Doctor assisted suicide

United States
January 3, 2011 10:43am CST
How do you guys feel about doctor assisted suicide? I know it can be a touchy topic, but I think it's one that is important and may get more exposure in the coming years. Doctor assisted suicide is when a doctor prescribes pills to a terminally ill patient, pills that will kill them in about 40 minutes. The person who is terminally ill is usually beyond help (like they have an inpoperable tumor) or a cancer that will kill them eventually, no question about it. The pills humanely help the patient die, and it is absolutly the patients decision. And the dcotors give the patient plenty of time and opportunity to think about it and change their mind. I for one, am for this. I feel sorry people that are dying slowly and painfully from a disease. And if there is a peaceful, faster way for them to die I definitely think they should have that option. I know if I was in that situation, i would want the option too.
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15 responses
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
3 Jan 11
I'm with you on this for sure. Its makes no sense that we can put an animal down when they are in pain however, we humans are not allowed this. I think once there is no way of saving someone we should be able to have either a doctor, relative or friend to help with the assisted sucide so people can die with some dignity. Its just seems so unfair to make a person suffer by prolonging the inevitable.
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@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
Hi LifeoftheThorns. I am not against it. If I were in the position of the terminally ill person I'd love to consider mercy killing a favor. Why would prolong the sufferings when you can end it soon? However, this will contradicts the belief of others in their faith to God's power and miracles. This is also something that I have nothing against because I also believe in miracle. Whatever is best for the patient and the common good should be done. And I guess, mercy killing is the only way to let go peacefully and painlessly...
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
4 Jan 11
but that leaves out the chance for a miracle, and that is why in most places it is illegal
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
4 Jan 11
I hated watching my mother decline as she did the last 4 years, and this last year when she really went down hill. But, while I could've wished she had gone out in a mega stroke like her mother, I was also glad to have her for the first 3 years before she got so bad.
• United States
4 Jan 11
Well, in some cases there is no chance for a miracle I know that's a horrible thing to say, and I wish there could always be a chance at a miracle. but in an episode of greys anatomy that brought up this issue, a doctor stormed in the dying womans room and was yelling "what if they come up with a cure tomorrow, or next week. I know it's a long shot but it could happen." And the patient, very understandingly, said "even if they come up with a cure tomorrow, it can't help me." Her cancer had caused all the damage it needed to cause, and she was NOT going to survive it. I for one (as a viewer) was happy she went painlessly and comfortably into the next world (with her husband by her side). Thanks Elic! I do want to believe in miracles too!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
4 Jan 11
and one has to often do those miracles happen in ratio to those that die long slow and painful deaths. I think it should be up to the patient if they want to wait for that miracle that may or may not happen and for how long?
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@MAllen400 (829)
3 Jan 11
hi there has been a lot about this in the news lately not so much individual doctors but clinics in certain countries. I used to think this was a terrible act but now not so sure. My mum in law is 98 cant see well, cant hear well etc and says she prays she wont wake up in the morning. My thoughts vary from day to day. If I knew a doctor had helped her though I think I would be mad that he had played God though. It is a tough one
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• United States
3 Jan 11
Oh I'm sorry for your mom. 98 though, wow! How long has she been ill and sad? If I knew a doctor had helped a loved one die, I would be angry at first. However, after a time I would realize that the doctor had helped them, and had ended their suffering in a way I could not.
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@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
4 Jan 11
I am for it completely! I have heard it called murder, but I don't think of it that way. I have degenerative physical problems and if things ever get very bad, I would like to think I have an option. People that are terminal are not only in physical pain but mental pain also. It might be easier on the family also. They wouldn't have to watch their loved one suffer so much. I do think there should be guidelines or something, to make sure the patient is terminal and really wants to end it.
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@Jotomy (6322)
• India
3 Jan 11
Hi there, this is really a painful topic. I was told by friends about this. And it is happening here in India too. But that patient how it will be the mental situation i can understand. Its really a hell. Ho god nobody should get such situation, please god help the people to be away from such deceases. Amen. Have a nice day.
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• United States
3 Jan 11
Yeah it is definitely a painful topic. It was featured in an episode of Greys Anatomy and the woman's husband was having such a hard time with it. I can understand it would be hard going trough something like this, but I think the sick one deserves to make the choice. I believe they make sure the patient is of sound mind when making the decision, and there are a ton more steps taken to ensure it is the right decision for the patient. Thanks1
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Jan 11
I couldn't agree more, if I ever end up in that situation I pray someone will help me go peacefully. Like you said, it's a touchy subject and some people always come up with the worst case scenarios such as someone being "encouraged" by family members to ask to be assisted in ending their lives, but I think there should be enough safeguards in place to keep that from happening. Obviously, the person should have to be of "sound mind" so they can't be tricked into it but I'd certainly hope there weren't many family members who would want to do such a horrid thing. I've had discussions about this with others and one thing that's come up on more than one occasion has been the opinion it's a sin and that if someone did such a thing they'd be condemned to he11; my feeling about that is it's up to the person that's suffering whether to take that chance but I believe God forgives in cases like these. Annie
• Australia
4 Jan 11
I am on both sides of the fence on this one...after knowing the suffering my mom went through with cancer before she passed away, I am strongly for people having that option but at the same time, knowing not everyone wants to die (even when we know it's eventually going to happen), I am not too sure on this because some people my just want to take the easy way out. If it is only given as an option for the terminally ill like you said then I am all for it.
