How do you discipline a child without spanking?

January 11, 2011 6:15am CST
I have a 5 year old child who happens to be hardheaded and stubborn. Its very hard to discipline him without ending up with spanking him. It seems so easy to bring life to a child but its so hard to expect them to grow the way we expect them to be. I wish I could discipline him without hurting him.I try hard to talk to him and make him understand but he doesn't seem to care.Its hard to control everything especially for a kid so hyper. What do i do to avoid spanking or hurting him? :(
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12 responses
@marguicha (225508)
• Chile
11 Jan 11
What does it mean "hardheaded" and "stobborn"? Does it mean he can explain WHY he is doing things in a different way from yours? I have good relations with my grandson, 8 who is hyperactive. Since he was little he did things he shouldt (like placing a food on a hole in the street where he could get hurt( Isaid "don´t do it" and he would do it over and over again, as trying me and my patience, it seemed. So I changed the wording and asked "WHY do you do it?" The first answer was "because..." I then told him that he could continue doing it if he could provide a good reason and we could talk about it. AS he could not manipulate me with that, he decided to stop doing it. But I did not let off. I wanted answers so I kept at it. This happened a few times and now he knows who is the boss. If he wants to do something I don´t agree with, he must have reasons and tell me. Mind you, sometimes he is right and I tell him and accept I am wrong. So we respect each other. I don´t control him and he doesn´t control me.
• Philippines
17 Jan 11 son is very controlling..he wants it the other way parents are spoilers and they always give him what he wants..a reason probably why he ended up growing up like a son doesn't act this way if the only ones around is me and my hubby,but when we're at home..(since we live with my parents..)he acts as if he owns the world.
@marguicha (225508)
• Chile
17 Jan 11
ILiving with the parents is good and bad at the same time.
@pogi253 (1596)
• Philippines
12 Jan 11
In the world these days, figures show that the number of child abuse cases that are being reported is increasing at an alarming rate. Many people maltreatment their children under the guise of discipline. This is not acceptable in any way. When you think of punishment, what comes to mind? A spank on the bottom? A time out in the corner? There are many unusual methods of punishment. The one thing that is certain is that punishing your child should not leave them with marks or bruises. Timeouts, standing in the corner, taking something they love away for a day, and even bed after dinner are all efficient ways of punishing a child without getting physical.
• Philippines
17 Jan 11
thank much as we could we try not to hurt him..but there are really times that you get to spank him.we try very hard to explain to him..lately, i've taken away his gameboy for him to concentrate with studying every night which is pretty effective.great day sir!
@yogeshdhusa (2236)
• India
12 Jan 11
I say patience make wonders, i know its hard but no other option. I talk to him, that its not right and it not right for me but its not right for every one. Showing love 1st important step . 2nd showing unhappiness. 3rd understanding and believing that he can do.
• Philippines
17 Jan 11
I do that ..but talking doesn't make him less hard headed..he would be nice in a few minutes after the talk..but he'd be the same again after the punishment and lil talk is done.
@vikkiz (518)
12 Jan 11
My son is exactly the same, you give him an inch and he will take a mile, he is also 5 years old. It got to a point where i was being pulled everyday at school by teachers saying he had been disruptive or had hit someone. Smacking my child does not work, I did try at one point to smack his backside when all else failed but he just laughs at me and tells me it doesn't hurt! Even the naughty step doesn't work as he just accepts he has to sit there and is just naughty again. It all ended one day when he had once again gave back chat and had kicked his dad, His father then decided he was going to take everything away from him except books. His father unscrewed his tv off his wall and all his computer stuff and toys were taken away from him for one day. He wasn't naughty again for ages! When he did eventually start up again a few weeks later we stuck to the removal of his things for a day again. This has worked for me excellently and i advise you to use this technique. Always give him a warning and tell him exactly what is going to happen if he does it again, never get worked up and start screaming and shouting as then he knows hes got you where he wants you. If he ignores you and does it again, Then do EXACTLY what you've told him would be his punishment would be. Even if he kicks and screams just ignore him and go about what you were doing, tell him you wont speak to him till he calms down. It might take 2 days it may take 2 weeks but what you have to remember is never give in, and always persist with him as if hes anything like my son as soon as you've dropped your guard they are off on one again. If my son is naughty i normally tell him that if he continues with his behaviour i will be taking away his privileges, he know exactly what this means, I also remind him every morning before school that if he misbehaves he will once again lose his privileges. Dont be too hard on your son, Hes just taking advantage like any kid would. Another thing i would recommend is to enrol him into some activitys after school, my son does football 2 times a week and he goes swimming once a week this will calm him down a lot and also has the benefits of exercise.
