how long after the end of a marriage should you wait before dating again?

United States
January 11, 2011 8:36am CST
its driving me crazy how the celebrities are announcing they are divorcing then like hook up with some one else quickly after.. of course same thing happens in real life.. to me its tacky unless you were already separated for a good amount of time before you announce it.. it just seems so shady to be like not even mourning the marriage but jump to the next one as if the 1st one didnt matter.. or worse it looks like the new person broke them up in the first place.. i dont think they should have to wait like a year or anything but at lest 1-2 months or something before jumping to the next one.. maybe im just being silly but before that just seems like you didnt care at all not to mention rebound affect.. how long do you think is appropriate? or does it matter to you? do you think its tacky to announce your divorce one day then the next already have an replacement??
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16 responses
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
12 Jan 11
Most divorses aren't quick. There's even a mandatory court waiting period of 3 months before it's finalized ( & that's if things go well ). It's not just "it's over & move on" there's a lot of time taken up there. Many times the relationship was over long before anyone actually filed anyways. If they're ready to start dating again, let them & be happy for them.
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Feb 12
some states make you wait years which i think is ridiculous!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Jan 11
it just seems so shady to be like not even mourning the marriage but jump to the next one as if the 1st one didnt matter The mourning may have occured DURING the marriage..Take my husbands first marriage for was LONG over before we met, they were ever actually divorced and he moved out and in with me. So a "mourning" period wasnt necessary since it'd already happened..and that is actually IMO more common place than ppl either realize or want to admit.. How long should one wait? Well that depends on the situation. I dont think one set or general rule would work..Every divorce just like every marriage is different ya know... As for celeb marriages, divorces etc LOL well they are in a world on a planet all their own so I wont even go there since TO ME pretty much everything in Hollywood, L.A etc is acting in one form or another..
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@khalida (1126)
• India
12 Jan 11
well it actually depends on the eprson's situation. sometimes, relationships go so bad that it remains bad and neither of the partners try to do anything about it. So there is no emotional attachment with the partner, at such times if they hook up with somebody else soon after breaking up with their partner, it makes sense doesn't it? Other group of people who don't really give a damn to their current relationship and want to just have fun and have a so called girlfriend/boyfriend so these type of people keep changing all the time! That gives a depth about their character.
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• United States
7 Feb 12
so many ways people handle things eh?
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
12 Jan 11
There will be no fix answer or a exact period that you should wait before the next date. When the time come, you can just go for it unless you worried that someone will talk bad behind you. Or you just want to take care of your image. It is not wrong to have someone else once you are divorced, and you are a freeman after sign up the divorce form. But for a normal person, to get to date with another person immediate after your first marriage, it is a bit difficult. Unless you already having crush on someone before your marriage ended.
• United States
7 Feb 12
yeah celebrities do have an advantage of finding people faster than regular people
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jan 11
This is an interesting topic since most of us have experienced this at one time or another. But i don't know if there should be a mourning period per se after a breakup. I would think that it is relative to the individual's perceptions. Like you I believe in letting the smoke settle after the relationship. But so many people get right back into a new relationship. Perhaps that is why so many relationships don't work. But, to each his/her own. I am currently between relationships. almost 10 years now. lol
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Feb 12
wow thats a long time but hey if its working for you then thumbsup
• South Africa
12 Jan 11
I think there is no time limit on when to start dating after divorcing. Its all about healing, i would say give yourself time to heal jumping from one relationship to the next doesnt solve anything. it takes 2 people to make or break a marriage jumping to another relationship means youre taking whatever problems you had as a person and dumping to the next person.
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• United States
7 Feb 12
some people just need to have some one at all times it seems or else they feel incomplete even if its a shallow rebound
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Jan 11
A marraige breaks down a long time before the divorce comes along. I don't find anything wrong with them having someone else right's human nature. People don't stray etc unless there are needs that aren't being met in the humans we need to be loved and needed!
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Feb 12
very true and good point
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
11 Jan 11
I think that it really depends on when you feel ready. I think that that's the important thing. If you're not ready, then I don't think that you should. I think that this is more about how you feel.
