falsity deception of major religions
By safirpurim
@safirpurim (252)
United States
December 30, 2010 7:27pm CST
alright everyone. it is evident to me that all the major religions of the world are full of falsity and deception. no, i am not talking about buddhism and hindusim, nor even my own culture which is hebrew culture=these are not religions, these are cultures, that a person can follow no matter what they do in life. there are no restrictions on what to read, or what to watch...the main tenet is virtue and love and respect for all creatures in these cultures. but i am talking about religions=judaism, christianity, islam and their subordinate practices. i know i am not the only who notices how arrogant a lot of people who follow these religions are. no..not all the people of these religions are so arrogant and self centered...but many of them are.
i wonder when will people realize that a title and name doesnt really matter..what really matters is basicly to treat others how you would want others to treat you. but why are these religionists so quick to say you are wrong, simply because you dont follow their way of life...and suppose that they are right even in things that facts and truth and knowledge totally overrules, and shows them to be wrong.
what say you?
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3 responses
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
31 Dec 10
You are ccorrect in that no religion is perfect and all are full of false deceptions! The bible is ,too!
I know some people who are quick to judge when it comes to religion! They think they have all the answers and tell you they do! I have seen other people put some of these people in their place. When that happens they are lost for words! That shouts them up! I wish I could do that with my dad! He is like that when it comes to religion! I have an open mind when it comes to religion and it amazes me that there are so many arrogant people in the world on religion! I want to slap some of them just to see if I could knock some sense into them! If they aren't preaching falsities they are being hypocrites and that is a whole different discussuion there!
@safirpurim (252)
• United States
31 Dec 10
well technically, the bible is false..but the bible wasnt written in english, it is originally hebrew scriptures. the translators are the culprits. my culture=hebrew culture is not a religion. it doesnt judge a person based on what god they serve, and it doesnt say if someone doesnt follow it, they are doomed. rather my culture teaches to have love and respect for all life, and to gain in wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment. to assist all creatures the high and the low. that is what hebrew culture is. but all the major religions have taken from hebrew scriptures...but they overlook the main teachings of it, and have made it into a popularity contest like high school. and many things which is told in the bible are very opposite of what hebrew scriptures actually say to do. it vexes me time and again to see people misusing the beautiful scriptures of my culture, and translating them to fit the mindset of greedy and selfish ambitious men.
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
5 Jan 11
Just one thing; correct me if I'm wrong... wasn't the Holy Bible originally written in Aramaic & then translated into Hebrew & from there into Greek & Latin & then into what we call Old English & then into several different versions of Modern English? Does your Hebrew culture acknowledge or refer to or revere the original Aramaic? What are your thoughts on the matter?
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
8 Jan 11
I learned years ago that the bible was first written in Hebrew then greek and the rest. It probaly was written in Aramaic and I was told differently!

@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
31 Dec 10
I gave up Christianity many years ago. One problem with Organized religion is the obsession with Money. Jesus did not collect money for any reason, so why is Christianity so obsessed with it?
What about the lack of physical evidence proving that Jesus ever lived in Palestine? If he was indeed Jesus the Christ, there would have been many written tablets, as well as monuments in stone, in honor of his physical life. Alas there has never been one artifact, not even a broken pot shard that can be traced to Jesus,not even in thousands of archeological surveys that have been done in the past 2000 years.
@safirpurim (252)
• United States
31 Dec 10
it is a proper thing for you to say, but you must consider one thing.."HIS NAME WASNT JESUS"!!!! that is the deception of european scholarship. even more, american scholarship, because the greeks and latins didnt call him jesus...neither hebrew, greek or latin has the letter j, nor a j sound in the languages. hebrew is my main language, and i know this is so.
however, it is a common thing when a person goes from one nation to another, that the people of that nation call him something different.
but the most important reason you wont see anything mentioned about my master yehowshua=whom english speakers call jesus the christ is because the jews=europeans from their beginning in my culture have been against everything about my master. hebrew scriptures have told long ago about one who would defeat the enemies of the "HEBREWS" round about the area. but these foreigners came in, thinking of a physical hero who would just shed much blood and kill men. but that is never what mashiyx=called christ was about. he came to show us the greatest enemy to us is our own mind, and that we must overcome ourself instead of being a murderer of men. they did not accept this beautiful message, so they deny that mashiyx=christ has come. to this day, they call him "yeshu" which is a hebrew acronym from three letters spelling to say=yimax shemo wzikrono...which means to say..blot out his name and his memory.
even the romans as you should be able to tell were against him, and even the remining greek culture who were defeated by the romans. so they burned many things and records and coins which bore the name and title of my master=although a few of the coins remain among the romans today (you can find them on the internet) but overall, anything that had to do with hebrews, and the god of the hebrews the romans have done away with. dont forget....christianity is from the romans...because my master never called any of his followers christians...and the word christian is only mentioned twice in the whole bible.
but when someone is great and loving...the demons and devils of the world will do anything to silence his message....the same as evil men have been doing for thousands of years against those whom they feel have disrespected them.
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
5 Jan 11
Well said
. There's also even more to this argument, but you've covered it well

@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
5 Jan 11
Good topic! It has been a long time coming. I'm in agreement. You've put things in a whole new perspective. Virtue, love & respect for all creatures should automatically be practiced by people associating themselves with these religions, but over time, we've consistently found quite the opposite to be true! I can't speak much for the others, but Christianity is far too busy raining hell-fire, eternal suffering & damnation down upon any who do not seem to be towing the line with all the required doctrines, dogma & ridiculous beliefs that have been invented over the centuries.
Keep up the good work. I'll follow your other topics now that I'm back from "holidays". What you've written seems to be conversant with many of my own findings.