Is that true? Some one told me that laptops are not good?

December 30, 2010 9:12am CST
I want to buy laptop. But every one is telling me to not to buy it? They telling me that laptops work is not so good? They dont work like desktops do? Their processor does heat up alot and they stuck or hangs? I told them i want to buy new i3 or i5 technology. Than they said that their efficiency is not good, it heats up more than usual? Are these things really true? Or just a propoganda han? Please i need expert reply also if you are using laptops tel me too. How are they?
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32 responses
@derek_a (10873)
30 Dec 10
I have a laptop and a desktop and the desktop cost less yet it are more powerful and much faster. Therefore I would say that if you have the space, always go for a desktop and get the highest spec you can afford. If you do a little research, I think you will find that desktops definitely give you more bang for your buck. Good luck. Happy New Year.. _Derek
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@derek_a (10873)
2 Jan 11
That is great! I am pleased you got a desktop core i3 that gives real good performance. I think you will find that it is far better for your money than a laptop. I think laptops are only good if you are going to be away a lot from your house or place of work. _Derek
• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
yes, you are right i am usually in my school where i teach and after that i am in university.. so for that i will buy a laptop soon.. when i will get some money or i will get a good second hand laptop.. what do you say?
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• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
atlast i bought a desktop corei3 that is very very fast.. i am liking it.. i am happy that i havent wasted my money
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@diamania (7011)
• Netherlands
30 Dec 10
They can heat up to the point that vital parts of the laptop melt. But really that only happens if you block the vents with your (hot) legs for a long time while playing resource 'munching' games, then perhaps that might happen. But it's not true that they're so bad that you shouldn't buy them. In fact they're not even bad. Laptops are reliable. You just mustn't toss them or fiddle around with them. ;-)
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• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
humm... nice suggestion but i bought desktop thanks for your response
• United States
2 Jan 11
If you leave them on a desktop without anything under neath them they will never over heat. They vent and cool from the bottom, so if you blkock the cooling vents, of course they will then overheat. You have the same concerns with a desktop, if you block the cooling vents, the WILL over heat to destruction
• Pakistan
8 Jan 11
yeah, i have got it, thank you very much for your explanation next time when i have good amount of money i will buy a laptop :) thanks for your response too
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
30 Dec 10
I have both a laptop and a desktop. I have not found any problem in using my laptop. But I felt that desktops are more user friendly than the laptops. All laptops heat if you use for a long time and the cheaper ones do more than the costlier ones. In my opinion you could proceed and buy a good and branded one.
• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
yes, you are right that systems are more user friendly than a Laptop. that is why i have bought a desktop too.. thanks for your response :)
• India
30 Dec 10
Yes it is always true that Laptops are not good as desktops. In laptops there is very limited up gradation. But in desktop this is not the case. Also laptops are costly as compared to desktop. Further the laptops processor are also slow as compared to desktop. In case you want mobility then only you think of buying a laptop or else go for desktop.
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@llbo1981 (1236)
• China
2 Jan 11
Whether the laptops are good or not depend on your requirement.If you want to move your computer frequently,you'd better use your laptop in daily life.If you use your computer at home only,you'd better use desktop,it is good for that situation
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• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
thanks every one for replying :) i was little busy so that i why i am unable to reply every one here. but all of you thank you very very much for your response. all the responses were very good and i liked them :)
@fpsninja (874)
30 Dec 10
It is true that laptops are more expensive, and less "good" than their PC counterparts. If you are planning on just using your laptop at home, i would just get a pc instead, it cools down better, and will last longer, as well as be cheaper or have higher specs. Furthermore, it will be easier to upgrate, as you can easily take of the metal or plastic surrounding, and stick in a new processor or whatever you want to replace. But, if you need portability, then i would go for a laptop. But i wouldnt go for the top of the range laptop unless you really needed it, as they tend to be very heavy, have poor battery life, and yes, they can overheat a bit
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• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
thanks :)
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
30 Dec 10
I have a laptop and it is a good one. The point is that you cannot use it for hours at a time. I keep mine on a portable desk and my sons got me a desk that I can put on my legs. That prevents the heat getting on me. I also heard there is a stand that raises it up so there is ventilation under it. I do not know how that would work as for it to work it would have to be for a specific size or adjustable so that the vent underneath is free from the surface. Yet I have been told that you cannot put any lift under the laptop or the hard drive would go all screwy.
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• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
thanks for your response
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
30 Dec 10
If laptops are not good, then it won't be saleable in the market. But laptops are selling like hot cakes today and new models are being introduced every month. There are more demand for laptops then desktop because of its convenience. Of course there are some deficiencies with some models but that can be overcomed with careful usage.
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• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
hello zandi.. nice going han... well i have bought a desktop for now but i will buy a laptop next time when i have some money for it.
