How the heck do you do that?
By TheRealDawn
@dawnald (85139)
Shingle Springs, California
January 14, 2011 5:50pm CST
You've all heard the prayer:
[i]God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.[/i]
Well I've had a crappy week. First there's Tiger. He's been declining in health for at least a month, and for no apparent reason. And then there's Dearra. Her anxiety is back full force, and we've got her back on her stomach meds and back into counseling, but so far she hasn't made it back to school one day this week. And then there's R and the divorce and I can't even think about that right now what with everything else going on.
I've been pretty stressed about it, and why? Aside from the fact that the cat doesn't feel well, and the child is hurting and upset, and I haven't been able to move forward on this divorce the way that I want to? I guess it's the fact that these things are largely out of my control.
I can take the cat to the vet, and follow doctor's orders, and pet him and so on. But the cat is either going to get well or he isn't.
I can give Dearra the support that she needs, and not pressure her, and hopefully make decisions and recommendations that will help her, but ultimately she is the one who is going to have to be able to get out of the car and get herself to class.
So how the heck do you admit to yourself that there are some things in your life that you just can't control? And how can you learn to be OK with that? Because I sure don't know how to...
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24 responses
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
15 Jan 11
I don't normally preach- at least I think I don't. You are going through hell but you responded to my call for help to you and many others and this helped me get through the crises of yesterday.
My friend's daughter in Boston sent me the following. Before I write it I want you to know that her second child has cerebral palsy and she too has days where she finds it hard to go on. I know that I am grasshoppering all over the place now. But the bottom line is that women need women and your many friends here and privately are there to help you to just go on.
Animals do react to tension and so do children.My childhood was hell because two people stayed together because of the children. It will get better for you but there will be days when you feel that you are going out of your mind with all the problems.
This helped me yesterday and I hope it helps you:
Hello, this is God. I will be handling all your problems and concerns today. That's my job. Your job is to give them to me, and then to trust me.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Just print it our and keep it close by you and when it seems like everything is crashing around you then read it. Well - preaching finished! I used to hate it when people said to me take it one day at a time. I wanted to scream asking whether anyone got two days at a time. But the reality is that every morning the sun rises and sets every evening. So I will duck and run but I am telling you to take it one day at a time 

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@hofferp (4734)
• United States
15 Jan 11
It takes a lot of time and patience and just plain getting older I be able to say "I don't know" or to admit you can't fix everything. You can't fix everything, so stop beating yourself up. You're ok. And when Dearra and the other kids see you're ok, they'll hang in there with you. As for Tiger...sometimes with everything we do, we lose our beloved "fur children". Right now, I'd focus on Dearra and the cat... When those issues become resolved, then I'd proceed with R. That's how I'd prioritize them, because you can't do it all. But then you could have a different priority and that's cool. Just don't try to eat the elephant...small bites for now.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
I'm not crazy about that getting older part.
Dearra is back to school. The cat has a diagnosis, but there goes any realistic hope of paying off the credit cards this year (until the house is sold, at least). R brought the agreement home Friday night and then didn't sign it. Bugged him 2 days ago. Guess I'll bug him every other day until I get it. If I don't get it real soon, I'll go back to plan B.

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
The market is somewhat slow. Also we have the most expensive house in the tract. But it has a pool and a view, and hopefully somebody who doesn't want to live over in snobville (the Serrano tract on the other side of the freeway) will be happy to find a house as nice as those, but a little cheaper and without the homeowner's association fees...

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
18 Jan 11
I reiterate the response I made to you this morning but double it. Get it over with. The separation is in your control and staying in limbo is not doing any single one of you any favours. You have been procrastinating beyond belief. I'm sorry to be harsh but you're dancing around these really serious issues.

