How to take care our Hair and bring back the natural gloss?

December 27, 2010 1:55am CST
I remember when I was only in grade school I like putting lots of clips on my hair. And my hair has a natural straight shinny gloss. Until the time when I was in high school. My sister advice my to undergo Hair Straitening for my graduation day. And that is the beginning of having a dead hair. As times goes by my hair turned to dry and develop into having a wave. In my college life used to undergone a hair rebonding because I want to look good and have no time to fix my hair before school. And now after graduation I don't like to put lots of chemicals on my hair but it sounds like its getting late. What would you suggest for me t bring back my natural hair? Thanks! God bless! Happy New Year!!
7 responses
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
21 Feb 11
Hi. daiweian06. You may need a fortifying shampoo and conditioner to bring back the radiance to your hair. Pantene is a great product for shine and brilliance.
2 Mar 11
Right now Im using Pantene shampoo and conditioner and after how many weeks nothings change. May be because of hair coloring. So that I need more oil to my hair and I want to bring back the natural gloss and natural straight hair. I still want to try hair straightening just to experience good hair again. Good day! God bless!
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
Happy New Year too! Well, to bring back the natural gloss of your hair, there are so many ways. You just have to keep it healthy and don't have too much hair treatments. Well, it depends. My hair had also undergone hair treatments that's why it doesn't look that good anymore. Having a natural hair looks more healthy so try also to use natural remedies for your hair like coconut milk. After taking a bath, do not towel dry your hair too much. Let it dry naturally.
3 Jan 11
Yes and now Im looking for natural remedies. Too much chemicals really had a bad reaction after several months and years. You can see the reaction on how harmful is the chemicals. What more on medicines that we feed to our body. Anyways, If there's much time I will do that again. I will use coconut milk. Last time we try this is when I was in College. It needs much time to prepare and I will try this on my own. Good day! God bless! Happy New Year!!
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
27 Dec 10
Hello friend, what i do for my hair is to use natural products sometimes about it. Soon i read a girl here, who said that healthy eating helps a lot. It got sense for sure, i've read it that healthy eating effect pretty good on the hair and nails and not only that, but our shapes are great when we eat more fruits and vegetables, because that's how we take vitamins. What i do sometimes, but not very often lately, are masks. With yogurt and eggs, with honey, with different natural products. I can't say that my hair looks amazing, because we are two smokers at home, the air out of home is so dirty, because the big companies are throwing their dirty air out to the nature, cars and everything is making dirty the air around us. I don't use bought cosmetics, because their prices are large and they pretend to put natural products in, but i'm never sure what is there in one bought mask or shampoo. This is why i use cheap shampoo, but i dry my hair with dryer every time i wash it. That's how if i have the right hairstyle, my caring for the hair will be senseless, because the hairstyle is very important. I always choose something easy for care - like not too much chemicals, without gel or polish for hair.
29 Dec 10
Egg white or mayonnaise? I've heard about that in the television. Some artist also doing the same thing at home. What I am using right now is the natural aloe vera in the backyard. We often eat fruits and vegetable here and I m also a health conscious. Very lucky to have a small waistline and a little figure. You mean the pollution also harms our hair too? So sad to hear this. May be ot only for our hair but to our organs and body. Oh your so cool. Since I have this hair type lately I usually ponytail my hair everyday. I don't have any confidence to show my hair condition. Good day! God bless! Happy New Year!!
• Philippines
27 Dec 10
i think my hair is a little damaged and i have to apply cream silk treatment to it. i cannot even have it relaxed in the parlor cuz i have hairdye and its contraindicated. so i guess i need a rebond. that would fix my hair
• Philippines
27 Dec 10
You can let your hair grow have it trim every two months to let your own natural hair grow. For the meantime you can use shampoo every other day only. Use conditioner everyday. I can say that it works for my mane since I have let my hair be rebonded a year ago and it grew curly but not that curly and quite lifeless. This advise that I'm sharing is what the hair professional told me.
28 Dec 10
Thanks for reminding me about to cut my hair every 2 months. What I've heard is 1 inch every month. Tomorrow I will buy a conditioner since I haven't using conditioner since I got dandruff from it. I shampoo my hair everyday and feel so dry. But I think its advisable to shampoo our hair everyday since we have a very hot weather here. But this December we feel a little cold. God bless! Happy New Year!!
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
28 Dec 10
My hair has been straightened since i graduated from college. Fortunately though, it didn't dry out. Maybe because knowing that hair straightening is harsh for the hair, i really take care of my hair. I shampoo and condition it every other day only. Everyday would dry out your hair too. Twice a month instead of conditioner , i would use a hair treatment. I never use hair dryer because that too could make your hair brittle and dry. I dry them thru the electric fan and never go out with hair wet because that will attract all the dust into your hair which will cause dandruff. I also see to it that after i put on the conditioner, i would wash my undies , scrub my toes so it could stay a minimum of 5 mins. on my hair. Believe it or not, i never experienced split ends nor dry hair. I simply take good care of my hair.
29 Dec 10
I undergone a several hair straightening and rebond. I started doing it since high school. In my College days may be once to twice a year. I will try that. I will just shampoo my hair every other day. And conditioner everyday for a good scent. Before I always dry my hair thru the electric fan but my father don't want me to do that again. According to him the air will go inside my head. Woah! Thanks for a very good tip. Wish I can also help you in other concern. God bless! Happy New Year!!
• Indonesia
27 Dec 10
hi there. i also have a smooth and good hair when i was at school. now, my hair is hard and browny after i have smoothing my hair. when i was at school, i usually use conditioner and shampoo for smooth hair. it is really can make my hair smooth cause i use them both everyday. i also like to comb my hair. you can try to use conditioner and shampoo. you can also use creambath and vitamin to make your hair soft and smooth. but don't blow your hair with hair dryer, it will makes your hair worse. it is also good to try a natural sources for your hair, like aloe vera.. apply it to your hair everyday.. hope it is helpful for you :)
28 Dec 10
Im using shampoo everyday and not with conditioner. Because I've notice that in consistently using conditioner i also started to have a danruff. There's a brand of shampoo that stays in our hair longer and turned into dandruff. I think too much chemicals can harm our hair too. That's why even we used expensive shampoo we still suffering this kind of hair type. Thanks for the informative information. God bless! Happy New Year!!