Deal Reached On 9/11 Health Bill
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
December 22, 2010 12:36pm CST
FINALLY!! It appears that the bill to aid 9/11 responders will pass before Congress adjourns for the Christmas holiday after all!
What I find really interesting and rather sad is that it's being said Jon Stewart's
Daily Show attack on the Senate's lack of action on this might have been the difference.
Do you agree it's pathetic that a comedian on a "fake" news show does a better job of making our lawmakers see what's important than the "serious" media? Whatever, I say thank God for Jon Stewart; he's so much more than a comedian!
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8 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Dec 10
So now we'll get to see how much is spent to help these people.. but how little actually makes it to help these heroes.
As a side note, doesn't Obamacare make this kind of legislation moot? I mean, wouldn't all of these heroes be covered anyway?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
22 Dec 10
Just out of curiosity... New York Fire and Police have great medical coverage, and New York State has workman's comp laws that would cover illness and injury caused by on the job incidents. Have any of the 9/11 emergency workers ever been denied care?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 Dec 10
Don't get me wrong, I do want them taken care of. I just wondered about their regular benefits.
I was also having a little fun with Obamacare. :~D
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Dec 10
From what I've heard from some of the fire fighters and police that have been interviewed, many of them have used up all they had coming from the state and workman's comp. For many of them the symptoms didn't begin until several years after the attacks.
I certainly hope all the money allocated is used to help these heroes and I hope there will be lots of people watching to make sure it is. As far as the health care reform bill goes, maybe 2014 will be too late for most of these guys who are suffering from various rare forms of cancer among other conditions.
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@angeloglasser (134)
• United States
22 Dec 10
I'm glad to see something finally being done regardless of who caused our government to finally take notice. Its good to see that someone even if it is a comedian that finally made our government take notice. Its been far too long since 9/11, this should have been passed years ago. For many first responders its too little too late but at least this will help those who are still alive.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
23 Dec 10
Jon Stewart maybe a comedian that is hosting a spoof news show, but make no mistake, Stewart is as sharp as they come. I would rather hear his opinion on any subject than most from the "serious" media, especially over the opinion from the Faux News Network. I understand that Jon is a liberal, but his political bias doesn't bleed over like in does with the people who handle the "serious" media.
As to the 9/11 first responders health care bill, about time in deed. I am disgusted with Senate Republicans like Tom Coburn, who held this bill up. For a wing of the GOP who always wants to impose their Christian religious morality on to everyone, need they miss the part about the Good Samaritan?
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
24 Dec 10
Without the ""immoral" Republicans the trial lawyers would have gotten up to 1/2 of the money. The Republicans demanded and got a 10% cap on attorney fees so that the victims will receive 90% of the settlements.
Just when were the hearings? The House passed it on September 30, and the Senate was in recess starting at the close of business October 8, 2010. Hearing were held in June but that bill went nowhere. Once the House passed a new version of the old bill it was sent to the US Senate on September 30th the Senate had it less than 8 business days before they adjourned on October 8th.
Does the US Senate only listen to their agencies when it suits them. the EPA said the air was clean and posed no health risk so why is the government paying out for something that was not a risk? The EPA said carbon emissions are dangerous and they have to be regulated and we can be taxed more because of it and we accept it as fact. Is the EPA lying then or now??
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Dec 10
I think we've all heard of selective hearing and selective memory, right? Well, I think these folks have a kind of selective moral compass. Coburn is also dishonest as well as uncaring about the first responders. He made the claim they were trying to ram the bill through without hearings when there indeed HAD been hearings - from which Coburn just happened to be absent!
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
26 Dec 10
"I understand that Jon is a liberal, but his political bias doesn't bleed over like in does with the people who handle the "serious" media. "
What? Are you serious? I quit watching him over a year ago because he so darn bias. 

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
23 Dec 10
Isn't it nice that Senator Schumer can get the Federal Government to take money from the citizens to pay the health costs of people who went into a high risk occupation, just because they got sick by doing their duty. This bill was rammed through congress without the proper legislative procedures, hearings or costing done on it. At the same time a bill was introduced in May 2009, to correct an injustice that Congress committed in the name of saving money for the tax payer. I am referring to the Agent Orange issue. It was referred to committee (controlled by the Democrats) where it has been and will probably die. The difference is that these men and women would be able receive VA benefits but no more, just as the Firemen, Police and other rescue workers received in Workers comp and other benefits, but no more. These soldiers, sailors, and airmen were sent to Viet Nam to fight for our government and in many cases were forced by law to go there against their will (the draft) by the government. Where is the Moral outrage over this travesty. Of course the Viet Nam was was not popular with the liberals so it is OK to make these men and women follow the the proper procedures and then more will die and save the government money.
By what right does the US Congress have the power to give city employees in one city additional compensation for doing their job?
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
26 Dec 10

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
31 Dec 10
If they need help then do what the families of the 9/11 victims did and this is to appeal to the American People and ask for help by setting up a national charity. Congress has no legal authority to take yours and my money and give it to someone else just because a majority of them feel it is a good cause. Nothing is stopping Congress from forming a charity to help these people and donating their own money as a start, but IT IS NOT THEIR MONEY TO SPEND ON WHAT THEY FEEL IS A GOOD CAUSE! They have a public trust to manage the tax payers money in a legal and responsible manner.
No where in the Constitution does it say that Congress can spend money on any good cause they feel like, even though they do it all the time.
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
26 Dec 10
OK, I admit that I read this post to see if you mentioned Sarah Palin in it since you're so obsessed with her. lol
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
24 Dec 10
Good for responders who will actually get help that they not only need but earned.
It's easy for someone to say--and not saying that people are saying this--that it's someone's "job" to rush into a building since they've signed up for it and thus they don't require extra benefits. Sht. I'll tell you honestly - I probably don't have the peaches to do that, my job or not. I'd sing Johnny Paycheck and stay back.
I could sit here and say a buncha yada yada patriotism crap, but I can't say that I'd rush to save lives instead of saving myself. I really can't. I woulda helped that fat man up who fell at Wal Mart, and I might escort an old lady across the street, but I probably really don't have that "hero" gene in me.
I'm wondering something in general, and I don't care where you (in a general sense) stand "politically."
Why does every single issue of such magnitude buckle unequivocally to demagoguery?
It is the right thing to do to take care of true American heroes. It is not the right thing to do to put it off extensively and then bring it up with this faux sense of urgency and point the finger back and forth, playing the emotional card, and using it for political benefit!
It's disgusting! And I see that even some of the usual holy-rollin', I-approach-things-level-headed-and-logically folk among us are doing it the most. Do they realize?
It's not pathetic, in my opinion, for a celebrity in popular culture to basically scare people into making a decision. We utterly worship celebrities. Harry Reid defers to Lady Gaga, I hear.
I do find "pathetic" in there, though, but more on the end of everyone else in America still voting these idiots into office simply because they talk a big game and have that world's-most-important R or D attached to their name.
Pass healthcare or you want people to die!
Block it or the commies are coming!
You're racist to ask for proof of citizenship!
Ignore every other piece of garbage we shove into bills, read only the text we highlighted, and pass it or else you don't care about anything anywhere but yourself and you'll burn in hell for eternity for being Hitler f'n HITLER!
Our ingenious civilization-building ancestors BT (Before Twitter!
) would be amazed people have made it this far without a single shred of common sense.

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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
26 Dec 10

@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
24 Dec 10

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