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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Jan 11
Sounds to me like the two of you are working together more and being more of a family. What are the chances of the two of you staying together? It's just taking too long as if you are both still undecided. Dragging it out like this is so unfair on everyone if you are actually NOT staying together.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
I'm decided to split up, and he's decided that he doesn't want to split up. But for almost 5 years now he hasn't been willing or able to do what I need for him to do in order for us to stay together. I've gotten anger and distrust and verbally abusive behavior. He thinks I need to be the person to change. But look at it from my perspective. I sold my house that I loved. I moved away from my friends and family and home. It wasn't because I wanted to be nearer to his mother and my sister, or because of cheaper housing and better schools, though those were nice side benefits. It was to save the marriage by getting away from a bad situation. And in exchange for that, all I've gotten is the above mentioned behavior. Why? Because he insists that he must have a commitment that I'm staying no matter what, and then he'll agree to behave differently. Enough is enough. I literally have an aversion to being around him, to having him touch me, etc. It's not something I can control (especially as long as he keeps behaving the same way). If I've procrastinated, it's mainly because 1) he's procrastinated and I don't want to push too hard, 2) I do not want to waste money that I may need for the children on a lawyer unless it's absolutely necessary and 3) fear (of moving, of hurting the children, etc.) And yeah, I think we should have gotten this show on the road much sooner, but it will happen one way or another. So maybe I'm doing it in my own time, in my own weird way, but I'm doing it. Never fear, I will get there! Thx for the support. 

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
I'm pushing him to sign the agreement. The agreement says I stay in the house. Once I have his signature, I can enforce getting him OUT. But if he doesn't sign in a reasonable amount of time (that would have been July lol), then I will set a date for going to plan B. meanwhile Dearra's back to school and the cat has a diagnosis, so it's not a total loss...
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
15 Jan 11
I never thought I could control Anything in my life. As a child i thought I was Suppose to get the worse and I was surprised when I got something good. These days I just Know that I have X amount of joy And Pain coming my way in this life. I just can never Know what will come and when.
Hang in there. You are doing All you can do. Hopefully the cat will get better not worse. Ms. D will feel better and there will be a divorce in your future!
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
26 Jan 11
That is a great step, What does the kitty have? And hug Ms.D for me. Tell her that Sarah is proud of her!
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
15 Jan 11
I'm sort of touch and go in this area. Sometimes I have no trouble at all not letting it affect me, other times it weighs me down like crazy! Like what I'm dealing with today. I've done what I could thus far to get a job.. and I can continue to put in applications and resumes.. ultimitely it's not under my control if I'm hired or not. It's up to the economy and businesses. Yeah, I let the rejection get me down.. after a few hours I stopped feeling so depressed and just got more determined to keep looking, though I'm still upset that I still don't know how much longer I'll go without work. I may not be as hard up as some others who've been unemployed for so long, but I am getting very desperate to get my family out of this financial situation.
Mostly I think you just need to get your mind off things, which isn't always easy.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
the great Dawnski predicts that you will get a job at Subway....
Isn't procrastination great? :D
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Wow, you're good!
Can you predict whether or not I'll get the job I just interviewed for? (Part time day job, 2 days a week.. can do that as well as Subway, and this one will give me some clerical experience)
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
Now that you have a job, I predict you will have a better chance of getting another one. How's that for dancing around the question?

@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
15 Jan 11
Hello Dawny.
We cannot control things in our life's, no matter how hard we try.
It might be easy for me to say this, but just take each day and problem as it come.
You have to take care of yourself in situations like this.
It won't help if you get sick as well, will it?
It will get better and all the problems will go away or get solved, you just have to believe it.

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
It's getting there. Just not with any kind of speed. :D

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
Yep, and apparently changing my husband into the person I thought he was isn't going to happen. 

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Jan 11
Oh that is a long story. Basically he was going along with what I wanted so as not to make waves, I guess, but when things went south, suddenly I found out that all these years we weren't agreeing, he was "doing it my way", and resenting the heck out of it. Then came the temper, etc....

