Are you afraid of God or do you love Him...?
By chayapathys
@chayapathys (2111)
January 12, 2011 7:21pm CST
Many of us believe in existence of God and also have faith in Him.He is ominipresent and omnicient and all religions proclaim the same.He is all mecifull and at the same time He punishes the wicked.So He is good for those who are good and bad for those who are bad.But at the same we human beings are mixture of good and bad.No one is good always and similarly no one is bad at all times.Many of us also believe that He will punish us if do bad things and also He will reward us for doing good things.So we are afraid of Him and also love Him.As for me I am more afraid of Him.Whst about you all my lotters...?

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19 responses
@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
13 Jan 11
Someone once described the Fear of the Lord to a youth group I was leading. She explained fearing the Lord is not fear of punishment, but fear of hurting God.
When you love someone, you fear harming them. You want to do the best for their welfare. God is pure love, and deserves our entire being to love and honor Him. When we love so deeply, so purely, our fear is not for our self but for the one we love.
Our sin hurts the Lord. It breaks His heart. When we truly fall in love with Love, we fear sinning because it not only makes God cry, it also separates us from Him. Sin, no matter how big or small, drives a wedge between the created and the Creator.
Even thoughts cause a rift in our relationship with the one who loves us so deeply. We are so fallible, so imperfect, yet so loved by God that He sent His Son to die for us. Those stripes on His back are due to our imperfection and our outright rebellion against what is Good. The crown of thorns represent the sin of thoughts against others that are impure and unholy. The cross He carried represents the burdens we have placed upon others because of our sinfulness that Christ Himself took to Calvary.
We cannot be perfect because of our nature, but we can respond to Grace. The Grace of God does heal our sinful nature, it aids us in becoming more and more like God. Only His Grace can perfect us, even though until the day we see Him face to face, we will be imperfect. Our mission on Earth is not to be perfect, but merely seek out ways to be better than we are.
When our response to Grace shows us our true nature and the gravity of our sinful state, and we repent for our ways (repent means to turn away from sin, to change, to do something new) not from fear of punishment, but from fear of being separated from God, then we are on our way to eternal life with our true Love.
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@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
17 Jan 11
God bless you and guide you.
Excellent discussion. Thank you for bringing this up.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
16 Jan 11
You have correctly explained the meaning of fearing God.As you say fear of God is not fear of punishment but fear of hurting God.As we all love Him we have to fear Him also so that we may not hurt Him.Therefore fear is nothing but love in the true sense of the word.We do not like to hurt some one whom we love deeply.Similarly we should not like to God as we love Him.Excellent expllanation.May god bless you...

@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
13 Jan 11
It is said "Fear God and live". But it really depends which God you believe in. In my case, it is to mean reverent fear, acknowledging Him for who He is.
I am NOT here to start a religious argument, but just to share my point of view. At least for the God I believe in,I have faith in Him. Not that I am good, because no one is good. The bible says, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Why then do good people suffer while the bad enjoy life? The judgement is not now, but when we meet our Maker. I think for many, we find it hard to believe the statement that none is good. We measure good and bad by our standards which is nothing really good at all. We have more evil on our minds than good if we examine ourselves closely, and that include most DEFINITELY ME.
His ways are not ours, so we cannot measure with the same yardstick. And with Him, I know I can be confident because of His promises. I am in the making till the day He returns.
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@chayapathys (2111)
• India
16 Jan 11
Yes "fear God and live" is the correct message.We have to fear Him because He is capable of punishing us in some way or the other if we go wrong or do bad deeds.For that we have to fear Him otherwise there is no need to fear Him at all.He is all love and mercy and He is our father.Children fear and at the time love parents.Our reltionship with God also Child-parent relationship only...
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
13 Jan 11
I fear God, but it is close to respect. I am aware of His holiness, and also, of how far I fall short of his standards. But I also love Him, because He is so merciful, forgiving me time and time again for my sins.

@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
14 Jan 11
And thank you so much for best response, much appreciated.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
14 Jan 11

@chayapathys (2111)
• India
15 Jan 11
What you posed is very relevant doubt.I also get such doubts in my life many times.At the time of air crash, train accidents, earth quakes and floods many people die and equally many people became invalid.At the time of bombing many innocent people who do not want war and are not involved in war die or permanently become invalid but still survive.On this reasoning can we afford to live a wicked life.On this basis all religions preach love in the name of God.What we discuss here is relevant to individual people not for the community as a whole... 

@chayapathys (2111)
• India
14 Jan 11
Sorry you have completely mistaken me.Had I been wicked God would have punished me already.But He has favoured me with so many good things and He has blessed me a lot.I am afraid of God becasuse that having been bestowed so many favours by Him I am afraid whether I may do something to displease Him.That is what I mean by saying that I am afraid of God. I do not know about Australia and I have not visited that country so far..

