I don't have time facebook now

January 5, 2011 3:26pm CST
Good Day! Well, because of mylotting, I don't have enough time for facebook now, I'm concentrating here in mylot because I can earn here. I don't have time for myself and for everything because of mylot. I love to post and post here because day by day I'm always excited to see my earnings. How about those mylotters, do they still have time for facebook?
24 responses
@ekoytyas (4679)
• Indonesia
7 Jan 11
yes i also agree with you, chit chat with friend sometimes just waste our time. but here, just posting we can get and earn extra money.
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
7 Jan 11
I still do,ever since I join Facebook, I don't spent much time on it, just a few minutes a day,take a look on what's happening on my friends and checking out messages. In Mylot, it's different, I spent much time in here cause just like you, I'm earning here and always excited to see how many responded in my discussions. But of course, my time is limited for I've a job and must meet some deadlines!
• United States
6 Jan 11
Pretty much I only use FB to connect with family and some friends. I rarely even get on there now via my computer, I just use my cell phone to glance at it once in awhile, and to upload pictures of our child for the grandparents to see since they do not get to see him very often, and the first year flies by. I don't get on mylot very often, as I do not have much time to do so, but I am hoping to change that. Would like to cash out sometime in the next six months. I have only made it to cash out once since I started.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
6 Jan 11
Hi Bianca, I am too there on facebook and do log in sometime only. This not like mylot there. Here we have discussions and others but on face book no such activity are there.
• Indonesia
6 Jan 11
I still have a chance for my facebook. at least I did not leave my friends who still use facebook. i have acount in tagged and other social site, and i still used it.
• Malaysia
7 Jan 11
I dont waste my time in facebook anymore having discovered mylot,its different here and i believe that with time,Mylot is going to be a giant.The interaction here is educative and people are out to talk from their mind and bring out positive ideas and discusssion..unlike in facebook where most people are abusive,and most times the discussions doesnt make whole lot of sense to me.Id rather spend time here interacting with people and at the same time seeing the earning every morning than spending my time just enriching the young billonaire
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
6 Jan 11
I don't spend a lot of time on facebook - I used to play a lot of facebook games but for some reason i don't anymore, I don't know why.
@jazeera (93)
• Philippines
6 Jan 11
i log in a lot in facebook, though i dont earn money there, i get to communicate with my friends and family. i post pictures and send messages. what i like about my lot is that i can earn and share my ideas and meet new friends. i love writing because it allows me to share my ideas and opinions to other people. :)
@shuley (368)
6 Jan 11
Hello, as for me, I open first my facebook account and then some surfing looking some site to earn but to no avail, I spend less time in mylot.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
6 Jan 11
hi, i dont have time to facebook sometimes, especially when i focusing here in mylot, so i just check it if i have some messages or friend request.
• India
6 Jan 11
i have just started mylot. before this i was enjoying facebook but now it became bore for me i like mylot it is too cool.
• India
6 Jan 11
Even me...Lot of time I am spending for posting in mylot. So no time for orkut or facebook. I only sometimes, go to facebook to check my friend's updates or sometimes I used to do business updates there.
• United States
6 Jan 11
I'm new to mylot but I did notice that as soon as I got home from work i would get on mylot instead of facebook. and the best part is that i get paid here rather than being on facebook. I'm still kind of confused about how I get paid since I only see a penny as my payment lol. its ok im sure ill get the hang of it though and hopefully start earning a little more than a penny.
@JeongLee (20)
• China
6 Jan 11
i do not have my facebook. i see some mylotters still offer tasts to their facebook. i am glad to read this and happy with my choice.
@rowantree (1186)
• United States
5 Jan 11
I've been spending more time with Facebook, even though here at MyLot I'd make money. I just find it more fun to be on Facebook and I connect with my friends through there.
@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
5 Jan 11
i agree with you. i don't have a facebook account. it dosen't interest me as i am a private person. i keep writing in mylot, too. i am aiming for the 10.00 mark with perseverance and goal in mind. i enjoy writing, too.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
6 Jan 11
I still have time to log on facebook. It only briefly, just simply knowing the news from friends and family. And I also still have time to do other work. Since I logged in MyLot with the phone, so I can log in at any time.
• United States
6 Jan 11
Mine was the opposite of tours for so long. I kept in my mind that i needed to be on here and when the new year started i pushed myself to be on here more so i can make more earnings and earn more money this year using the internet. I feel it is important to earn on here because you can and it isnt very hard and at times i see myself playikng games on facebookw hen i shouldnt be doing that and i should be on here making money. I hope to stay focused and earn more on here.
• Philippines
6 Jan 11
im still new here at mylot so i still have time for fb :) but when i see that mylot really addcting because of its earning.. i think im gonna transfer to mylot from fb and try to also encourage my friends in fb to try mylot..:))
@dem131 (19)
• United States
6 Jan 11
I never thought that I would find something that I would like better than facebook and I guess I was wrong. I am going to be posting here on mylot for now on.