@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
16 Jan 11
I hear ya and I'm some what a control freak. I understand you have alot on your plate now and it's not easy. Especially the things you have no say and no control over or even some sort of resolution to solve everything. But you are doing all that you can do get things to where they need to be you can't do more than you are able. Others have to make their choices as you mentioned w/ Dearra you have done your part it is up to her to take the nest step.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
And she took it, and took it again the next day, and every day it got easier for her. Hooray!!!
@savypat (20216)
• United States
15 Jan 11
I can foretell what will happen if you do not follow the acceptance of the things you cannot change. Things will only get worse and if you keep stressing about this your health will start to fall apart. You know the answers, you stated them clearly now follow what you know, the world goes as the world goes and tell yourself to look at what is being gained by going through this rough time. Your cat will do what cats do, your daughter is growing up and this is not easy, just support her. Your marriage may not be over, there may be more work needed, remember the relationship between you and the Father of your children is not over
it is just changing and this is always a stressful situation. Whatever you think, feel or dream is going to come about due to the divorce is in the future, leave it in the hands of your higher power and just take care of each day as it comes. Blessings to all
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
Dearra is back to school, and R actually gets credit for coming up with the solution. The cat has a diagnosis, it's treatable, though not a fun condition. R is R, and I can't change him. I just need to either get him to sign that darn agreement or switch to plan B...
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
I asked him straight out last week. He told me he was saving it for the anniversary of the day he proposed. That was last Friday. He brought it home, but he left it in his trunk. So I have reminded him again.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Have you asked him why he won't sign. It may not be what you believe it to be. Maybe he's just afraid of what the future will bring? Maybe if you know you will be able to help him. When Hubby and I were going through a similar situation, I throw him out of the house to make his choices, when he came back he said it was because he was afraid of being poor again. It took a lot of courage for him to admit that. Because he was able to be honest we were able to work out an agreement. Not romantic but a truce for mature people who were able to place the family first. Over the years we have come to respect and even love each other.
After all when you can be really cold about it marriage is a business contract and if treated that way with little or no emotion most problems can be solved. Sure I stilll had a lot of anger to deal with and in fact it took years to get over that.
There was no magic solution.
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@much2say (57376)
• Los Angeles, California
16 Jan 11
Let's see if I can put my thoughts together on this. I used to be such an internal stress ball - stressing about even the littlest things. In my adult life, I read a similar quote - and somehow the lights turned on to help me deal with stress. It wasn't exactly about accepting the things I couldn't change . . . the quote said something in the lines of not sweating the things that were out of my control - simply because there was nothing I could do about it. As far as "accepting", I can accept, but it doesn't necessarily mean that I like it or have to like it. And that's how I can be "ok" with that . . . does that make sense? Hope the weekend is treating you better and next week will be a better!!

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
Well... Things may not be where I want them to be, but the things that I have tackled are a little bit better. Dearra's back to school, the cat has a diagnosis, and R has acknowledged the existence of the agreement, brought it home, but not signed it. If he doesn't sign it after a suitable amount of nagging I will go to plan B. Meanwhile I need physical therapy on my shoulder, and I 'm not going to be able to get my credit cards paid off this year (mainly due to the cat), but oh well...
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 11
Hi Dawnald!.
Its seem its a hard week to you. I don't really have experience in life as you had because I still single and don't understand parenting stuff. One think I know when I was child and teen peer pressure can be really hard to handle if you don't have sense of security. Child and teen can be really cruel if they want too.
I think the situation there much harder there than here because here we still respect our teacher and parent. They still can control the situation if every thing goes bad. One thing you should teach Deara not to loose in this situation and don't let the pressure winning. There is always way out in every problem just be strong.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
Whoops, I really need to get back to this discussion and finish replying to everybody. Yeah it was a crappy stressful week. We finally have a diagnosis on the cat. It's not good, but it's not awful either. My daughter is back to school. Husband still has not signed settlement agreement. And I need physical therapy for my shoulder. None of this is helping me with my goal of paying off my credit cards. lol But I'll get through it.
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
15 Jan 11
Firstly you take a few deep breaths and know that you cannot no matter how much you want to, cannot take on the world and solve everything by yourself and in a year, let alone a day. I certainly know the feelings of being so overwhelmed and helpless at the same time.
Simply do the best you can, and know you have done more then imaginable and far more then is possible. I would say relax but then you can say shove it, and I do know the feeling. So take one day at a time and continue to tell self I am doing the best I can and maybe tomorrow will be better.
** Simply kidding aside maybe it is time to gather a few of us and have some Cosmos, if at worst we would laugh our tootsies
off. **

@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
15 Jan 11
She so deserves a little pampering these days as she is always helping out so many. I enjoy all her volunteering with the animal rescue

