Do you wake up early or late on days when you do not have work or school?

United States
January 8, 2011 3:44pm CST
I personally cannot stay asleep after 9:00 because I feel as I am wasting the day away, especially on weekends or holidays. I know some people who sleep till noon on weekends. What do you prefer and why?
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16 responses
@amitpro (75)
• India
12 Jan 11
Really its causes a lot of tension for students when they are at school level .suddenly waking of child due to tension of homeworks common problem now a days.. following video shows embarrassing situation of a child at night..
• United States
10 Jan 11
I generally don't wake up too much latter on non-school days. Like you 9 would truly be sleeping in! I'm usually up between 7-8 on the weekends. I have not slept til noon since I was in college! I slept in / napped if I wasn't working or going to school whenever I could catch a break.
@derek_a (10873)
9 Jan 11
I wake up the same time, give or take 15 minutes whether it is a work day or a day off. I like the peace and quiet of the early morning before the sun comes up. I spend around an hour in meditation as I am a Zen practitioner as self-reflection and spiritual awareness has always been something that has fascinated me. _Derek
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
9 Jan 11
My wife and kids always sleep in but unfortunately my body is programmed to wake up at 5:00 AM. I will try and stay in bed or go back to sleep or what ever but unfortunately my body will not allow me. I just toss and turn and then I just end up getting up anyways. So I am up bright and early on my days off, I would like to sleep in, I just can't.
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
9 Jan 11
yeah... that is my bad habit. i feel that i don't have to wake early cause i must not go to school. but not all holiday i wake up late, there was a time i wake earlier to get sports with my relatives
10 Jan 11
I used to sleep almost all day on my days off work but now I have two little children I am so tired all the time but when my husband lets me sleep in at the weekend I can't sleep as I feel too guilty for not spending the time with my babies, the latest I can usually sleep now is the same as you, about 9am but that is after getting up around 6-6:30 am for an hour to feed my youngest baby then I get her back to sleep and I can get a few more hours. I miss sleeping all day but I can sleep again when my children are older and at school.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
8 Jan 11
I usually don't wake up very early on days, when I don't have to go to school, or something. I usually end up waking up around 9 or 10. Although, there are still those mornings when I wake up earlier than that. I think that sometimes, it depends on the morning, and how tired I am, and such.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
9 Jan 11
I rarely get to sleep late. I wake up at 530am Monday - Friday to get my son up for the school bus and to get to work. On Saturday I get up at 6am for my part time second job. I work 12 hours on Saturday so I am exhausted after working a full week at my first job and then 12 hours straight. On Sunday we usually go to Church so I have to be up by 8am to get myself and the kids ready. If we do not go to Church I can sleep later though the latest I think has only been 11am and that is rare since we usually go to Church. I love and miss sleep!! lol.
@emma90 (530)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 11
hm,,I always wake up early although I sleeping too late :D In weekends, I wake up early too...I don't know why. maybe my biologist clock is too active LOL... Have a good day...
@LaDeBoheme (2004)
• United States
9 Jan 11
I sleep in whenever I can. But I have weird jobs that require off-the-wall hours. Sometimes day, sometimes night, sometimes both, could be any day/night of the week. My schedule is never the same day to day, much less week to week. No routine to get used to, so yeah, whenever I can sleep, I do!
@emine08 (1549)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 11
i prefer to wake up as usuall. i have a regular activities in the morning. so it is the same on the work day or in holiday.
@juryse (752)
• Philippines
8 Jan 11
Even if it's my off or not working, I wake up early. I guess my body clock has been wired that way. If I sleep until noon I usually wake up with a headache so I don't want that.
• Philippines
9 Jan 11
hi there bazgrewal! during weekends i wake up late for me to be able to recharge my body for the whole week's stressful activities. though i myself can wake up early without setting my alarm, still giving myself a little more rest gets me ready to face another stressful week.
• Philippines
9 Jan 11
I wake up the same time that I wake up when I have classes. I'm used to that schedule so I automatically wake up when that time comes. Well, of course, its not constant, but it ranges from this time to that time. I have noticed that even if I stay up late, I also wake up early. The only way that my wake up pattern changes is when I'm so tired the previous day and if it is very cold.
• United States
8 Jan 11
I don't work on the weekends anymore and I used to wake up early 6 to 7 days a week for a long time and today is Saturday and I thought I would be able to sleep in, but some hoew I found myself awake at 6 a.m.!! I hated that because once I am awake I can not go back to sleep!! Have a good day!!
@wadabski (761)
• Philippines
8 Jan 11
It is ironic that I wake up earlier on my day off compared to the days that I have work. I do not know why. May be because of the excitement that I want to start the day early for some fun and relaxation.