Sexist Pro Choice laws.
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
January 5, 2011 8:47am CST
There are few laws more sexist than the current abortion laws in the US. They grant the woman the "right" to accept or reject the responsibilities of parenthood, but the man has no rights at all... and doesn't get a choice in accepting the responsibilities.
If the mother decides to have the baby, she can force the man to take financial responsibilities, however, no one can force the mother to accept them. If the mother decides to have an abortion, it doesn't matter how much the man is willing to take on the responsibilities. He has no rights.
Women have rights, men have responsibilities. Sexist!
If a man refuses to accept the responsibilities of parenthood, he is considered a "deadbeat", his wages can be garnished, and in many cases, his career can be put in jeopardy. There are NO such requirements for women. She can walk away any time she wants, no questions asked.
If there were any laws that put the same requirements on women while letting men off the hook, the hypocrites in the "women's rights" organizations would scream from the roof tops until that law was changed.
But then again, to those hypocrites, only men can be sexist, women are simply victims.
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9 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Jan 11
In our society women are still seen as the "primary care giver" when it comes to kids. Children are still "the woman's domain". So unforunately it is seen as their decisions to make. IT is not right. But it is how it is seen.
Personally I think it should work like this...if they both want the child then both equally share the raising and supporting of the child. If one person only wants the child then that person (mother or father) gets the child and the other ones looses all rights to the child but also does not have to support the child. That seems fairer. But then that is just my opinion.
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@sid556 (30959)
• United States
8 Jan 11
Ya, but what if he wants a relationship with the children but is really bad when it comes to paying child support or anything for that matter? Is it fair to the children to deny them time with their father because he is horrible at paying? I think my girls would have hated me if I denied them time with their dad for money. In retrospect I can look back and I'm grateful that I didn't push it further. He sucked when it came to child support but he did teach them to snow shoe and because he didn't pay support, he got to take them on some amazing vacations...yes I was angry and jealous. I wanted to be able to take them on vacations but couldn't afford to. All said and done...I had to look at it ...they got to go on vacation. It should be about the kids...not the money.
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@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
5 Jan 11
Current abortion laws in the US treat men and women absolutely equally: someone who is pregnant can choose whether to carry to term or abort without regard to whether they're male or female. The willingness of the other parent to accept the responsibilities of raising a child are not relevant because only the pregnant parent has their life and health at risk as a result of being pregnant.
Child support laws equally require men and women to support their children. They are not a responsibility between the parents, but between each parent and their child. In cases where only one parent is custodial, the other parent is required to provide financial support. When the custodial parent is the father, the mother generally pays child support.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
5 Jan 11
Total and complete BS!
Any mother can walk up to any ambulance, clinic, hospital, police car, police or fire department and hand her children over, no questions asked. She only has the obligations and responsibilities she chooses to have.
On the other hand, if a man doesn't take responsibility, he can be arrested, he can have his wages garnished or even lose business or professional licenses.
The woman has all the choices, the men have none. There is NOTHING "equal" about it.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 Jan 11
That does happen a lot. I've known guys who quit lucrative jobs, taking minimum wage jobs until after the divorce was final. Yeah, it's a pretty low thing to do... but it's equally low for a woman to accept child support money for months the kids are with the father.
@sid556 (30959)
• United States
8 Jan 11
That is so so true, Ted. My brother's wages were garnished for child support for months after the kid moved in with him. It was a huge amount and to the point where he was having difficulty actually providing for his son. The courts would not stop the child support until the mother went in and signed papers or it went to court. Of course, it went to court. When it did, none of that money was reimbursed. It really isn't always fair. It's not always fair to the mom either. Back in the day, I had 3 children to raise on my own. My ex landed in jail so the court put his child support on hold. When he got out, he was only paying 25.00 per month for the longest time. He worked doing carpentry under the table and always cried poor. Eventually, he did get charged 80.00 per week which he never paid except for a small amount here and there and they did not go after him. While I raised the girls, he bought vehicles, built a beautiful house for himself and a whole lot of partying. My youngest daughter has a different father. I learned a lot and one of them is that the laws are not fair at all. I don't even deal with the courts. I had this child and she is my responsibility and no matter what it is my responsibility to raise her. If I chose a man that doesn't feel it is his responsibility to contribute then that's on me. Not sure I'm right but it's how I have grown to feel. At some point you just have to kick back and wonder what the battles are doing to the kids.
@sid556 (30959)
• United States
6 Jan 11
Hi Ted,
I get where you are coming from on this. I do think the fathers should have more say when it comes to the decision of abortion. It's just hard to know where to draw the line. I mean, we could say that before the woman gets the abortion then she needs the father's written approval. That would work fine in many cases but there are going to then be situations where abuse is involved or some other situation that would make that not feasable. I don't know what a fair resolution would be for this but I do agree with you that what we have currently in place is not fair at all to the father. I will say that the laws have improved and once the child is born, they do go after the mother for child support if the father is the one raising the child. The thing with the child that isn't yet born is the mother these days often doesn't even know who the father is. I think if a man knows his wife/girlfriend is having an abortion and he is against it then he should at least be heard in a court before a judge. It's his child and his thoughts should matter. I am a woman and I've never considered myself a victim of anything but my own poor choices in life. I am raising my daughter alone and I don't get child support nor do I ask for it. My daughter does have a relationship with her dad. I do think he could do more in the way of helping her but in the meantime, I just take care of what I know is my responsibility and not worry my little head over what he is or isn't doing.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Jan 11
I agree it's a sticky topic, and there's really no way to make it "fair". So I think fairness should be thrown out, and what's best for the child should be the #1 priority.
@sid556 (30959)
• United States
8 Jan 11
I think they should take a closer look at each and every situation and pay more attention to what is best for the child. Everytime I think I have a solution, I think of a situation where that solution would not be fair in certain circumstances. You are right...current laws are unfair. I've seen it and lived it unfair on both sides.
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@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
29 Jan 11
I had two daughters by my first husband...He managed to hide from the law and got away without paying any of the child support he was court ordered to pay. We were legally married and he did want children. It was only after we had them that he decided he did not want I did eventually remarry...this one was a loser too. I ended up paying this fellow rehabilitative alimony for a couple of years until he was caught doing roofing. He was supposed to be totally disabled...collecting workers comp and SSD and alimony...OOPs.
Not all women get a free ride...
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
30 Jan 11
True, but if you chose to give up the responsibilities of parenthood, you wouldn't have to hide from the law, or act disabled. From day one to whenever, you get to decide how much of a mother you want to be. No law requires it of you.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Jan 11
I totally agree! For thousands of years women have faced oppression through sexism BUT they have also held all the cards in so many other aspects--we were supported and pampered and although for a long time it wasn't considered "proper" for us to work, we could direct our energies to raising our families, working for charities, furthering social good, etc. Then came the feminists and we lost all the power we had, replaced by financial responsibilities on top of our natural family responsibilities. Everything was upset.
As for abortion, there is nothing more heinous or unfair. Women have all the choices and men have nothing but responsibilities. I think a man should have a voice as to whether his child should be murdered. He should have the right to assume parental responsibility for that child if he wishes. I think it should require the consent of both parents if at all possible, preceded by DNA testing to determine parenthood, before a woman can get an abortion.
I have known a few men who were haunted by the thoughts of their lost children to which they had no rights. These were men who would gladly have assumed responsibility and required nothing of the "mother" if she would only have let them had the chance to raise the child. It takes two to create life and it should take two to rob a child of it. It should also take two to financially support that life, if at all possible. If we would adopt that attitude as a society, I'm sure we would see more responsible birth control, fewer unwanted children and a huge drop in the rate of abortions.