Wardrobe Malfunction?

@shattered (1728)
December 26, 2010 8:57am CST
It's nothing crazy like Janet Jackson's super bowl fiasco, more like the Mentos commercial malfunction where the heels of the girls sandals broke off. Remember that commercial? Well a similar thing happened to my wife earlier and we had a hard time stopping ourselves from laughing! It happened as we were on our way to a friends wedding we dropped by a mall to buy her gifts and voila! It happened. What about you, have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction? If yes, what did you do about it?
5 responses
• United States
27 Dec 10
Awwh about your wife's heel, I bet she was so very upset. As I am sure she planned the perfect shoe with her outfit. Good thing it happened near the mall, so to pick up a new pair of shoes. For me one time we were headed out for a day of fun with friends, so I wore these special thong pretty heel slippers with this summer dress. I felt so good as I felt I looked really cute and received many compliments on the way out the door, well as luck would have it the darn slipper, the part that fastens around the toes broke. I was no where near a store and it would have been too late. So I had to return home and it spoiled my outing as I felt embarrassed as many of you many laughed at me.
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
27 Dec 10
That's really bad, specially if your prepared for it for quite some time. We were near the mall but we never thought about buying a new shoe as it would have taken her longer to choose! Instead we went home and grabbed her second choice, we almost missed the event but made it it in time as they suffered delays as well We just laugh about it now and decided never to where shoes to important events that have not been used in a while or at least checked thoroughly
@maezee (41988)
• United States
26 Dec 10
For sure! The biggest wardrobe malfunction I had this weekend was (if this counts) my pantyhose got runs in them (very quickly), and I had to cosntantly be pulling up the top of my strapless dress. But nothing crazy bad.
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
27 Dec 10
It counts and that must have been annoying! having to constantly worry about our wardrobe sucks! Good thing nothing crazy bad happened the entire night right?
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
26 Dec 10
I had the most embarrassing situation at the airport once when I was about to board the plane. The rubber heels of my shoes just gave way and I have to drag my legs all the way to the plane. The crumbled rubber heels of my shoes left black marks on the spotless clean shiny marbled floors of the airport up to the plane. Upon reaching my destination I have to rush to the nearest shoes shop to buy a new pair shoes. Shoes that are kept too long without using usually won't last long even though it was a pair of Hush Puppy brand of shoes that I wore.
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
27 Dec 10
Yeah shoes that are not used for some time have a way of breaking down when you need them! It really is embarrassing when it happens. BUt after a while you get to laugh about the experience.
@cssiduyz (1053)
• Indonesia
26 Dec 10
yes, but sometimes
27 Dec 10
nope,i haven,t realized that one..