India well placed in many areas,do you agree

December 26, 2010 5:12am CST
India is a country that accepts all countries as their friend including China and Pakistan. It has many religion and all people live peacefully. Only Politician wants to divide them to get their vote bank. India is aiming to get a berth in United Nations Security Council. But , still it is a distant dream. The image of the country lies on the Politician who rules the country in the democratic set up. But, of late because of the corruption the image is getting down. It is the right time for all the politician join together to eliminate the corruption in all levels. An ordinary man should get his job done at his door step on his approach to any Government offices. What do you say on this?. will it happen in our Country India?.
1 response
@Baluyadav (3643)
• India
29 Dec 10
hi,venkat,its all true,but there is 50% mistake from our side also.In India,can we see responsible citizens in reasonable number...who are giving bribes...we can't blame only politicians,there is a mistake on our part also.No body will come and change this situation.We ourselves has to initiate and realize our way of living in society as a social responsible person.
• India
29 Dec 10
When money power with politician support try to exploit with bribe many as a responsible citizen can be a spectator to the event.Sincere citizen voice is not heard. In my case many of job I want to go straight in the Government office but I got to struggle and bring pressure from the known higher official to get my job done.And in the process, our work gets delayed. As a sincere citizen, I got to suffer because of undue delay.It is the higher level bribe makes the lower to get bribe.Unless the attitude of the politician changes , nothing can bring peace and happy life in any country.