• United States
30 Dec 10
We've owned both desk tops and laptops, and I prefer the laptop for portability. It's true though that they do heat up quickly so you need to use a cooling pad or cooling fan. Having used both the pad and fan, I'm in favor of the fan. I've had to use a pad for now because my cat kept chewing through the wires to my fan so until I figure out how to eliminate that bad habit I just don't go online as much as I used to. I am not so much concerned about "storage" as I have learned from personal experience is best to backup all data on storage drives. We still have our desktop which crashed years ago in safe keeping until we can afford to have the memory taken off it. Apparently it's not just a simple fix, and we're looking at a level 3 which is quite a bit of money. So, I would go with what you are comfortable with. My husband is completing his bachelors and I am completing my thesis so laptops work for us so we can take our work with us. Namaste-Anora
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• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
thanks for your response my dear friend
@vandana7 (101260)
• India
30 Dec 10
Hi Nina - sometime ago I did start a discussion because I wanted to buy a laptop instead of my PC if and when my system gave way. But I chose to postpone my decision. My PC has lasted almost 7 years and looks good enough for another 3 to 5. :) But the advise my friends gave me here was excellent. Yes, laptop heat up. We in our sub continent have to be more careful than the rest. This is because our climates are bad, extreme climates. Apart from that we have dust, and most of the time no power to run the air conditioner. So my personal advise to you is go for Compaq's new desktop that is as good as a laptop. In India it costs somewhere around Rs.25000. It would be around that range in your parts of the world as well. And yes, my father does have trouble with his laptop which he bought just two and a half years ago, and he raids my system at such times which is not a nice thing because I never raid his system.
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• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
thanks for your response sister, i have bought desktop core i3,500 gb with 2 gb ram it is very very fast........
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
30 Dec 10
You see once you know how to treat a laptop you will have no problems. If you need a laptop go ahead and buy it. Laptops are just easier to heat up ONLY because users tend to block the air vents. A lot of people just because laptops are portable, tend to use it on their beds and on their laps, thus blocking the vents. Laptops suppose to be use on flat surfaces so the air is more able to reach the vents and circulate throughout the whole laptops. From you know how to really take care of the laptop you will have no problems with it. I would say to go ahead and buy it.
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• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
thanks for your response
• United States
31 Dec 10
Well I have a laptop it's an HP pavilion with an intel processor. I have had it for 4yrs now and I use it everyday for work, school and socializing, oh and I also use it for gaming. It use to over heat a lot but it was because I used to have it on my lap without anything underneath so it can breath. Once i got a laptop holder so now I can have it on my lap and air circulates so it won't over heat. I love my laptop I go everywhere with it. Try doing that with a desktop. Anyway it's really up to you. Just make sure you buy extra warranty trust me it's worth it. Oh and never put it directly on your lap or on the couch or bed with out the proper mat for underneath the laptop. Well I hope this helped and good luck.
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@marrie1 (255)
• United States
2 Jan 11
I'm on a laptop right now and as long as you are careful you should be fine. I'd envest in a cooling mat as well to keep the bottom where the hard drive and processer coll and don't stick your laptop in the sun and what not. I love my laptop very much!
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• United States
31 Dec 10
most Laptopts you but 'On Sale" for less than $400 are built with anitquated hardware and Opersating systems. While they WILL do everything the manufactutrer claims, they will do it slow. I have bought and/or built several laptops for peopl recently , 1ofr those for my son who runs a business and one for my wife who is tickled pink and notices little difference from her former desktop. Acer and Dell Make the best laptops. Look for laptops that are intel i5 processorsw/at least a 3 mg cache, 64 bit OS, 4+ Mg of memory, DDR3 1066 or greater, A Sata Hard drive with a speed over or not less than 700. A fast Cd/dvd Drive again a SATA(SATA is a fast type connection for hardware). ALso get a Good fast Wireless card built in, you will appreciate the addded speed while on wireless. This is an example of a Laptop has on sale today that would be a great Laptop: Well this wont lest me paste so if you go to and search for item # A180-15652 ON You will see the kind of features you should look for. To those who advise against a laptop or complain of it being too slow, that is becuase they didnt step it up to what they wanted or haveno idea how to evaluate what they want. AS i said, you can easily get a laptop that works equally fast as a desktop. I hope this helps. If you have any question contact me.
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• Jamaica
2 Jan 11
The A180-15652 ON is no longer available for sale. There were other similar ones there though.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Jan 11
I have been using a Laptop for over 2 years now and I would never go back to a Desk Top I still do everything on my Laptop that I used to do on the Desk top Yes they do get hot but you can buy a Cooler Pad which will keep it cool and they do not cost that much Make sure when you do purchase one that it has no less then 2GB and you will have no problems at all I love my Laptop and would never go back to Desk top
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
8 Jan 11
Cooler Laptop - This is one but there are loads of different ones
A cooler Pad is is where you put the Laptop on top and it has Fans which will keep the Laptop cool at all times
• Jamaica
14 Jan 11
I saw one for the first time myself in December. My son got one for Christmas from a relative in Canada. He had known about it but I didn't. It really works too!
