One religion = world peace?
@joedollarhuat (580)
January 7, 2011 11:59am CST
I just thought of this topic a few moments ago. The world as we know it has a lot of disputes regarding religion. Some people go to war because of religion (jihad). Some people commit suicide due to religion. The result is usually this : casualty and bloodshed. This bloodshed doesn't end there, it continues to attack back so the other will feel the pain. It is a non ending pattern of war. Taking note of this, I thought that if we all had one religion, we might be able to attain world peace due to unity.
If the world had only one religion, would we have world peace ? What are your thoughts?
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33 responses
@terryt52 (243)
• United States
7 Jan 11
Think of the bloodshed there would be in choosing what one religion would be the one and only religion. I would think that it would be devastating to see what religion would win. And if the one religion thing was done then we would not have world peace because it would be something else.
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@afreen1234 (122)
• India
7 Jan 11
well said.i really appreciate ur comment!if one religion slogan raises, then everyone who's following his religion wants everyone to come to his religion to make the one religion! If all think this way,what will happen?I appreciate u!
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@urbandekay (18278)
7 Jan 11
No, people would find some other excuse to fight
all the best urban
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
7 Jan 11
Which religion would you choose, then, joedollarhuat?
Come on, choose me one and see if I agree!
Why have any religion at all? Have you ever thought about what religion is? Why we NEED religion? What religion actually does for anyone?
Isn't a belief in God enough? Or, maybe, an acceptance that what is good for you is good for me? Or an assertion that (because I'm older and wiser than you) what is good for me is good for you?
Choose the religion that you think everyone should follow, please!
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
13 Jan 11
It depends rather on how you define "religion", Graptopetalum. There are a number of definitions and it's unlikely that we shall agree on one.
The definition which seems to fit best to me involves an organisation which supports and transmits a body of beliefs and rituals connected with the acknowledgement and worship of supernatural and spiritual powers.
I would disagree that atheism and agnosticism are religions. Some of their followers can be hostile to 'religion' (as I define it) per se. I would also disagree that a belief in God implies that there must be a 'religion'.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
13 Jan 11
You can't not have a religion. If you don't believe in any sort of paranormal, you're an atheist. If you don't really know about the paranormal, you're an agnostic. Atheism and agnosticism are still religions and their followers tend to get hostile to followers of other religions.
If you believe in God, you must have some idea of what he's like. You will probably think that he wants people to do or not to do certain things. He'll probably want worship. Soon you end up with an organized religion.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Jan 11
Europe had 1 religion, it was even mandated... yet it didn't achieve peace. Many middle eastern countries have 1 religion (by mandate and by culture), yet it doesn't achieve peace.
If you were to work for your idea here, what religion would you choose to be the "one religion"? How would you go about making it the "only religion"? What would you say to those who don't want to be in that (or any) religion?
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
13 Jan 11
You can't have no religion. Your religion is the sum of your paranormal and moral beliefs. You can only have a simple or vague religion. No religion also means no moral values.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
7 Jan 11
One Religion or No (abolitions of)Religion for a New World Order, are always been and forever a Utopian Concepts. And Utopian concept antonym is "Hell". Our individualism humanities are always and forever bounded on dualities. New World Order for Utopia has always on dual paths because of our being of dualities, either we all go to heaven or to hell. Good or Bad. Good or Evilness. Compassion or Tyranny.
We have only one way to the life path of world peace, the multidimensional concepts and principles of Christianity. Our only best guide is the Bible. Read and LEARN what's the Bible are telling.
And always make life simple and meaningful. Be always an inspiration and blessing to others.
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@ipvalverde (14)
• Brazil
7 Jan 11
If we get the people really following correctly their religions (the good ones, not the ones that say "kill them all", "kill yourself to go with E.T.s") the world will be great place, don't need to be ONE religions, just the people following it RIGHT, and the religions presented with truth for everyone (without hide and creepy things that the follower will get when he get level 10).
So, directly answering you. One religion = world peace? People following their religions truly and their religions being simple, truly and without hide purposes, it's done.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Jan 11
Not at all! Why ? There are so many ways to interpet a religion. The Catholics and the Preotestants have been fighting In Ireland for years. Even here in the States there are Firece divisions under The Christian umbrella. Sadly, We will always have war regardless.

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
9 Jan 11
Yes. But how? Do you mean Only One Form of Only One religion? What if you are not of that religion? Will you be killed?

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
8 Jan 11
We need to be united in having a religion in common. We also need to have one world government as countries that have no religion also experience much problems. We need to have the same laws everywhere which also will help us to be unified. We need rulership by God as when people run things there is always difficulties. Will this ever happen? The Bible indicates that we are very close to this taking place.
Daniel 2:44 (New International Version, ©2010) 44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
10 Jan 11
Did you not read the Scripture I quoted? The world government I'm talking about is God's kingdom, not a counterfeit scheme that man may come up with. Jesus taught us to pray for God's kingdom to come and for God's will to be done on earth as in heaven. That's the world government that will bring peace to the earth.

