 100 degrees, so scorching hot you can't go outside without burning. And, during the winter, it's easily in the twenties (sub-freezing temps). There was more than one night when my power went out during a hard freeze, cause of a local mishap with the power lines. And, we almost froze. It was hard to stay warm. I'm just so happy to be done with that place. Since relocating to Georgia, I've had the worst luck with my health and my family's health. But, at least the weather is predictable. Of course, it's cold now. But, we're prepared with some really great Walmart heaters that keep us all toasty warm. My daughter got to see her first snow last year, barely an inch on the ground, mostly ice. She insisted on going outside and then came back inside an hour later to report that her feet were blocks of ice. Of course, they weren't, but it was cute the way she said it. She made a miniature one foot tall snow man. Cutest thing I'd ever seen. Wish I'd had my camera then so I could take pics and share.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 11
four months later still playing catch up. lol its been cooler than usual and here it is Martch 22 smpw.spring is offical now. but its still chilly here and this is Southern California too.Iam playing catch u p and its taking me forever as I did not realize how behing I really was. then being out in the rehab hospital did not help my situation either.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
25 Mar 11
Hi. Hatley. I also love it when the sun is out on a cold wintry day. It is so pleasant then. I love the way that the air feels against my face. I have never seen a snow storm or a blizzard before. My aunt told me that we had a blizzard in this town many of years ago. This was before I was even born.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 11
hi cream oh my i wish I co uld say that. I grew up in South Dakota where most of the winter seemed one blizzard after another. I remember being in snow up to my waist when a farmer took us kids home f rom school as it was snowing and blizzarding so hard no cars could get through.we were all packed in on top of a big sled and the farmer had four big horses.boy was it cold but we were really dressed for it and we were actually having fun on a sleigh ride home and also looking forward to no school for probably a whole week.loll kids are so resilent, that trip wou ld have made a lot of adults ready to cry lol.
• Pamplona, Spain
24 Dec 10
Hiya Hatley, Oh yes let it Snow. But it is not snowing here at the moment it has been trying to but it has´nt given in yet. The Sun is still shining but it´s bitterly cold now. So we may well wake up to a Snow White Christmas Day. Your Son has never seen a Snow Storm? Well I never. I have walked to Work in so many frozen to the bone that indeed I would not have minded a green Christmas then. Green Christmas has it´s advantages too you are right. You can enjoy the Christmas Season but without all that cold Weather. My Home Town for example has been having temperatures of 18 degrees below zero at night for the past seven Days or more and heavy falls of Snow. So I think that they would welcome a green Christmas too. Home Town is Wolverhampton Staffordshire England U.K. Have always had the worst of all the Weather in the Winter from up North you know Lancashire and Yorkshire. Also we are very close to the border of Wales which is my favourite part of the U.K. Have seen the Weather over there too lot´s of Snow Falls really heavy ones. Have a really nice Christmas Hatley enjoy it the best way you can. Hugs. Sue.xxx
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 11
hi never dreamed I would not get b ack here until mar22 b ut I guess better late than never. the time I had to spend in rehab hospital'did not help either. bu t now convalescing at home I can again mylot. no he was brought up in Arizona then in California all warm climates wih no snow.here it is match22 and i am trying to comment back and am4 months behind. having dad a fall after Valentines day I had to spend 20 days in the rehab hospital. so now I am able to again mylot and try to respond to everyone and leave some commemts here. it rained on Chistmas this past year. now it has had some more rain but its really spring now so we should get some warm sunny days w
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 11
having dad a fall? wow I sure did not proof read that at all sorry and Match 22 I don't believe how sloppy I was writing and not even proof reading it.also what is that paragraph doing floating there and it does not connect with anything. lol Its April 19th here now.