@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
14 Jan 11
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Fearing God does not mean being afraid of him just as you are afraid of ghost or any bad creatures that may harm you. Fearing God means afraid to disobey him because you don't want to displease him and you don't want him to get disappointed with you so that you strictly adhere to His rules and commandments. This fear of the Lord comes from strong love and reverence to His Holy name. I do love God and out of my love I fear him and this led me to gain wisdom. Wisdom is the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong in accordance to the Word of God and learning to choose the right all for the glory of God.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
16 Jan 11
You have correctly understood what is meant by fearing God.It is the starting point for wisdom.Only fear of God inculcates real love for Him.When childen fear
parents does it mean that they don't love parents.Similarly love and fear of God go hand in hand.We should not attribute negative meaning to fear of God in this context...

@sunnycool (12714)
• India
13 Jan 11
Nope i do not fear god coz i haven't done anything wrong!Things concerning me might be weird for others but they make sense in my way of thinking.At the same time i dont know if i love is these years that my mom asked me to pray to god and i'm kinda used to it now.Its more of a habit for me to visit god every thursday ... i'm glad doing it.Great day.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
16 Jan 11
Yes why should any one fear Him.He is full of love and mercy and He also expects us to love and repect Him.Fear of god is to regulate our conduct and to be in the right path.As children love parents and also fear them in case they go wrong.Similarly our relation with God is like child-parent relationship...
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
13 Jan 11
There is much written in the Bible about us, as God's Children! Lets put this in a different prospective!
You are a Loving Parent to your children. You love them very much and you want them to grow up to be Loving Adults. You want their love, but do you demand that they Worship you? You teach them to do good, but do you threaten them with dire punishment if they digress?, Should they be frightened of their own parents? Should they Worship, and Fear their Parents? Do you believe that a frightened, fearful, child can return your love, or be a loving child, or grow into an intelligent loving Adult?
Now put yourself in your child's place with God as your Loving Father!
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
15 Jan 11
It is a well known fact that we are all children of God. Will children love or fear their parents.Children love parents because they not only take care of them but also shower love on them.At the same time they are afraid of parents because parents punish them if they do wrong.Similarly we love God and at the same time fear Him lest He may punish us for wrong things we do..
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
13 Jan 11
In fact love and fear of God Almighty should go side by side in one's life.He loves those who fear Him the most and lead their lives as per His teachings and surrender to the Divine Will.Further Polytheism is the biggest sin which He hates the most b/c the polytheists do not believe in His oneness and seek His self-created partners.He says He will never forgive them and will punish them in Hell fire.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
15 Jan 11
God can shower favours on those pious people and at the same time punish the wicked.As we all know these things we love and fear God just as children love and fear their parents wnen young.When they growup it is adifferent matter.Therefore we not only love god but fear Him also...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Jan 11
If you really knew God, you could never be afraid of Him. God does not punish. God will teach. Consequences of our bad choices might really hurt but no more than we were willing to give others or the world. Everything you do in life returns to you in time. It's not really hard. Learn to love unconditionally. You will like the results.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
15 Jan 11
Before we discuss about love or fear of God we should know about God.Law of consequences takes care of our deeds and He is there just watching.Good and bad is in our actions only and consequently whether to love or fear of god is our own creation.So we love and fear Him depending upon our deeds...
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
13 Jan 11

@chayapathys (2111)
• India
15 Jan 11
Fear here is used in the right sense of the word and not in negative sense.He is our father and can a child only fear parents without loving them.Fearing God is code of conduct in living virtous life and avoid living a wicked life on fear of punishment by God.Loving God is the essence of life...

@raviteja_ravi84 (2619)
• India
13 Jan 11
Well i don't believe much in God. When there is no hope left for anyone then people start praying to him thinking that he is the last hope. That's what i really don't like. Worshipping God is one thing and taking him as last hope is completely another thing. I would never advise that to anyone. I only believe in God because my mother believes in them.

@chayapathys (2111)
• India
15 Jan 11
Please excuse me as I do not understand your statement that you believe in God because your mother believes in Him.Belief is personal and nothing to do with others or relationships.Whether you personally love God or fear Him is relevant here.Again you have to excuse me for saying that you are wrong when you think that people pray Him as the last resort.It is not so in all cases and with all people.Some people worship Him even if they have no problems or worries.How do you account for such people.Have faith in God and you will certainly reap good results..

@Blacksun310 (559)
• Philippines
13 Jan 11
I love God more than I fear Him. Actually, I should not use the terms afraid, feared, scared, or the like because God intended us to believe in him not to be afraid. If you show Him that you are afraid of Him, He will realize that you see Him as a strict ruler. God only wants us to love Him and have faith in Him. He knows we are all sinful. But at the same time, He is helping us to accomplish his commandments.