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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
15 Jan 11
That's one of the main reasons we have to believe in some deciding-power/God/etc. that loves us and thus wants things to turn out right: because we know that--if someone is in control--we don't have to worry about it.
Oh, because of Free Will we can worry until our beautiful hair all falls out ... or you can just 'turn your worries over to The Anointed' and KEEP your beautiful hair.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
Situation slightly better, hair not falling out lol
@GardenGerty (162800)
• United States
15 Jan 11
If you do not learn how to be okay with this, you will be in the same condition as Dearra. Probably the only thing that will really clear up the stress is to get the divorce moving, and I understand at least part of the problem is that the house needs to sell.
My mother's cure for any declining cat was oil packed sardines. My treatment for my ailing cats is homemade food, particularly homemade yogurt. Actually good store brand yogurt is okay. Vet says it is a good idea. I have one that has looked like he was dying for about three years now, but he just goes on.
What is the worst thing that will happen if Dearra continues to miss school? She will be held back or she will have to go to summer school. I like the suggestion that you guys maybe should just have some girl time.
I do not know how I finally learned to deal with the stress or turn loose of it. I believed when it happened it was a gift from God. I spent many years living on Pepto Bismol, until it no longer worked, and then on a prescription for the stomach pain that I often experienced as a young Mom. One day at a time is all you can handle. Breathe deeply, and do nice things for you, and vent here whenever you need to.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
The cat has stomatitis, so sores in his mouth that make it painful to eat. There is a way to treat it, though the cat may not like it much. Dearra is back to school. R brought the papers home Friday and then did not sign them. I swear I don't know why he can't just put pen to paper and hand it over. He keeps saying he will. Sigh. I guess I need to set a deadline for when I switch back to plan B.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
15 Jan 11
I am sorry you are having such a crappy week.....I totally understand all of it! Things are not always in our control and sometimes patience is the keyword..just waiting until it passes then move forward....hope things start falling into place.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
Dearra is back to school. We have a diagnosis for Tiger. Divorce papers still not signed. But things are moving...
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
15 Jan 11
You'll never be ok with matter what you can offer yourself as justification. It boils down to us doing it and then dealing with all that after. There are the things you can control and the things you can't..but those are the tricky things. Can you control the fact that tiger is sick? can just do what you can. Are you doing what you can for your daughter?..yes...are you following through with the divorce? you are still thinking it impacts everything else.Does it? To a certain degree..but once it is done..everything else can be dealt with. These are my opinions dawn. Takw care.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
Dearra is back to school. Tiger has a diagnosis. And I'm bugging R about the papers. Why the heck he hasn't signed them, I don't know. He brought them home Friday and then didn't sign them, so I bugged him again yesterday. I'll get them eventually, I know. Or do I? lol
@vandana7 (101608)
• India
15 Jan 11
Dearest dawny 

When I read your discussions, I realize I am not alone in what you call "crappy" situation. I realize that you are trying to do your best, and everytime I see somebody coming out of their mess, I feel - yeah great, I have hopes too...
I could say when the going gets tough the tough gets going because that is what I keep on my work table. But that sounds so artificial when it is actually happening in our lives. All I can say is, I understand how it feels and hope things will get better at your end soon enough.

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
One thing at a time, right? If you try to tackle everything all at once, it's too overwhelming, but if you tackle each little thing individually and don't dwell on the whole, it's not so bad.
@2004cqui (2812)
• United States
15 Jan 11
I know exactly what you are saying! Anyone who has lived long enough to acquire the things to make them happy would know too! Unfortunately they are the byproducts of attaining the things, marriage, family, home, pets, etc. Our original intent was to gain more happiness and fulfillment. Sometimes that cup just overflows! There are days when I just have to tell myself to just be happy I got out of bed. I'm just happy I raised my children to adulthood still alive. Often humor can pull me out of the feeling of overwhelmment. Sometimes just being in a nice warm bed on a snowy night, cuddled with baby dog can lift me out. But sometimes nothing helps.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
26 Jan 11
A lot of those things help me, and music, and nature, and a good book. meanwhile, I'm tacking this mess one thing at a time. Thanks. :D