Wish you more success and happiness!

January 3, 2011 7:04pm CST
I have two wishes in the new year: making money and happiness. Therefore, here i wish you happy new year and more success and happiness in 2011.
2 responses
• Philippines
5 Jan 11
Hey, we have the same wish for this year. Wishing you, too the same success and hapiness. But in order for us to achieve this goal, we must work hard for its attainment. Plus we must not forget to pray because it's the Author up above who makes evry wish come true.
• Philippines
4 Jan 11
This new year I also wish for a lot of income that will help me succeed happiness, contentment and maturity beyond my pocket. Its been a lot of hearthaches all through out growing up in my hills.. and I want a radical state of change! I know it is hard and how hard its going to be, or it might take long before I have to succeed.. but thats why I wish, and with a will, I'll do. No one can stop me, not even me. :) To dream big is an objective and my goal is to be successful in every way, help my self pick up every pieces and colours I lost so I can ride my life again all toward a new pastlane.