@chayapathys (2111)
• India
16 Jan 11
Actually love is the basis for coming close to God.We have to fear Him because if we do bad or harmful deeds we will incur His displeasure.We are also fully aware He can inflict punishment if we are wicked and do bad things and for that we should fear Him.Oherwise there no need to fear Him.He is all love and merciful.Can a child only fear parents without loving them.Our relationship with God is similar to parent and child reltionship.God bless you..

@JackRabbit (71)
• New Zealand
13 Jan 11
Hello, chayapathys. I have the impression that you are living in a community where the majority of people have faith in God. Personally I would identify myself as agnostic if I must.(which means I would not deny the possible existence of any divine being watching us. But simultaneously not so certain either.) I would think if God exists we shouldn't really have to fear him if he is as merciful as he is described to be. (I would think the previous statement given might not be easily understood by some believers of God. Or anyone... who wishes to challenge the statement.) As for whether I love him or not is a question I never really think about. It would be extremely hard for an individual such as me to really love God in my current status in life. It would be fair to say I would simply just accept the possible existence and just live with such uncertainty.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
15 Jan 11
Belief in existence of God and immense faith in Him is all that matters.Once you believe and have faith in Him whether you love or fear Him does not matter much.If He is there and ever watchful He fully knows how to shower favors on the good and pious people and at the same time punish the wicked as He is omnipotent and omnicient...In short He have to love and fear God...
@shrijsr (574)
• Bangalore, India
13 Jan 11
I just love god more than myself and anything else in this world. My experiences in life has only brought him so close to me. Of course, at some point of time, being a human, i have questioned myself about the existence of god and till date, every time i remember those times, i have regretted and hated myself for being so stupid and for having doubted my almighty who had given me the strength to face the problems myself. Its because of him i'm here and its because of him everything is possible.
I love him and certainly i'm not afraid of him. That doesn't mean that i'm a perfect person, but i'll be happy that i'm punished in the hands of my dear almighty. I will be honored if he is the one who is punishing me for my mistakes other than the other humans who are the so-called perfect people.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
16 Jan 11
What you say is perfectly correct.Love is the essence of our relationship with God.Fear is another way of coming close to Him
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
13 Jan 11
I Love Our Heavenly Father!
But that doesn't mean I don't also fear Him. It's like all the times my folks called my friends' house to tell me I had to come home... because I was in trouble. Walking home was terrible! I didn't love my parents any less than when I walked home under any other circumstances, but I sure wasn't as happy to get home. ;~D
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
14 Jan 11
We have to fear God so that we can conduct ourselves as human beings.He is our father and therefore we should love Him too.Whom else we can love as the earthly relationships are not permanent but temporary.He alone is eternal and so we should love Him and fear Him at the same time...
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
17 Jan 11
I have never been afraid of G-d. He can and does Whatever He wants with me so fear Him? Love? I rather say I respect Him. But fear Him , no. If I feared Him I would want to stay away from anything that He is connected to , so I wouldn't have any religion! I avoid what I fear.
@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
13 Jan 11
The stories of punishments by God told in the Old Testaments of the Holy Bible inspired both love and fear among humans.
God was portrayed as loving and caring God who will not forsake His people in times of crisis, and also a punishing God for the disobedient and hostile. It was only during those times that God was seen as punishing, but with other books in the Holy Bible, all you can see is, a loving God, a merciful God who approved the crucifixion of His only begotten Son for the redemption of man.
Maybe it has a purpose, and if you are keen enough in your study, you will see a good picture of God, but for those who have compartmentalized thinking, they see a different picture, a harsh and cruel God. I have seen a lot of them here in MyLot, criticizing His actions during those times. I think they just lost the big picture of what the Bible really wants us to see.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
14 Jan 11
We all love God.No doubt.But when we realise that He can also punish the wicked we try to mend our ways and be good to others.We all know that we cannot do any wrong to God Himself as He is above us and we should not do wrong cohuman beings as it will hurt Him also.The fear of God keeps us in good path...
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
9 Aug 11
why would I fear of some higher being when I am the one in control of my life and not him. If people really knew god, they would never be afraid of this higher being. God does not punish. We are born to be free. God is not responsible for our mistakes or for all the evil that is going around the world. We are responsible. Everything we do in life has consequences, call it the law of attraction, god, goddess or gods, they all are the same---the product of the human mind to have hope that there is something beyond the grave and nothing more. All religions teach the same thing, the only difference is that they have different interpretations of the higher being....

@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
13 Jan 11
Very well said.
Yes, i am afraid of God so i see to it that i do those things that will only please HIM. But we are only humans, susceptible to temptations so we sometimes do something bad. However, we learn to correct our bad actions though always.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
14 Jan 11
Yes what you say is true.Though we all love God yet we are afraid of Him because of the fear that as human beings we may do something bad thereby hurt Him.He is kind and all merciful still He will not tolerate bad and inhuman behaviour on our part.We should therefore conduct ourselves worthy of human beings though not as angels..