Does God really want you to get Married????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
January 15, 2011 12:13am CST
Everyday, there are people who get married. For some this is the most important part of life. Religion tells you matrimony is a creation of God. Is it really???? Gay people are hurt because they are not allowed to get married. Is marriage really important?? Does God really want you to get married?? One thing I know about God, everything has been thought out ahead of time. God is constant. There is nothing fickle about God. God always adds up. If marriage is so important to God, what happened before marriage was invented by mankind?? There was a time when there wasn't marriage or lawyers. God has been doing the same thing all along. If God wants a couple together, God places so much chemistry between the two that they never leave each other. This is called true love. True love will bind the heart tighter than any adversity, marriage contract, or lawyer ever could. It's a piece of heaven that we all want. Don't get me wrong. Marriage isn't necessarily a bad thing. It is only mankind's attempt to keep couples together through commitment. Children do need their parents together. Look at the divorce rate. Commitment doesn't work. Only true love can really bind the hearts together. Don't settle for anything less. People always portrait God as One with lots of rules and regulations. This is not God. This is mankind. Remember this when you place so much importance on the things of mankind. God wants you to have total freedom of choice. If your lessons need a partner, you can rest assure that the chemistry will be so strong that the interaction will be there. There is no need to make things so complicated. The genius of God has you where you need to be. Choose and learn.
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6 responses
@Fire10 (293)
• United States
17 Jan 11
Yeah, the marriage ceremony has varied over the ages, but I think that the assertion you make that marriage was invented by mankind is a best described as a reasonable hypothesis. So let me share my feelings on the subject. The assertion that 'if God wants' He'll make it so, doesn't make sense to me. I can love whomever I choose to and I do and the extent to which I love is in my control. So to me - emotional coordination exists - and well, I think that is true love - the kind that is willfully given... not taken by conquest. And under this belief of mine a couple's love is only as strong as a couple's will and desire - and that is why I believe relationships and marriages fail - because people do. The convenience of what I perceive your belief to be is that nobody fails at loving... love just fails them... makes multiple uncommitted or casual relationships just part of the pattern until God wills it. Personally, if a lover can't commit (either by choice or lack of an ability to stick to that choice), then - to me - they're not worth much as a lover. They're unqualified for a mutual relationship as they are not capable of the strength of relationship I seek. So with a marriage certificate being such a 'small' thing in a relationship - I wouldn't be in 'committed' relationship without one. It is a minimal token of what I'd expect my relationship to be. In my opinion, 2-sided commitment is the only thing that does work in a relationship. So if you've got commitment, your marriage will be everything that all of those who simply got the certificate - never mutually aimed or prepared for in the first place. God does want us to have total freedom of choice - insomuch that even if he does nudge us in a certain direction or if society nudges us in a certain direction - in the long-term, we choose everything and we will get no different. The glory of the Genius of God is that, even with a bit of a rough journey, He puts us where we choose to be - even if we don't complete all of the journey in this life. I think that the world as a whole, we need to be more aware of what we are choosing.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Jan 11
Hmmmm??? I can see you haven't known true love yet. The first statement you made that shows me this is that you say we have a choice of who we fall in love with. One doesn't always have control of who we fall in love with!!!! We all have freedom of choice but only within the parameters of what God sets. Example: you can't choose to be taller or shorter, male or female. These are parameters. Parameters are set for the lessons we are to learn in life. Sometimes that includes just the right mate who will teach you so much. WE have freedom to choose. God easily works around us. We learn in spite of ourselves.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
18 Jan 11
Life is the education of God's children. To that end, God controls the parameters. You see God as controlling, judging, ruling,punishing. This is not God!!! God isn't a ruler. God is a teacher. Yes,you do have free choice. Your free choices determine what lessons you are to learn. Our every action shows the world what we need to learn. The dynamics of this world are amazing. It's not just about any one person. The interactions among people teach us all. We are all the fix. THe goal in life is not to have a good time. The goal is to learn and grow as people. I don't know you but I still don't believe you have known true love. You see. I am lucky enough to have had true love. I know what it looks like.
@Fire10 (293)
• United States
17 Jan 11
Clarification - you assume/perceive that I haven't known true love yet - you and your assertions :). I do have a choice - and I find people all the time that I easily could fall in love with - but for me it is just a seed for love - not a matured, solid love or attraction. The one that grows, takes root, and stays forever is on in which both people continually nurture. And we were never talking about height - but people surgically alter that too. I propose that God is focused on maintaining that free will - far more than he is interested in working around it. Sure, God has an overarching plan that will touch our lives and help mold it, but the overall goal is not - in my opinion - to thwart, overcome, or work around us. I think the plan is to see how we choose and how we prioritize things. To me, souls are flexible things and true love can be formed between any two willing, committed souls. To me that is where the magic is - that there is no 'secret' ingredient (to quote Kung Fu Panda :). Because I see and read about people who fail love all the time and they mope and shrug it off again and again... until they find someone for whom they are willing to pay the price - and they chose. In my opinion - all the 'chemistry' that we feel isn't compelling, it is just enticing. So yeah - it really isn't cool to give up on a relationship in one moment - just because you feel this uber 'chemistry' somewhere else at the moment. And in my opinion... it sure as well... hell wouldn't be God working around you to break the heart of your spouse and estrange yourself from your children. And I think people will be better off in this life and the next if - in regard to love - they'd measure twice and cut once. I'm not saying one should just grab some random person who you can have a perfectly fulfilled contract with - I'm saying you wait to have any kind of 'serious' relationship until you find that one. If you are are or ever will be willing to leave for a new lust then you shouldn't be getting involved in the first place. There are exceptions in cases of abuse - where one should find a new relationship, but I think that most of the time people fail love. Most assuredly - in my mind - God will judge each and every one of us for how carefully and loyally we treat one another... and God certainly won't take responsibility for our poor choices in that regard. I feel that we choose and therefore we are accountable - or because we are accountable, He makes sure we choose. Anyway, I'm a bit passionate about that :) - we choose. Thanks for an awesome topic! Even if we do disagree :)
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
15 Jan 11
Marriage is nothing more than a legal document. It does not determine whether people love eachother or not.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
15 Jan 11
God Almighty gives us all the right to select our life partners whom we love.Certainly He does not want us to go out on dating and cheat our life partners time and again !!
