My life is always full of questions.

@ariyanti (205)
January 8, 2011 8:36pm CST
Whether I'm happy now? If I'm happy, why am I still shed a tear? I laughed not because of my husband, and my husband laugh not because of me. Is happiness can be measured by how often we laugh? Is it really I should be happy with someone else? So is my husband? My life is always full of questions. Can I enjoy this life?
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4 responses
@sql_cell (1427)
• Indonesia
20 Sep 11
If you want to enjoy life. Thankful for what you have now. Sometimes, it is very difficult to appreciate, what is already there. Given that, human nature is never satisfied. Take advantage of your time to things that are positive, by always doing positive things, problems in your life, will not increase.
@sql_cell (1427)
• Indonesia
21 Sep 11
Nothing is easy in this world, but at least you should try. Before trying, we will not know what will happen. As long as it's positive, you should try. You should not give up easily. Lord, pleased with those who struggle, and not easily give up. As long as there is intention, all will be done.
@ariyanti (205)
• Indonesia
20 Sep 11
I hope, able to follow your advice. Your advice, it is very difficult for me to do.
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@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
9 Jan 11
Hello Ariyanti, i believe that you will receive solution to your questions if you think more about your personal experience. Try to analyze your past, present and future and you will have most of the answers. I can't answer from your side, because i'm sure that we think different and we won't have same opinions for everything. And if you need answers for yourself, ask your soul, it will know the right way of everything.
@ariyanti (205)
• Indonesia
11 Jan 11
Perhaps, my question will be answered, if I could feel the happiness completely.
• American Samoa
9 Jan 11
hello ariyanti good day~! i'll just have to say this to you... do not take a look on those which makes you gloomy and problematic, look in the other way, the other way to prevent those bad things and unhappy things for your life. always think that all problems CAN be solved, think of happy thoughts not the negative ones. i hope you do~ happy mylotting :)
@ariyanti (205)
• Indonesia
9 Jan 11
My problem will never be finished, so I should be like this forever. I always try to find happiness, for myself. But happiness was only temporary. And finally, happiness, pose a problem.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
9 Jan 11
It's good to know that you've got a lot of questions. But you should be guided that answers are only few and they do not come if you don't take action. Happiness is not an everyday menu we can pick. I feel the same thing with you. I do not often laugh but appreciating life at the same time question how things exist is a beautiful indication that you are living a good life. The secret is you just have to be faithful with whatever you do. Whenever you shed a tear, it means that you're still normal. We do need tears somehow to make us feel that we are alive, that we are still in pain. You know, we cannot get the answers of all the questions we have in mind. But let's just raise the bar and be proud with what we have. We should have contentment and strive for what we think we need to have. We should also learn how to identify our limitations and abilities.
@ariyanti (205)
• Indonesia
9 Jan 11
But almost every day, the sadness that I received. If I laugh, just a fake laugh. Just so as not to damage the atmosphere.