• Pakistan
8 Jan 11
cooler pad?? what is that?? i have heard this thing first time? please will you explain what is it?
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
31 Dec 10
Hi nina_khan, before owning my personal laptops, most of the people advise me that it's more beneficial to work on desktop than laptop. But I wonder why as majority of them are happy working on thee laptop. I finally made up my mind to purchase one to see how true their saying is. My decision is correct fully for I find it's more convenient to use a laptop. No bulky cpu as well as the two separately lcd and keyboard. My pc desk look always decent and tidy with only a single laptop. The device doesn't get heat if it's placed nicely on hard and flat surface. It would be dangerous only if a laptop is placed on soft stuff like mattress, sleeping pad, cushion which would block the ventilation. It would heat up for sure if one doesn't follow the safety precaution of using laptop I have a laptop stand with fan but I rarely use as I find it's not so comfortable when the device is placed on the stand. It still serves its purpose very well after it has been used for three years or so. It would hang only if inappropriate program installed. It restores as usual when the undesired installation is removed automatically by the anti virus fit Happy posting
• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
thanks for your detailed response and i happy that you have bought a laptop and found that it is working great. next time when i have money i will go and buy a laptop too..
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
6 Jan 11
You are most welcome nina_khan It's a great pleasure to get new device we desire to possess. As what I know a laptop usually could serve its purpose well for a few years only. Since I have been using my laptop for almost three years. this means that I have to save enough money to get a brand new one. I hope there would be a replacement before my current one couldn't function anymore. I depend my laptop terribly. I could hardly live without a pc. For the sake of safety I save part of my earning every month. Hopefully the lifespan of my laptop could last longer until the money amassed is sufficient to get a new replacement. Hope that you could get a new laptop as well. It's quite convenient to have a portable laptop as we could work and surf net at anywhere. Wish you all the best and happy posting
• Jamaica
31 Dec 10
Nina_khan, the advise that fpsninja gave you is pretty correct. My son builds pc's and he also repairs laptops. when he was going to get a new one he went on the internet and went through the specs that he wanted and then got the best that he could afford. It is pretty powerful but he is careful to make sure that it doesn't overheat. You have to look for battery time, memory and any other software that you want it to come with. While you are adding the items they will tell you the price so you can add or drop items as you go along. I have a laptop too and Pc and the pc is more comfortable to use at home, for me, but the laptop is really convenient when you go somewhere.
• Jamaica
2 Jan 11
He builds desktops, not laptops, but he repairs laptops. To build laptops he would have to import the parts himself and that would be to expensive for him.
• Pakistan
2 Jan 11
thats great that he repairs them, i built my own PC. that is how it was more cheaper for me.. now i have a great PC.
• United States
31 Dec 10
if he builds them, as i di, he obviosly needs to get more knowledge on the hardware compatibilities. I have never built one that over heats.
• India
31 Dec 10
I have got both Laptop as well as Desktop. Each has its own value and usefulness. Laptops are very good especially if you want to carry them. Desktops are good if you have put in lots of time into your work. So, you decide. As far as heating up.... I do not think it should be much of a problem. You can always use a Fan to reduce the effects of heat.
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@rog0322 (2828)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
7 Jan 11
Hi nina, Nice buy for your iCore. I have been a comp tech for sometime now and I found laptops could not yet come up with their deskbound brothers in terms of reliability. For one, it can't run 24/7 as most desktops do. If a laptop goes into hardware trouble, we usually recommend throwing it away and buy a new one, which costs a fortune for us here. When desktops do the same, we just open the case of the system unit, take out the erring component, plug in another compatible replacement part, and its up and running in a matter of minutes (unless its the HDD we're replacing). That's one reason why we can't go for big investments for things that we may just throw away in a moment's notice. I've seen a lot of laptops go this way. My trusty old Pentium 4 is still up and running without major problems except for a few reformatting sessions of the HDD and upgrading the RAM from 128 to 512MB. I'd say I got a lot of bucks more than I invested for it from junk parts seven years ago. It got some sentimental value now, so to speak. The system unit is an old eMachine J-series(given free from my cousin in Japan, with Jap keyboard). The monitor, speakers, mouse and UPS from a Korean surplus store, all cost the equivalent of USD106.50 only! Had I asked for that laptop then (remember that was in 2003), it would have been a different (and sad) story. That laptop (I can't even remember its specs)has gone the way of the dinosaurs, extinct long time ago.
• Pakistan
8 Jan 11
hummmm............... nice one.. thanks for your response
@NarutoFTW (134)
30 Dec 10
Laptops are more practical when you are moving around. They are a smaller compact verson of the desktop so they do have a shorter life expectancy but that shouldnt stop you buying it. Laptops can last for years and years.
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