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
15 Jan 11
I wouldn't need a legal document to stay faithful to the one I love. Is it nothing but rules and papers that determines if will you do the "right" thing? I do what is right regardless if anyone is watching.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Jan 11
Sketch is right. Marriage is a legal document created by mankind. If you truly love your life partner, you could never ever cheat. Awapak, God does give us every freedom to choose, however the right life partner will carry so much chemistry that God knows your choice. Your true love is there to help you learn and grow as a person on top of merely loving you. With God, there are more levels of what is really going on that must be explored to know the entire story.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Jan 11
Well, if you are talking about the God of the Holy Bible, then there was no time when mankind existed that marriage didn't. From Genesis Chapter 2, the word "wife" was used for Eve... which would mean marriage was created by God, not man. However, you are right when you say that there hasn't always been a marriage contract and lawyers are a relatively new feature in marriage customs. The specific customs by which two people are joined in the eyes of the law changes with the culture, but marriage itself does not... So yes, God really wants you to get married.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Jan 11
Thanks for sharing.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Jan 11
I never want to place God in a box by fitting Him to the rules of any holy book. Yes, the Earth is much more than 5000 years old. Carbon test dating confirms this, unless God is changing the laws of physics so the story of Adam and Eve will fit. People should never get married unless it's true love. If it's true love then yes, God wants you together.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
15 Jan 11
Yes,certainly God Almighty wants us to be married when we become young and require our life partners.No doubt He does not want us to flirt and go out for dating.He wants permanent relationship of marriage.He has also permitted polygamy to Muslims keeping in view the increasing female population in the world.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Jan 11
You speak of the things of mankind not God. When you find your true love,there will be no one else you could ever see. You will be HOME. True love is what God is really all about. See what IS, rather than that which mankind wants you to value.
@vandana7 (101388)
• India
15 Jan 11
Bird you are the most enlightened one out here... Specially when you write People always portrait God as One with lots of rules and regulations. This is not God. This is mankind. I completely agree with whatever you've written...this is something I've suspected and logically concluded long ago..:)
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Jan 11
Hi.Vandana7. I guess the thing people don't realize is the intelligence of God. With great intelligence, there are ways to work around everything without the problems that ruling and regulations provide. There is a better way. Mankind loves to control and rule. This narrow vision leaves mankind blind to the better solutions. As with all children, mankind will grow out of this. It does seem so many times that there is a very long way to go before mankind gets there. Those of us who see will just have to interact with the rest to supply the missing view they don't have. Yes, I know you do this in spite of the drama that follows because they must have their way. Truth simply is. It doesn't depend on how one feels about things as beliefs do. Thanks for stopping by.
@blueblink (246)
• Philippines
15 Jan 11
God gave us free will whether to get married or be single as long as we will be happy and follow God's Commandments. Matrimony is a sacred sacrament created by God in order to unit two person under the Holy Spirit. If couple will leave together without the blessing of the church, each breaks the 6th and 9th commandment of God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Jan 11
You speak of rules and commandments created by mankind. God's system runs on it's own in spite of any rules mankind makes for themselves. Holy books are all written by mankind.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Jan 11
Lotterylover, this inspiration is told by the very people who are writing. What else would you expect them to say to get you to believe? Fire10 I don't expect you to discount any information you receive from anywhere. Mankind is very controlling. I do expect you to screen mankind's part out of everything. God is a spiritual Being.Understanding a spiritual Being based on our physical world is never easy. In a universe based on linear time, God's actions can be seen. God works on multiple levels upon multiple views. One must look beyond the simple to get a grasp of what is really going on.There are better ways than rules, controls, and dictates.God doesn't need to take the effort. There are easier ways of getting things done. Example:Rules about marriage with lawyers then punishment and let's not forget accounting of it all. Who really needs all that??? God solves the problems with simple Chemistry. Nothing else left to do. It's only controlling mankind who has to attempt to make rules and regulations then throw in all the lawyers.What a mess mankind can create by wanting to rule. God is on a high level of intelligence.
@Fire10 (293)
• United States
17 Jan 11
:) In all fairness - I'm going to call you on this one bird - because this is the gist of what I get from your very short comment. Right.... Because if God did tell someone something - that person certainly wouldn't bother writing it down... Anything written has nothing to do with the real God... it is just all men.... Why would God want people to write things down?... I mean, it's not like God feels what He says is important enough to be recorded - or shared. Also, it is better to scratch anything in history that people attribute to God - because nobody had a real experience with God. But all of a sudden, now we do have a knowledge of what God does want and we know that it doesn't involve marriage. And maybe I misunderstood you and I am widely open to that possibility... What I am understanding doesn't make sense to me... it could just be that we have very different perspectives.