What is it with Men?

United States
January 10, 2011 1:42pm CST
I am so mad again!!! I was on my way to work this morning I woke up at 5 a.m. and got ready and stopped and put some gas in the car and my supervisor called and said to go back home because of the weather here! So I came back home made my husbands lunch and his coffee and he went on in to work. I went to the bathroom a while ago and the toilet is stopped up and I have tried everything to try to fix it buit it just keeps flooding! This is like the 6th or 7th time this has happened so I called him and asked him if he would fix it when he got home because I tried and he just bursted out I din;t f'n think so the problem is you put too much toilet paper in it which I don't I am careful as to what I do. I am just so sick of his atitude lately he never smiles and always in a bad mood it seems and I just don't know how much more I can take!! I was going to cook him a nice dinner for him when he got home it would be ready but now I am thinking of not doing it because the way I was just talked too!!What would you do?
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9 responses
@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
10 Jan 11
If you win against your bad mood and cook that nice dinner, the victory will be with you.You see, you both are tired, but men are more vulnerable when it comes to emotions.You won't get anything from hungry and angry man.Calm down, say to yourself you're a great strong woman and you can deal with this.Show him what a good wife he has.And then ask him again to do what you want him to do.
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• United States
10 Jan 11
Thank you so much for a nice response and I am going to cook dinner.I am still going to keep trying to fix the toilet too, but only a few more because it is nerve racking.Thank you and have a good day!!
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• Lithuania
10 Jan 11
Hope you'll fix both the toilet and the mood! Have a nice day!
2 people like this
• United States
14 Jan 11
Thanks and have a good day too!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
14 Jan 11
Hi jahernandezrivas! I am a little late with my response so I hope you feel a bit better towards your husband. I can relate to your discussion and I confess that, although I love my husband I am not too keen on men in general! A lot of the problems couples face seem to be so universal! My husband has the bad habit to take whatever has put him in a bad mood out on my daughter and I…Sure he apologises later but it is getting rather frequent and we are sick of it. He knows this and had vowed not to do it anymore but we are not too convinced. Hang in there…Just focus on his good points… (LOL)…
• United States
15 Jan 11
Yes when we marry it is supposed to be for better, worse, sickness, and health! Well that thing that happened was like one for the worst so I figure where's the love? Forgiveness? But you know what he did apologize and everything is good now! Have a good day!
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• United States
11 Jan 11
I tried earlier to respond to this discussion but i was at work and the computer i guess just didnt want me to respond. My response is that i would have made him dinner and made him something nice so that maybe he woulf fix the toilet even if he was mad. You could also try talking to him over a good dinner with just the two of you except if you have kids then i understand how that is of course. I know men say that they arent being men when they really are of course
• United States
14 Jan 11
I cooked him a nice dinner and before I coked it I almost fixed it myself. I had to put some kind of chemical thing in it and just wait and when he got home he said he was sorry and fixed the rest.
@marguicha (225454)
• Chile
11 Jan 11
Dear friend, I think you are both tense with your money problems and your health ones. Try to relax if you can and don´t let these things make you too mad although I do know how bothersome they can be. Your husband could not fix anything from his work so I would suggest you avoid calling him to him him more trouble at work. When he comes home, you can SHOW him the toilet. And explain what you did and did not do to fix it. If you are home because of the weather, use your day to do things at a leisure pace with some nice music and give yourself some time to get another half hour of rest. I just checked that you wrote this yesterday. How did all go?
• United States
14 Jan 11
Everything is okay now everything is fixed and we are good! Thank you for asking and you are right I am not going to call him at work anymore he told me he does not answer the phone when I call because the place where he works is very busy now and he can not get to his phone if he is under a car, so I did quit calling him. Well have a nice day my friend and thanks for the response and advice.
@isloooboy (1733)
• United Arab Emirates
11 Jan 11
I will face the music only when I will get married but right now I am focusing on how these relationships moves forward and what the basic's which we must avoid and what we must do ?. I can say only one thing, "If you love him then do not look towards his mistakes but look what he can do best for you". regards
• United States
14 Jan 11
Thanks I do love him and I am sure we can work this out, well we already did I just get so tired of him not smiling sometimes it makes me feel like he is not happy with me and I ask him and he always tells me he is happy he is just frustrated sometimes over other things.
• Philippines
11 Jan 11
Firstly, stay calm. I believe you and your husband are not communicating properly. I suggest that both of you sit together on a day-off and talk about your relationship. Be open with your sentiments. However, both of you should be mindful of your intonation because shouting is one of the causes of arguments rather than the argument itself. Simply put, give yourselves time to discuss over the things regarding your relationship.
• United States
14 Jan 11
Thanks for the advice and I am going to try to talk to him next time if it happens again. Have a nice day!
• United States
11 Jan 11
I definitely would not get on the Internet and broadcast all of those issues. Those things are between you and him.
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
4 Feb 11
I would be as pissed as you are.. It's just not right for him or any other person to do that. Maybe he was just tired and all, but I guess both of you are. Marriage is a partnership and work should be done by both people- and not just one person doing all the work.
• United States
11 Jan 11
Well you should try to talk to him, ask him whats its going on? if he is okay, and try to fix everything because he its your husband.. just Pray to God ...he will give u the anserws. GOD BLESS YOU