One Love To One Girl

January 8, 2011 6:03am CST
only a good hearted one love to another one deeply, one person in love with another person, not simply by proposing I LOVE YOU, if the person loves other then he has to be true in nature, always be positive, never hurt, must be kind from his heart.
4 responses
@sameer786 (832)
8 Jan 11
Please select your interest first, then post your discussion in thst interest, you should post this discussion in relationship, not in make extra money.
@sameer786 (832)
8 Jan 11
Please select your interest first, then post your discussion in thst interest, you should post this discussion in relationship, not in make extra money.
@sql_cell (1427)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 11
But in reality, is doing now is not as easy as theory expressed. More painful love.
• United States
8 Jan 11
You're posting this stuff under the wrong interest.