House training my pit bull mix puppy

my puppy - puppy when came home
United States
January 1, 2011 11:54pm CST
I have a pit bull puppy mutt mix that is approximately 2 months old. When we went to visit family over Thanksgiving my nephew had a pit bull mommy wander under his parents house and give birth. So not real sure of his parentage other than pit or his age but he was eating solid food and completely weened when we took his cute behind home. He is very mild mannered and never jumps on anyone even little kids. He has a great personality and is just so lovable. I know he understands he needs to do his buisnes outside and if I call him he will go out. He will also bark to let us know he wants to come inside but if I or another family member do not call him to go out he will go into one of the kids room, normally under my nephews bed!, and do his buisnes. He just chews up puppy pads so any help in getting him to go out would be a help. I will hate for him to have to spend most of his time outside but that will happen if he can not get trained.
1 response
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
2 Jan 11
Hello Phoenix and welcome to myLot! I think your puppy is a lucky dog that he found a loving home. I wonder what happened to his littermates? If he is your first dog, you should know that a puppy is like a little child, he can't hold himself for long. With patience you will pass over this. There are a few moments of the day when a puppy needs to go: - the first thing after he wakes up in the morning (or after each nap he takes during the day); - the first thing after a meal; - after a play session. It will be better if you take him outside on this moments, the chance to have accidents inside the house will be smaller. Maybe you should consider crate trainig, there are plenty of articles over the Internet about this. Here's an example: I wish you good luck with the pup.
• United States
3 Jan 11
Thanks for the advice we are now planning on trying the crate. Sorry I had a whole response ready for you then went and washed dishes and forgot lol. It gets busy here sometimes. His littermates are still at my nephews house. They are planning on keeping the runt and the mom until they can hopefully find owner but that is looking slim they live in rural area and have no idea how she got so far in the cold before finding their house. The rest they are working on adopting out to friends and family. Our family is very causious about giving away animals to many are gotten just to be used as bait animals. They can't keep them all although my niece wants to lol.
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
3 Jan 11
I'm glad the mother dog was so lucky to find such a responsible family to host her. I hope all the puppies will find good homes like your puppy. I'd like to give you a piece of advice regarding the crate traning, if you don't mind. It is very important how you introduce the puppy to the crate. He must not perceive the crate like a punisment, he should associate the crate with something positive. The crate must be a place where he feels safe to sleep or rest. Don't put him in the crate and leave him there. Introduce him to the crate gradually, like it is explained in this video: (of course there are plenty of other videos about it on the Internet) I wish you good luck with housebreaking your pup. (You forgot to mention his name )
• United States
4 Jan 11
Wow!! I can't believe I forgot to mention his name! He is named Egore because like in the books and movies he is my sidekick and companion for life. Hubby was able to come home for the evening so we are going shopping for crates and are planning on setting it in our room. It is the best place due to we have a decent sized house but a lot of people, 2, me and hubby, 2 our kids, 1 my brother, 2 my nephews, 1 my niece. I know sounds like a lot but we fit well. I was thinking since at night I have him sleep in our room anyway due to fact that he was used to sleeping with litter mates and he has gotten attached to me(He had an accident outside restroom door last night even though took him out right before, because I was in bath. Not sure what that was about. He tends to just sit there and wait for me) if he stands up or moves a lot I can hear him and take him out to do his business (due to me taking care of so many I wake up at the slightest noise) I was thinking if already had crate in room where he already thinks is a quiet safe place to rest would be a great start then putting in a few of his comfort things like toys would help him understand that is his place. Thank you so much for helping me I really want him to feel safe and happy and have a good relationship. He gets along great with all kids even 2 year old girl (who having 2 brothers 4 and 6 is very sure of her wants and feelings lol) he seems to 'read her' and do what makes her laugh.
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