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• United States
7 Feb 12
true since some people take it harder than others or just had a bad divorce that made them not ready for anyone new
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
11 Jan 11
Well, "dating" and "replacing" are two different things. Also, the marriage could have been over long before they even separated... over in their minds and their hearts. I think people should wait awhile before getting serious with anyone else once a marriage is over (whether they've separated at that point or waited until the divorce was final). Your emotions are usually all screwed up and, a lot of times, people tend to hook up with someone else to fill that void left by the previous partner, only to find out that it cannot be filled with anyone else. It needs to heal on it's own then you can move on with another person who is the person you had thought the other one was. Does that make sense or is my mind all befuddled because of the anticipated snowstorm headed our way? Now, as to how much time is necessary or "right", I couldn't say. It would depend entirely on how well you handle the breakup, how well you understand what went wrong, recover from it and put it behind you. People do this at different speeds. I would estimate that maybe around six months would be a good amount of time to recover and know what you are really looking for. Still, I wouldn't rush into marriage again, not for at least a couple of years of dating this person.
• United States
7 Feb 12
snow storm or not it made sense to me!
@ktosea (2026)
• China
11 Jan 11
Funny question haha...the celebrities must broke for a reason, like cheating or one of them have already found another one fit for her or him. that's why when they just had a end of a marriage,and they got in love just after a couple of days. some just less than a month.I think it's a inmoral thing to annouce your divorce one day and then the next already have an replacement.that's not the best way to get divorced.
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• United States
7 Feb 12
i think if anything its at least in bad taste
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
11 Jan 11
There should no timeline on dating after marriage. When you find someone new love and they have your heart, you will know that the time is right. When a marriage ends, it is not the end of your life. Dating again can reopen doors that were once closed.
• United States
11 Jan 11
I don't think you can actually put a time frame as to when it is right to begin to date again. I can only say that I did not plan when I was going to begin dating after my divorce, but I did wait about 3 years. I feel that maybe 3 years is too long, but as people we need to re-find ourselves and figure out what we no longer what and do want in a relationship. Dating immediately after a breakup does not allow us to see warning signs and or what we actually want. I feel that allowing enough time, allows us to get to re-acquaint ourselves with who we really are. See as a married person you tend to compromise and give up things you really like and it becomes a routine to be someone you really aren't. So allowing enough time allows the heart to heal and the mind to get stronger. At least it worked for me as when I started dating I did get into some situation that I was easily able to say, not for me. Luckily I am now living with my boyfriend for five years and we are perfect for one another.
• United States
7 Feb 12
yeah people really need to get to know themselves before they jump into another relationship and i guess some people take a long time before they figure themselves out and some have already figured out before the divorce is final
• Poland
11 Jan 11
I think you hit the road. Don't wait for dating.
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• Philippines
11 Jan 11
time has changed and right now, people are more aggressive and open. one day you're happily and married and getting interviewed on how much you love each other, the next day you're splitting up because of irreconcilable differences and getting divorced. And boom. The next day you already have pictures holding hands and getting cozy with some dude you met in a private party circling the net. We can't control how people act. I don't think there's an appropriate time. A couple gets divorced because they're unhappy with their marriage and they can't make it work anymore. So even if that "new" partner is someone whom he/she has already been friends with during the former marriage, it's okay. I really don't mind. In a religious culture like ours, this is not good news. But in some other places, it's okay. They're happy. We just let them be.
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• United States
7 Feb 12
its crazy how things can change so quickly for some couples
• United States
11 Jan 11
If your relationship with your spouse has deteriorated to the point of divorce, i think its past time to mourn it. Also some people recover more quickly than others...some will start seeing someone else while the divorce proceedings are going on, and others wait years before seeing someone new. Plus i also think it depends on how the relationship was...if it was abusive...then waiting to find someone to treat you right seems pointless. Also length of the marriage should be taken into consideration. However the rules for celebs are totally different from the rules of your average joe.
@wydtron (302)
• Portugal
11 Jan 11
That question is kinda silly. If you end your marriage you dont need to give him any reason to still think on you. So you can even start dating 2 hours after the divorce you only have to worry about the waiting if you have kids then you will need to wait or the kid will think you wont love her/his mother/father again(silly mind). Thanks for reading
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
12 Jan 11
the question isnt silly at all! in fact its pretty logical..Not ALL divorces end bitterly..and as you mentioned, what if there are kids involved? There are so many variables and so many scenarios..What Moon asked is FAR FROM silly..
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Feb 12
thank you Ravenladyj