Happiness and money

money and happiness - the person is very happy because he has more money.
January 17, 2011 12:03pm CST
There are many definition of happiness according to one's personal opinion, one of my friend refers happiness is the lots of money, she says that we can buy anything from money, all our luxuries which make us happy, she says if you have a lot of money so you can be happy, you havn't think before spent, tension are away from from you and you became happy, but i disagree with her thoughts, are you agree with her?
17 responses
@buli23 (550)
• India
25 Jan 11
I do not think that the happiness is the lot of money. I saw many people who has lot of money but they are not happy in their life. I think lot of money can make us unhappy. We can buy every think by money but love, happiness, friend etc. we can not buy by the money. I think love, friend etc. are the main think which can made us happy.
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25 Jan 11
Yes, you are right we cant buy happiness but money is also an essential part of our lives and more or less concerened with happiness.
• India
18 Jan 11
Happiness is when u get something u desire. Now that its a materialistic world now that we see.So whatever desire we may have,,i agree that at the end it somehow gets down to some cash works only.But money wont grant all the happiness. A broken hearted person can never be made happy with gifts. There is sure a momentary pleasure but the pain never fades untill its mended by the one who broke it. A person with cancer or HIV who only prays for more days to live,, dont need Luxury cars, Huge mansion , exotic food to make them happy.But they are happy when they simply spends some quality time with the ones they love. Why do people cry when their ugly pet dog who lived 10 years with them die? when they can easily buy a better and cuter breed again?? Money gives a momentary happiness?? YES!! but Eternal happiness?? Never!!!
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18 Jan 11
Very very impressive reply, i agree with you.
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
18 Jan 11
This is one good topic ha? For me, I strongly believe in the saying that "it's only happiness that money can't buy". True enough for someone I know. She has this wealth everyone would desire, but I could say she's not happy...why? How can she be happy, if she could not do anything she wants in her life? She is crippled and stayed in a wheelchair. When I talked to this lady once, I can feel her emotion craving for more than money can give her... Happiness. Her relatives visits her only in occasions, only her house servants live with her. She could not go to a place she wants to if there would be no one available to send her off. There are so many less fortunate families but are happy, and there are so many wealthy people but miserable. So I think, money just can have you material things, but satisfaction that means happiness is something money can't buy.
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18 Jan 11
You are absolutely right, we can buy anything means material things but can't buy sincerty, love, respect and a person becomes satisfy only when someone love and respect him.
• Philippines
17 Jan 11
I agree with the thought that money makes a person free. Free from debt and worries. I disagree because we can't buy happiness with our money. Meaning we cannot buy anything from money except all the material things in this world.
18 Jan 11
Yes, we can buy material things from money and can't buy happiness but materials things made us happy, without material things, a person can't be haapy, its my friends view.
• Philippines
18 Jan 11
I totally disagree. Sure money can bring happiness because of the material things that you can get when you have lots of money. You somehow feel powerful also when you have money because some people tend to look up to you when you're in that position in the society. But, I also know some rich people who are not happy. They are the ones who can really say that money cannot buy happiness.
18 Jan 11
Yes, you are right but the person who has no money also not happy, they always thinking about the budget and fullfil their needs.
@mark98 (567)
• China
18 Jan 11
We can not live without money.Money to meet out material requirements and improve quality of our life.Happy life with more money or less does not matter. But we can do nothing without money.
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18 Jan 11
But you canot buy sincere friendship with money, you cant buy love with money and these feelings and emotion brings happiness in life and also more money means more enemies.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
18 Jan 11
I think you need a minimum amount of money to be able to be happy,. but beyond that minimum, you need friends, family, and something you like to do.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
17 Jan 11
The best things to have in life are happiness, good health and good luck. Money can make a person miserable if there is a lack of it making life expenses challenging. Too much money will make a person miserable and not appreciative of any luxury. If ill with cancer no ammount of money will make that person happy.