• Philippines
17 Jan 11
hi there..thank you so much for your advise..i will surely 5 he goes to school which is pretty much of help..he still gets naughty and all but atleast its lesser than usual since he spends too much of his day energy playing with kids his own age.I guess we might enroll him for summer class for this summer for him to mingle with kids and less violence than watching tv and all.lolz.thank you..hope to hear from you soon..great day!
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
11 Jan 11
Spanking doesn't need to be the only answer to discipline in parenting. there are other ways to discipline without the abuse of spanking. time outs and loss of priveleges can work just as well if not better.
• Philippines
17 Jan 11
thank you.. ;) .i'm gonna have to try this every once in a while..
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jan 11
It is not easy to decide what to do about a child that seems to be more than a hand full. The experts have written all kinds of books about conditioning and behavior. First I think that we have to realize that the child is a different person than ourselves and has different perceptions. Believe me, talking very often does not work. I believe its about reward or lack there of. That is where the solution may lay. Draw your boundries and stick to them. Reward good behavior and do not tolerate bad behavior. Find out what the child enjoys and see if you can find ways to use that to elicit positive behavior.
• Philippines
17 Jan 11
thank you sir..i'm gladly willing to try those.. ;) .
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
11 Jan 11
i gave my kids time outs. not in their rooms where they can play with things but on the stairs in our house so they can think about why they are being punished.
@grkelly (1206)
• Malta
11 Jan 11
I have learnt to try to remain calm, talk to the child in a low voice and explain. Then, often I try to say 'if you do not obey, then you will not... have choclate/ go out to the park etc. The key is to take things positively. Do not get me wrong, I also spank my child but I am trying my best to avoid it.
• Philippines
11 Jan 11
thank you so much for the advice.I try hard not to spank my son but well..sometimes its too much.I appreciate your responce maam..have a great day ahead.. ;)
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
11 Jan 11
i have been using the super nanny time out. My child is only two, so it is a bit harder. What you do is calmly give a warning. Very specific. You need to stop ___________, or you will go in time out. follow through. I have the bottom stair of my staircase as the naught step. I explain what she did wrong and set her there for 2 minutes (1 minute for each year). Every time she gets up I reset the timer. When she is done with her time, I reexplain why she sat there. Have her apologize. Say i love you and give a hug. It is working well so far.
• Philippines
17 Jan 11
thank you..that's not bad..we used to do that when we were in my hubby's place..when he does something bad we make him face the wall and just let him off there until he realizes his mistake,it was effective when were there but now,since grandparents are here ..he knows he have someone to call when he is in trouble with me.. which makes it harder for me to discipline him.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
15 Jan 11
hi, instead of spanking a child to discipline it, i will just punishing him/her by doing something, or i can use some motivation on that child just to not repeat what he/she did.
• United States
11 Jan 11
It can be difficult to remain calm. I don't recommend hurting the child as he won't learn from this, more likely he will fear or resent you. Have tried putting him in "time out". This is where you separate the child from distractions and often this will make the child bored and more likely to respond to you in a positive manner to get out of the "timeout".
• Philippines
17 Jan 11
we used to do this..but living with my parents made it harder for me now, because he knows he can always go ask for his granny to make me stop.this also ends up to fights between me and my son,is very hard to discipline, he'll tick you off until you lose patience..he would only stop when he thinks he's going to get a spank.
• United States
12 Jan 11
It doesn't really help you right now, but know that when they're older, and out on their own, they DO remember what you tell them, even at 5 years old. I don't have any kids myself but I spend a LOT of time with my friends kids. I'm obsessed with gummy bears, so one thing I do when they're bad, I make them sit in the corner quietly for 5 minutes, and then make them apologize. But if they apologize on their own or do something to correct whatever they did, I give them gummy bears. One thing that's a little different is I use one of their favorite stuffed animals or dolls as a sort of scapegoat. Like "Dora made a huge mess in the bathroom, I think she needs time-out" Which now that I think about it seems kinda wrong, because it makes them feel bad, BUT it teaches them to own up to what they did. I really don't like to spank, especially since it's not my child, even though I have permission and I'm like an aunt or second mom.