• United States
4 Jan 11
Yeah, the option would only be given to terminally ill people that can not be helped. I'm sorry about your mom :( That's horrible, I hope I never have to go through it
@chulce (1537)
• United States
5 Jan 11
LilyoftheThorns, You are right this is a painful subject, but one that should be discussed. There are many places where the assistance is acceptable. Everyday, I help my husband struggle through major depression, which itself is a difficult illness to deal with daily. But, it is one that can be treated and monitored daily. And people can live with this and have a better understanding. Before he was put on his medication, he attempted to kill himself. It was difficult to understand why in the beginning. I didn't know what kind of pain he was going through and how hard it was to constantly have the same thoughts running through your mind and not wanting to be a part of life anymore. Until one day I felt his pain, I understood, I had a depression to deal with myself. So together we have had to fight daily to keep going. This is a life long illness and there is no escaping it however, it is one that is treatable. However, if it was a situation like terminal cancer or a severe heart disease that only gave us a short amount of time to live. I feel that if the option were available, it might be something that we would look at. Even with all the medical knowledge that is constantly growing and changing, if our will and body can not handle the treatment, what kind of quality of life would we have? Could we handle the continuing and growing pains from that disease? There would be a lot more questions to answer and would take time to respond. We take our animals lives into our hands when we feel that they can't live anymore, when they are to ill to struggle any longer, why shouldn't we be able to have the option about our own bodies? Especially in the case of a terminal illness. I read somewhere about a couple, man and woman, I believe in England, they both had terminal illnesses, they decided together to end their lives, so together they did. Due to their illnesses and the pains that they would have experienced in a short period of time, I feel that they were in a better frame of mind and understood what would happen I am sure on all realms of their diseases, I feel that for the both of them, they made the right decision. For me, I feel on a personal level, I would have to take time to think it all through, I would need to make sure that it was something that was in many ways better for me and my family. There are so many levels that we have to look at and consider. Not only mental stability, but the family we have, financial obligations, etc. I feel that if I knew I had a terminal illness and I had this as an option I would make sure it was in my considerations. I don't know however, if I could or would go through with the decision.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
4 Jan 11
I've been a nurse for many years and watched many suffer. I don't think I could give the pill tho. It is or seems to be, humanely the right thing to do, but if it were your loved one, would want to hand the pill to them? In the first place, the patient should be given the option at a drs. discretion of his/her life has no more quality and it would benefit both patient and the family if the person were to just pass away quietly.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
5 Jan 11
I am not one to give up, specially with life. But I think I would go for this. If I were in a position wherein there is no hope for this, then I would choose to go out my own way. If all efforts have been exhausted. And that all my affairs are in order, then I could say goodbye to all the people that matters properly.
• United States
6 Jan 11
I'm the same way. I think that if there was hope I could fight through a disease and survive to live life to the fullest, I will. But if I'm told that i won't survive it no matter what, I'm not going to want to go through the unnecessary pain.
@freymind (1351)
• Philippines
5 Jan 11
This is a touchy topic. There's a part of me as human that says this is a right thing so not to prolong the pain the patient is having and let him end his life. But there's also a part of me as a Christian that says this is a sin and taking one's life will give a ticket down to hell. If it was a family member I really don't know what to do and if it will happen to me I'm sure will pray really hard for guidance since if the pain is too intense you would really want to end your life and get rid of it.
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
4 Jan 11
If we use another word, it should be "doctor helps his or her patient to leave this world peacefully". I have read about the similar cases in the news. The relevant doctors were charged in killing patient. Such act is against the laws. But many animal doctors did so. When the animal especially the dogs were very sick, the doctors advised to do injections to make them lay down forever. I don't understand the reason the same practice can not be used for human-beings. Anyhow, it is a good news too so that, not everyone can easily to give up their lives easily. Life is valuable to us.
• United States
5 Jan 11
Yeah you're exactly right. We always hear about 'mercy killings' done to animals that are hurt so bad or just so old and why can't we show our human loved ones that same mercy? If it's such a great thing to do for our pets, shouldn't it be an option for the people we love even more?
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
5 Jan 11
I totally agree!
• Philippines
5 Jan 11
No matter how ill a person is, no one has the right to practice euthanasia because only God has the power & the right to take one's life. Life, regardless of circumstances should be preserved, not terminated.
• United States
6 Jan 11
But if someone is beyond, and is no doubt going to die at some point because of this disease, that tells me God has already decided to take this life. And I think it is someones right to end their own suffering if it can be done painfree and cleanly like a pill.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
4 Jan 11
I don't have anything against euthanasia as long as there is very good reason for it because life on the physical plane is temporary then the physical body is not designed to last for eternity there will be a time we have to 'let go' and leave the physical body whether a doctor assists us to do so, or not, is merely a matter of choice