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18 Jan 11
Yes, we cant buy health from money, so money is important but health is more important because if we are not healthy, no matter how much money we have, we cant be happy.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 11
I say that we will be far more comfortable with enough money to live with and perhaps a little bit of extra on the side. Other than that, there are two extremes. Not being happy because you do not have enough money to make expenses. Then thee is having way too much money. Where you are constantly stressing out because you have to keep track of every single thing. Still there are times where lack of money or even too much money can have a negative impact on your mood.
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18 Jan 11
Yes, we can buy anything from money but can we buy happiness from money, thing give us satisfaction for some time but dont give us happiness.
• Romania
17 Jan 11
Let's not forget that we make money, not money makes us. Money can bring the comfort and the bread we need. But there must be a reason for our present stage. What do we learn from that? That we need money? What shall we do after having it? Would we spend on luxury or will we spend it helping poor people on charity? If we wouldn't help the others around who would help us? I bet that a person, no matter how much money would have, would still be unhappy. And that's because happiness comes from inside not from outside.
18 Jan 11
Right, happiness comes from inside, if we are satisfy from our work or deeds then we feel happy, but it is also true that without enough money a person can live happily.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
22 Jan 11
hi, money is always have happiness and thats reality, so for me i am more happy if i could have a lover that can accept me as me, and love without material matters about our relationships, but sometimes i think of that money, and can make me happy too.
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• China
18 Jan 11
I do not agree with her,because I think there is a kinship and friendship,good health is the real happiness,and if a person has a lot of money,but she did not affection and friendship,and then her life would not be happy,so the family And friendship is the most important,not money.
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@virdell1 (57)
• United States
17 Jan 11
I believe a person needs to find contentment before they can truly persue happiness. Being content with what you have allows you to eliminate the stress of seeking financial gain for un-needed material items. Once you have true contentment your work will be pleasant and you won't feel the pressure of acquiring unnecessary items. Then the money you make will be saved and before you know it, you can afford something nice. A person that is content has a calmer, more likeable personality which draws people to them. Therefore, your friends will become bountiful. I strive for contentment as my foundation in life...everything will come with it.
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@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
18 Jan 11
I truly agree with you on this. You will be happier if you are contented with your life , even if you don't have lots and lots of money.
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• Paraguay
18 Jan 11
there are so many things that money can't buy, like respect, love and friendship.. these are some of the things that you can't buy, but you can earn this by being a true, kind, understanding and loving person.
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• United States
27 Jan 11
I have to agree with her for the most part. I know that money won't buy you love but it sure does make it easier to find it. When you have money it takes care of all the bills and creature comforts so you are freed up to pursue what you want to. You have less stress and the resources to search out your pursuits unhindered. Money itself is not happiness but it helps you find happiness in this world as long as you don't have the greed of money. When you have that greed, it can destroy you instead of helping you because you will do anything for money and it can make you a bad person.
@cbjones (1147)
• United States
18 Jan 11
If you have a large sum of it, money makes you feel more secure than those who are baring keeping their heads above water. I'd say the happiness comes from knowing that your hard work paid dividends. the money it's self is only the fruits of your labors.
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@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
18 Jan 11
Well there's this shop's slogan," if you think money can't buy happiness, you just don't know where to shop". I think having a lot of money doesn't necessary mean we can't be happy. It really helps. I think money can give happiness we desire. We work hard for the money, to buy things we need and want. If we can have all we need and want, there will be no stress and discontent. There will be peace and harmony. If there's no stress, then there can be healthiness. If there's healthiness, then there's happiness, it just a simple logic. There's so much fuss about this happiness and money. They've been created by those who can't make enough for themselves and make this as an excuse. If money is not needed at all,why is that we're bending our neck on this online job just to earn a little penny? Earning money makes us all happy! Lol!
18 Jan 11
I know a person who became ill for so much work hard for earning more and more money, he works from morning till midnight, his family is happy for luxuries but he became ill, whats benifits of this money.