Dreams that feel real???

@ANIME123 (2466)
United States
December 27, 2010 4:17pm CST
Ok so my question that I am asking today is if you have ever had those dreams that feel so real like you are aware what is going on and than when you wake up you have to think for a bit did that really happen or was it just a dream. Dreams kind of scare me sometimes because a lot say that they are usually uncocious desires. Well I have had those falling dreams too not a big fan of those at all. Still today I woke up and I felt really weird because it just felt so real like I was able to actually remember everything that happened. So what about you have you ever had drams that feel so real???
10 responses
27 Dec 10
Hi i think every one has that kind of dreams and when we awake up than we realize that this was only a dream and was not happened in real so we wish for that,and if we see any scary dream oh thank god that did not happen in real,so just mix of both......
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
29 Dec 10
I know right when it's a scary dream I am always happy that it was not real like when I dreamed about zombies that one was a real shocker for me. I kept dreaming that one everytime I stayed up and watched my brother play zombie mode on call of duty black ops was really scary.
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
28 Dec 10
Hi Anime, I do have dreams that are sometime a bit unnerving, however, I have had several dreams that have actually come true. They played out exactly like they were in my dreams. I have learned to really pay attention to my dreams because for me and my dreams there is a connections. I hope you can figure out what the significance of your dreams.
@bettydeng5 (1822)
• China
28 Dec 10
Your topic scared me. because I screamed and woke up from my dream this earlier morning, now I still remember. I dreamed the theft with knife crashed into my room, and threaten us to give money and my laptop, I scared and screamed from my horrible dream. I really don't hope the dream will be real thing. That's horrible. Though I can't believe if it is true, but hope it can't be true. Certainly, if I dreamed wonderful dream, I hope it can be realized in my life. Lol.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
28 Dec 10
Yes , always. But it's weird that in my dreams i am always late. Such as the party has started , yet i was still taking a bath and quite frantic already. Or there was an excursion , yet i was left behind by the bus. I just don't mind them anymore because it might give me worry which is unhealthy. However, for the past months i don't remember having a dream. It was said that dreams happens when you are so deep in your sleep. Maybe i am always half awake. LOL
@cssiduyz (1053)
• Indonesia
28 Dec 10
Dreams are the subconscious experience involving sight, hearing, thinking, feeling, or other senses in sleep, especially during sleep accompanied by rapid eye movements. The incident happened in a dream usually impossible in the real world, and beyond the power of the dreamer. The exception is in a dream called lucid dream. In this dream, the dreamer realizes that he was dreaming when dreams are still ongoing, and is sometimes able to change the environment in his dream and to control some aspects of the dream. Dreamer also can feel the emotion when dreaming, for example the emotion of fear in nightmares. The study of dreams is called oneirologi.
• Austria
28 Dec 10
I also sometimes have dreams that feel totally real, but I cannot remember of one of them at the moment. Or sometimes I hear something in my dream, and then I wake up and realize that this noise is real. In my dream it only sounded a little different, so distant, as if it was much further away.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Dec 10
hi amime yes it is one I have had several times usually when I am feeling ill or very tired. but it starts out with me and some friends'we go to eat in this cafe before we go shopping at Pennys store.I seen to know this town really well. so I want to go shopping but the rest are not yet ready so we agree to meet in JC Penny's dress deparment. I start out and in a few minutes realize something is very wrong and I cannot find the street or the JC Pennys and I ask pedestrians that I meet along the way. Nobody knows even the city I believe I am in so iL keep walking and come into an industrial area where earth machinery is making new buildings and I stumble over rubble til I find an office building and I am so scared. I ask the people in this office if I may borrow their phone to call a cab and they tell me yes. so I dial the cab to take me to the mall of orange, then when they tell me there is no mall of orange in this city I am crying and of course now I wake up.oh the relief to find I am home and not lost at all. but why I keep having this mean and ugly dream is beyond me. its always such a relief to wake and know it was just a dream.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
28 Dec 10
Hi sweetie. I had some dreams that really felt so real it usually upset me the whole freaking day. The falling one's are the worst of all. Wonder why they have to feel so darn real? TATA.
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
28 Dec 10
Yeah had dreams that felt so really that I was still trying to catch my breathe after waking up! The funny thing is I can;t remember my dream! It's juts that I felt so tired and out of air, felt like I was running away from something. I also have that falling dream, not a big fan either!
• Philippines
28 Dec 10
Most of the dreams that I have feel so real. The settings involve people that I'm with almost everyday, the place involves places that I'm always at or places that I've been in the past. It feels awkward and sometimes scary.