Is becoming a vegetarian good for your health or is it bad?

January 5, 2011 11:12am CST
Do you think being vegetarian is healthy or unhealthy? Some people think it's unhealthy because you don't get all the vitamins, minerals and proteins? Others say you can get all these out of nuts etc. The EOS magazine says that meat became really really unhealthy because it has all kinds of garbage and chemicals in it. What do you think? Is being a vegetarian healthy or unhealthy?
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12 responses
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
6 Jan 11
It's not really either, I'd say. A vegetarian is more likely to pay more attention to their health, I think. They are also going to eat more salad and other healthy choice options when they eat out than someone who does eat meat. Vegetarians can get all the vitamins and everything they need; they just got to be more conscious about it. But it works the other way too. People who do eat meat got to make sure that they do get enough fruits and veggies in their diet. So in conclusion, being a vegetarian, vegan, omnivore, or carnivore doesn't really determine how healthy a person is.
• Belgium
6 Jan 11
Actually I don't really eat salads. But a vegetarian doesn't really need more vegetables than someone that is eating meat. We eat more eggs milk and other things to get our proteins and so on. Of course we maybe eat a little bit more vegetables. But I think you made some very good points of the health of it. I think if you eat meat you just have got to make sure the meat is organic.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
6 Jan 11
Well I was thinking of vegans too. Some people don't eat anything that comes from an animal, so they wouldn't eat eggs or milk to get protein. At any rate, I eat meat and I don't eat organic.
@yoniarnon (1079)
• Israel
5 Jan 11
I think you should eat a bit from almost every thing so i thing stop eating meet at all is unhealthy I heard that chicken meet is better than beef and that pork is the worst cause it is full with fat.
• Belgium
6 Jan 11
You can get everything (proteins, vitamins, fat)you need from other product. Also yes maybe pork and beef is less healthy. As it was in nature, but not anymore with all the chemicals in it. A chicken can have more chemicals then a cow. You get what I mean?
@yoniarnon (1079)
• Israel
6 Jan 11
I understand but i heard that it ain't exactly true.. Cause at meet there are "unique Proteins".You can find smiler things to them at other food, but those exact Proteins are very important to your body and specially to the muscles.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
5 Jan 11
I have known too many vegetarians who ended up at the doctor's office due to malnutrition to say that it's healthy. Our bodies need not only quality protein, but fats and essential fatty acids and so on, that are found in meat. Most of the meat you find in a normal grocery store isn't good for you, but a little organically or naturally grown meat is. You don't have to eat a lot, so the cost isn't as bad as it may seem because a little can go a long way.
• Belgium
6 Jan 11
It's not that hard to be a vegetarian and not end up at the hospital. U need t drink more milk eat more eggs. You also have got to eat things instead of the meat. It's true that some people can't became vegetarian because they n eed a specific vitamin more than others. But I think 98% of the population can become vegetarian without any problem.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
5 Jan 11
"that meat became really really unhealthy because it has all kinds of garbage and chemicals in it" - if that is your reason for becoming a vegetarian; forget it. Many fruits and vegetables also have "all kinds of garbage and chemicals in it" because of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides (used to kill weeds). If that is your reason, you would do better by only buying organic foods; and, there are organically raised animals producing acceptable meat. Also, no single diet is right for every person. I have an allergic reaction to salycilates (which are found in many fruits and vegetables); so, a vegetarian diet would not work for me. I have a friend who has kidney problems and she has to restrict all protein sources - both meat and plant based. My husband is a diabetic and he has to restrict carbohydrates.
• Belgium
5 Jan 11
I have been vegetarian for a couple of years now and haven't experienced any problems yet. I know many people that are vegetarian and never heard of anyone having problems with it. I think as a vegetarian you can't just eat one thing less, you should indeed eat something to keep up with the proteins you don't get from the meat. The reason of e being vegetarian isn't really to be healthy or not it's just for the planet and for the animals. I just wanted to know if I am healthy this way.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
5 Jan 11
Eating meat is not bad, but it is where it comes from. For instance, if you do not see on the package, organic or grass fed, or no chemicals, given only plant food," or something like that, you can be sure that the meat is safe. AS for becoming a vegetarian, you have to get your meat specific protein another way, so you really have to search and possibly add muiltivitamins or the specific mineral or vitamin to your diet. I am also wary of vegetarians because to me they became that way because they love animals more then people. So the only way for anyone to become vegetarians is if there is no organic meat in the area or the doctor told you to.
• Belgium
5 Jan 11
I have been vegetarian several years now, I never had problems with my health yet. The doctor never told me to and there is organic meat in the area, It was my own disission and I still don't regret it. I do it for the planet and the animals. There are so many reasons to become vegetarian.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
13 Jan 11
Yes, I think it is really healthy, but I also think that people need to eat a balanced diet everyday. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is gd for the body as long as it's fresh, so you have to have your own food garden so it doesn't have chemicals. But we need meat and carbohydrates which we can get in bread, rice and beef.
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
6 Jan 11
I think being a vegetarian is good for the health. Vegetables contain a number of antioxidants that may help to stop certain cancers from forming in the body. Also it helps to fight stress and illness. It is also good for our digestion.
• Philippines
6 Jan 11
I haven't heard anyone got sick being vegetarian. I mostly hear doctors say you to eat veggies and cut off on meat and dairy products. If in terms of pesticides on veggies, the only solution there is to wash off carefully the veggies before cooking. Using a wonderful vegetable and fruit wash is the best alternative. You should balance your food intake. Meat is good because it is a good source of protein in our body but do not eradicate veggies to take part of your meal. About the chemicals you get on meat, well I haven't heard that, maybe you need to worry more if the meat is not fresh and is not safe for consumption so you buy meat products in markets and groceries that has seal of high quality inspection that the dept. of health. Being vegetarian is healthy living. But as I have said, balance is important in everything. Exercise and healthy lifestyle is also necessary to maintain good health.
@marguicha (225469)
• Chile
7 Jan 11
I think that we were meant to eat some meat. Our body is prepare too digest meat and we need the proteins of meat. So that´s it for me. That doesn´t mean you have to eat a lot. Jyust a small amount weach day is enough.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
6 Jan 11
Being a vegetarian can be a very healthy lifestyle to have. fruits and vegetables are always good for your nutritional diet. Eating meat is one way to get our protein. /we can also get it from different sources so if we choose not to be meat eaters. Eggs and nuts cn help with this. if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle, you can still lead a healthy life.
@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
6 Jan 11
Eating is always a good thing. We need to eat to stay alive. Eating only turns into bad thing if you eat to much whether it is vegetable or not. Some people believe that eating green is a good thing, since there is a minimum health risk in eating green, but eating vegetable only is not a good thing since our body also needs some food that vegetable cannot provide.
• Indonesia
6 Jan 11
It's healthy, but not enough for your body supply. We need protein and fat for our body, which we don't get from vegetables. Nuts is not good for elders, and even some people are allergic to nuts. Eat meat or chicken that you cook, not from fast food restaurant. They don't sell healthy food there.