how to get more traffic into your blog?

South Korea
December 28, 2010 11:08pm CST
i am in blogging but i dont have any idea how to get more blog traffic to visit my blog.any idea out there?
3 responses
• United States
3 Jan 11
I think I need to write a discussion on this very subject. After having 3 failed blogs, one about making money online and 2 for personal things I ended up making a family/review/fashion blog and in less than 6 months have gotten over 1,500 readers and we are now hitting about 1,700 unique's in one month. Now this is not a record or newsworthy but still is quite impressive for under six months. We are so new we don't even have a page rank yet, can you believe it? So what we do is nightly we post the blog hops for the next day and is htose you have to follow people so they can follow you back. A lot of people don't like to do that and now that we are bigger we dont have have to follow so many back, we have giveaways for free items and that brings in a lot of traffic so we only follow a few now. But to get you going its a good step then when you get bigger you dont have to follow either. Let me know if you need more ideas. Our blog is listed in our profile and you can see the blog hops in the evening once we post.
• India
30 Dec 10
Best way is to comment on others blog and interact with them regularly. That will bring directed traffic.
@elkanwa (626)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 10
Blog walking is the simplest and easiest way to drive traffic to your blog. First you can visit others blog and leave good comments in there and ask to the blog owner to visits your blog. Do surf to blog that have good traffic and frequently update. So that you can get good quality backlink. Submit you blog to blog directory like my bloglog or similar site. Put your updated post to Twitter or facebook both are good to drive traffic to your blog. have a nice day...