@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
8 Jan 11
It is really impossible to have just one religion... look at Christianity... it seemed to have a good start to it, not too many problems, all about peace and love... but then, some directions got strict, and people disagreed with them.. so much so, that they started a whole new religion, out of that original religion! Thats happened over and over, and it's whats given us so many different ones... now there's at least 50 different classes of Christian... so it's obvious that the Christian version doesn't work...
I think the way to get more world peace through the direction of religion, is to have no religion. Why look at the world as something placed here by some wild, omnipotent being, why not just see it as our world? Do onto others as you would want done onto you. Through that, I think we could get closer to having a real world peace... but who knows how long it'll take before all these religious people can just get the idea of a God outta their butts.

@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
13 Jan 11
I think that Protestant vs Catholic is one of the best showings of different classes of Christian going against eachother... I mean, most derivatives of christianity got there because they disagree with eachother's morals and teachings in the first place, and while thats going on, other religions are sprouting up, or the older religions are fighting back. I don't think it's possible to get everyone in the world going for a singular religion, since every group is pretty religious about their own, and can't possibly go against it, as they teach their children the same.
Or, in the direction of a singular religion for all people, I really think that people will eventually turn against it for something of their own... look what gave rise to Christianity in the first place... Judaism was the main religion in Rome, and the people were going along with it... but then someone else comes in with different ideas, and it spreads and spreads... and the two don't get along with eachother for it.
The same might go with a lack of religion... if there was no religion in the world for a long period of time, then someone came forward pushing the concept of a God and religion, the non-religious groups would see them as a nut, and the religious groups would see them as a savior... might start up some bad times in the future too... really hard to say how it'll go, since humans will always have a difference of opinion.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
13 Jan 11
I think Christianity has seldom, if ever, been practiced properly. How many Christians observe Kosher food laws and worship on Saturday, as the Bible teaches? All true Christian denominations (e.g. not including things like Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientologists etc.) are fairly similar and have peaceful relations most the time. People often change from one to another and marry people from different ones. Therefore the multitude of different "classes of Christian" isn't as bad as it may seem. I don't think you can use this as a reason to conclude that the Christian version doesn't work.

@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
8 Jan 11
Like some people here, I just have to quote John Lennon as well. Imagine a world WITHOUT religion. There would be no religious wars or religious discrimination. It would certainly be weird at first but I think it's safe to assume that compared to our current scenario, a world without religion is a much better option.
It will be every man's utopia.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
13 Jan 11
It would not be a utopia for somebody who has God tell them to preach his message, there are bound to be some.
Besides, if nobody has anything to live or die for, will people bother continuing to live?
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
8 Jan 11
You my friend. In my opinion religion is not the reason for people to have conflict each other. This is due to rapacious desire or greed.
Religion is a good for humanity in order to make this world at peace. Because people all over the world have fear of God and prevent them to do something more destructive acts that damage property and killed innocent people...
Even if history show that war in the first and second century. Religion is used only to cover up the greediness of powerful people.
Why Catholic priest order a war in the first century. Because they don't like to be dominated by other religion where they are fear that catholic will be collapse if Islam being propagated. So, if you study the facts of this history. The war is due to greediness not because of Religion...
Now, as we witness the terrorist activist of the so called extremist. This is not because of their religion but only a self interest of those people instigating those innocent people to do barbaric acts to innocent people...

@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
15 Jan 11
I already read the Koran, and I don't see anything wrong with it. Because the book itself did not implicate war or anything trouble to distract or killed innocent people but educate people to love peace...
Find out the what the words "Religion" means. If you read from the definition of religion "war".
In truth; there are people forcibly show that religion is a conflict matter for human beings. Because they cannot understand what religion is all about...

@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
8 Jan 11
If a good driver get any vehicle, he will drive it well and reach his destination. Here also there are drivers who don't know how to drive the vehicle. They got a vehicle called 'religion' and some concepts, and really don't know how to handle it. Some says it is manufacturing defect and many are not accept they are driving improperly. Whatever it is, accidents are the result.
Now you are telling we need only one model of vehicle and which will be good enough to driver for all. Again, after commenting also, you must be facing so many arguments on it. Just go through various opinions on it. I think I should com back after few days, once the flow of comments get exhausted and I wanted to know what is the concept of the current century people's total concept on your opinion.
I will be back after few days, with my comments.

@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
14 Jan 11
Hi dear,
I am not fully aware of many of the religion and its principles. But as per my knowledge, all religions has its own view and principle, which provides a better living advices. I don’t even think we need a world religion. Whatever we have is good enough if people want to live peacefully. Only because people are living in different and remote places, the question of different religion and faith emerged.
If we analyse the concept of religion, almost all are same, and if we want to live and die as a good person, none of these religion is required also. A person is isolated for 50 years and he is not aware of any religion, won’t he live anymore. I am sure that religion have nothing to do with human beings who have a broad minded vision. Also, to have faith in God, there is no need of a mediator as religion.
Religion is manmade and created for their purpose. If we found there are more use and utility with religion and those who see in such way, he gets so much from religion, and if anyone found there is no need, they can’t find any good in it.
So, it is purely on individual vision and if we come with a global religion, what about the current ones which is already prevails? If there emerges a move to become a single global religion, I think that could be the immediate cause for the next world war, if I am not mistaken.
So it is better to live with whatever we have and wherever we are.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
13 Jan 11
Even a good driver will have an accident if their vehicle has a serious mechanical fault. You might argue that a good driver will inspect their vehicle first to make sure but not all faults can be easily detected (like the acceleration problem on Toyotas that even the company seems to be unable to diagnose). Also a good drive can still be hit by another vehicle or have a tree fall on them or something.
Anyway, the point is that a good person with a bad religion is still likely to get into trouble.

