My dream Board

Dream Board - my dreams that may happen in the near future
December 30, 2010 2:07am CST
Have you heard about being positive will lead more blessing? And once you started your day irritated you will be sad for the whole day? Everything are possible to happen if that's what we want. I still remember the time that I want to go to Singapore. What I did is to post pictures on my Facebook account. Then after several months I been there. And everything that happens in our life whether we like it or not, we ATTRACT it! What your opinion about this? Good day! God bless! Happy New Year!!
3 responses
• United States
30 Dec 10
I don't think we can say that we attract absolutely everything...we do have to choose what kind of attitude we will have no matter what we face. But I certainly didn't "attract" a tragic automobile to my son to render him handicapped. I choose in the situation to keep a positive outlook and to always tell him how good he's doing - no matter what it all looks like!
20 Feb 11
Whether we like it or not we do. Like before anything has happen we do feel it on. And when it all happens we did say that "We feel it". It happens to me many times. I can say that I have a good feeling about everything. Sometimes I feel it and sometimes are not. May be I have to focus in this talent. Haha. Yes, whatever happens to your son just keep on supporting and guiding him whatever it takes. You must be there for him and give some advice to give him some strength and be whole again. Good day! God bless!
@marguicha (221915)
• Chile
30 Dec 10
I think that thinking posivite can help us and that thinking in a negative way will get us nowhere. But to think that everything is possible is asking too much of life and I stopped doing that a long time ago. Life has hard times. But we learn from them. Take care!
20 Feb 11
Don't ask questions on how things may happen on you. Just believe that everything will happen as what you really want in the future. Life is so short we never know what gonna happen in the near future but let's us help some guidance from our beloved God. Life has a hard time and we learn from it. It's very true. Actually everything that happens has a good reason and purpose in this life. So better not to ask questions and just accept whatever it is. Good day! God bless!
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
30 Dec 10
I believe that having a positive attitude can help us achieve our dreams but it does not only end there, we also have to work hard in order to achieve our goals and dreams in life. I think the dream board is a very good tool to remind each of us what we are aiming for so that we can constantly check and evaluate our directions if we are heading the right way
20 Feb 11
You got it. And it is also a attraction board means help us a lot on what we really want in life. To help us in our focus and give more emphasis on what we need to do and our target too. Of course! We all want to do our best and be successful in the future. Whatever it takes we can achieve it on a near future. Good day! God bless!