Counselling regarding Diabetes

January 3, 2011 9:04am CST
Hi mylotters, i have been asked to prepare for a counseling of a diabetic patient so i want to know what issues might be raised by the patient which i will need to address other than the basic information regarding the disease.
2 responses
• United States
3 Jan 11
I have been diabetic (Type 2) for approximately 10 years. Basically try to avoid sweets, carbohydrates. The average sugar levels before a meal should be no more than 110 and after any meal should not exceed 140 or 150. Control is the key, if you can control you sugars by maintaining a balance diet and avoiding the wrong foods as well as take your medication you should be okay. Avoid gaining weight. Honestly I have been pretty good just doing the above, like I said I am just a Type 2, Type 1 diabetes may be different when it pertains to controling their sugars.
• Pakistan
3 Jan 11
All these also apply to type 1. Type 2 diabetic will also need injectable insulin in the end as the body looses the ability to form insulin. i want to know what queries you might have regarding your diabetes when you go to your physician?
• United States
3 Jan 11
My fear is the long term of this particular disease. I mean I was diagnosed more than 10 years ago and I think I have been pretty good maintained, but the last year or two after my pregnancies my blood levels have been a bit elevated. I try to maintain a good diet, but you know that once in a while you need to cheat and also after my pregnancy I haven't lost the weight. So I don't know what would happen if I don't lose the weight will that have a long term affect on me. I know there are certain foods I can't eat, like sugar, carbohydrates but what other foods should I try and avoid?
• United States
4 Jan 11
Thank you, I really do appreciate all the information you provided. I think that the problem I mostly having is the excercising, I just can't fit any in with my busy schedule between work, home and school it's impossible.
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
yes im a diabetic person any idea to control this cause im 24 y/o any advice thanks
• Pakistan
3 Jan 11
Ok if your 24 year old then that means your a type I diabetic. A type I diabetic is not able to produce insulin as such you will need insulin exogenously! Thus the insulin injections. Now insulin in injectable form comes in different formulations. You need to be injecting yourself with a formula best suited to your needs and in the right dose. Then you need to monitor your blood glucose levels via a glucometer which is very cheaply available every where. Then you need to take a good diet and regular exercise. Furthermore your insulin requirements will change when your sick. You need to keep that in mind too! The treatment of a diabetic patient basically rests in the hands of the patient. He is his best doctor! I hope this is helpful. If you have any further queries, do let me know.