@moneyspinner (613)
• Mumbai, India
8 Jan 11
Well There is nothing written as doing war of so in Jihad, It is the perverted minds that translate it in the wrong way for their own selfish motives. All religions lead only to one way and that is self-realisation. I have written a long post in this discussion on mylot on the same topic Religion, I cannot copy paste it again or write a long one so giving the link here, you can check it out to read that post :-
There have been a lot of misunderstandings in minds of people about religions. No religion ever teaches any human to create bloodhsheds. 99 % people don't even know the meanings and teachings of religions because they don't care to find out or understand them properly. All they know is to fight over these issues and all this is done by the politicians and men in power for their own selfish motives.
Regards moneyspinner.
@moneyspinner (613)
• Mumbai, India
13 Jan 11
What difference is that going to make to you ? Are your opinions going to change ?
I haven't read "Quran" but I have read books of those people who have been in company of saints and yogis and I know what all those holy books point out too.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
9 Jan 11
That basically, is what the religions preach. It's my religion or your religion or his religion or else. IF there is a God, then it is through Him that we will get world peace. It won't be through religion because every religion thinks it is the ONE. I feel that if there is one correct religion (which I feel is Christianity) the followers of that religion could be peaceful, should show the world how it goes. I think that of all the religions, the minority of converts are drowned out by the violent majority. So if there is a God, one of these religions is right and we'll see in time. I know that for the Christian religion, there won't be peace until Jesus comes. I don't know what the other religions say about the matter. But I don't see peace any time over the horizon.
@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
7 Jan 11
Nope -- Islam, Judiasm, Christianity, even Buddhims(!) have shown that people are more violent towards the heretic than the heathen.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
13 Jan 11
No, atheists can be very intolerant of organized religion. Look at the more hard-line Communist countries!
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
8 Jan 11
The dispute is not because of followers of religion but the dispute is due to those who profess to be followers of some religion. They are either fanatics or simply terrorists. They make use of religion to serve their some purpose. What about those who do not follow any religion, for example atheists? Are they at peace? To live in peace all humans must have a kindly and humane qualities. Unless this happens no peace would be possible.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
13 Jan 11
I suggest you read the Koran, it's full of exhortations to fight and persecute "unbelievers" (non-Muslims) and "hypocrites" (moderate Muslims). Therefore Muslims who commit terrorist acts are being true to their religion. Perhaps you could make similar claims about some other religions but it seems to be Muslims who cause the most trouble.
Then you sometimes have to take action (sometimes violently) against evil for the greater good.
@mercedlegurpa (955)
• Philippines
9 Jan 11
The problem do not lies on the issue of religion; it is the people who make the problems and dragging the religion so the blame is on religion. Since the beginning of times, there are some people that are not contented with what they have so they become greedy of power, fame and money. And some even uses religion to fool some people. Peace will not be achieve as long as there are people who stomp some weak people for the sake of greediness.
@sardonyx777 (450)
• Philippines
8 Jan 11
Hello joedollarhuat,
I don't think so. Just the mere thought that no one thinks that his/her religion is not the right one. Which one is one religion now? Who will choose and who decides? Can fanatics pave way for the others? From my experienced in here simple discussion on beliefs/faith matter is something that leads to disputation and worst indirect insults one another. How much more identifying the one. World peace can be materialize one day but peace has its level.
@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
15 Jan 11
That's absolutely right. I don't think one religion is such an easy thing to achieve in a world already filled with different sorts of conflict. Even if we achieve that that wouldn't ensure peace and justice. However fanaticism and religious violence will be stopped for a few years but then there will be splits and formation of new religions. There was a time when we had no religion. Then we had one religion. Then different people made different religions of their own and some more people followed. Now they are in battle with each other forever. The same cycle will repeat if we start from one religion again. I think having multiple religion is actually good as long as we keep our religions to our private lives. Violence and disruption comes when religion spills over from private life to public life.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
9 Jan 11
No! One Religion would lead to bigger war, as dissidents would have no other choice.
With all the religions in the world today (especially with the distance-crossing power of the Internet), you can solve any disagreement with one religion by going to another one (and another, and another, until you have found one delivering a message that sounds like the one God gives you).
'having Only One Religion in the world' would leave you SLAMMING & SLAMMING & SLAMMING into that Brick Wall (when you could've just turned and gone The Way some other way before).