@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
3 Apr 11
The city where i live has a hot climate, if you come here ever you will feel like sitting on a frying pan, there is no snow, what to speak of snow storm lol Even during winter nights temp remains around 16 degrees celcius, i have seen snow in movies only, mostly in love scenes, they sing songs, throw snow balls over each other.. Thanks for this discussion Happy posting, cheers. Namastey. Kalyani
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@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
10 Apr 11
Don't they make snow look romantic in the movies? The truth is you shiver and your nose gets red and runs and your eyelashes like to stick together. It is fun as long as you have a warm place to go inside. I do not think I would like to live someplace that was hot all the time either, but I like to have a taste of all seasons.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 11
hi Kalyni and Garden Gerty oh yes ineed all pretty white snow and pretty young things in pretty cold weather clothes. oh and rain I always see Gen Kelly singing and dancing in a rain storm,"singing In theRain" made rain storms look so appealing but in reality you are cold and wet and sneezing and blowing your nose.now way appealing at all,. I also miss not having real four different seaons here we have flowers growing all year round and p eople wear shorts almost every month but this past year it seems really colder here than usual. but I am also sure I would not like hot all y ear arouond either. humans are so funny as we are never really pleased with the weather. lol
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
17 Dec 10
I used to love my sunny Southern California Christmases. Right now it's looking more like a gloomy northern California Christmas.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 11
hi Dawn four months later. getting caught up thoughn we had a rainy Christmas and thus far its been much cooler than I am used to for this part ofthe state., today March 22 should be getting warmer.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
17 Dec 10
I honestly would not mind at all if I never see snow again, not after last winter! We got over eight feet of snow in total last winter and I hope I NEVER see that much again. Christmas is Christmas, snow or no snow. We have snow on the ground right now but it's only a couple of inches. THAT I can handle but, if we started having winters that never got cold enough for snow, I'd be extremely happy. Anyone who knows me knows that gardening is my first love and it makes me sad to see the gardening season come to an end and to have to put everything away for the winter. If we had green outside all year long, that would be SO nice. I honestly think I'm on the wrong coast. Hmmm, you know, it's very strange how snow became associated with Christmas, I mean, considering where the birth of Jesus took place.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 11
now its getting close to April and spring has just started. I am so looking forward to warmer weather and more sun shine.here in California we can grow most anything and we forget how it is in colder states. //
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
17 Dec 10
not going to jump on you for that girl. just last night i was thinking from how cold it is here and yet in phoenix we never see beautiful snow to make up for any dreadful cold. but since my knees was pretty cold, i thought maybe the kids were right and if i was back in ohio i couldnt stand it and would be complaining about that to
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Mar 11
hi bunnybon its now Mar22 and spring is begun s though its chilly' outside and windy today I am finally getting caught up on my discussions. four months back thats so behind. xc 8oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
21 Dec 10
Hi Hatley, I am very late with my responses so I hope the weather is still glorious where you are. We are in the summer here and it is very hot. The weatherman predicts Christmas day will be 38 degrees Celsius so it is going to be a tad warm to say the least! I saw snow when I lived in Northern Italy and we spent our holidays over the border in Switzerland. I wish I could afford to travel to Switzerland now from Australia! We could just drive there in less than a day back then! Anyway, that was the last time I ever saw snow!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 11
wow here I am april 18 and nust finishi9ng commenting on all my discussions. the weather has b een nice off and on with sporadic showers. its reported to be the wettest year here in Southern California in many years. we have more than enough water so am hoping no wild fires this coming fall.I have always wanted to visit Switzerland and see the alps too. but alas no traveling money.
@gdesjardin (1918)
• United States
20 Dec 10
I grew up in Chicago, so I have seen my fair share of snow storms. I now live down near Chattanooga, TN...where we rarely see a lot of snow, or so I thought. We recently moved up on a mountain, so we do see some snow and actually it has snowed several times this year already. Today the forecast says it is suppose to get up to the 50s today...yippee!! That is the weather we normally have for this time of the year. My husband has been freezing lately, but then again, he is originally from South Cali and 30-40 degree is freezing for him!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Dec 10
hi gdsjardin I know how your hubby feels as I am in Southern c aand you are right we are really cold at 30 to 4o degrees. I was born and raised in SouthDakota where we had tons of snow and super cold weather but I have not been back there in years so I am now acclimatized to this weather, right now we are in a five day rain storms aso its wet and cold here.lol We really are spoiled here.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
21 Dec 10
I used to live in a warm climate. And every year at Christmas time, I used to see these pictures of White Christmases and wished that I could experience one of those. And then we moved here. And then I learned to hate the snow (and driving through it). So, it became a 'be careful what you wish for...' I would love a green Christmas!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 11
hi bounce we had a cold foggy Christmas again this year. now its Ap ril 19th and we have already had a few days in the 80 ties.Mostly nice sunny days a few rains. we have more water than we have had in decades so am'bopin no wild fires in the fall. I do not and will not ever miss those snow drifts and blizzards and cold and well u gh.