Can you outrun your shadow?

the past is like a shadow - the past catching up
@bounce58 (17385)
January 21, 2011 1:13pm CST
I think it was early this morning, I was in deep sleep and was dreaming of some life-mistakes I've made in the past, when I woke from my TV running a Stargate Atlantis ad where one of the character said, 'can you outrun your shadow?' It seemed appropriate! I'm sure there's a few of us here who've made mistakes in the past. And our current life is devoted into making a change, and forgetting the past. But sometimes, however we want to leave an old habit, or an old mistake in the past, it keeps catching up to us. Are you like this? Do you have a shadow that keeps creeping up on you? Or have you managed to outrun it?
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12 responses
• Thailand
22 Jan 11
you dont need to outrun your shadow , it is merely a reminder or motivation for you to do better if you made mistakes in the past. and i think we cannot leave an old mistake in the past , we can just make our self more better not to do that again in the future , thats why we have the shadow that reminds us what we did in the past and do better in the future.
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
Good perspective nicolas0349. If you really looked at it objectively, there is indeed no need to run from it. Specially considering that it is always at our side. It's a matter of how we deal with it, or how we learn from it that should concern us. Thanks.
@much2say (57346)
• Los Angeles, California
21 Jan 11
Ha ha. This discussion comes at a perfect time as my 5 year old daughter asked me the other day "Why does my shadow keep following me?" as she tried to run from it. As for me, I guess I've never thought of it as a shadow. A shadow is something everyone can see - and I think I've been able to "hide" much of my mistakes. I've thought of these life's mistakes as a sort of dark cloud . . . it's not always there, but at times it forms and rains in my brain. No one can see it, but I sure feel it reminding me of the past.
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
I think you have a better analogy of your past. Whereas you really can't outrun your shadow, a cloud is much better as it isn't really 'attached' to you. And of course there could be days where you can really forget about the clouds above. Although 'raining in the brain' sounds about right in terms of reminding us of what we're trying to forget. Thanks.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Jan 11
hi bounce a great analogy also I saw one epidsode of Stargate Atlantis and was hooked last night while waiting for my best friends to pick me up. Yes I guess I am like all the rest some shadow we find keep catching up to us. Much as you want to out run the past some errors haunt you, I keep thinking,tired as i am of this tiresome retirement center, if only when my son talked about how he really loathed his boss I had really pressed him to look for a new job. He did talk about how he should but hated the job hunting business. I feel deep inside had I pushed him a bit he might have really looked . The time then jobs in his field computer programming were prevalent and when finally things exploded with his moron of a boss he was laid off, the job market had crashed. Not just fewer jobs but in our immediate area no jobs and the few that appeared had three or four hundred, I said hundred, people applying for one lousy job. And the other one that haunts me a nd is so stupid as I learned I am lousy with credit cards so have torn them up, is why did I not keep up the cards as I had started always paying off the bill so I had no debt piling up.But it was not altogether my fau lt as I was a county employee of the Orange county p ublic library system. so when our scoundrel of city major and head of the council embezzeled millions of dollars and our county went bankrupt, us library pages got out hours cut back drastically from forty to thirty hours. So my total wages really suffered and I found I was starting to pay the minimum, on my three store credit cards. like an idiot I had not started cutting back on buying things until suddenly I realized I was in huge trouble. I owed 1200 dollars to 'S ears. So I enrolled in a trusted company that helps people get out of credit card debt. they really helped me with my Mervyns account and JCPennys account by persuading those stores to lowe their taxes to bare minimum so I got them paid off completely but SEars refused to budge.The company pleaded with them without success and I did also. the woman gave me a bunch of crap about how my paychedk was not all that bad and I just had to cut back on everything else. I told her I had already torn up my other credit cards and was only spending money onfood and my share of the rent.At that time I was making the huge amount of 6 dollars an hour on a 25 hour week so my 'social security check was gone mostly to help my son pay our rent. my earnings in the library went for food and legitimate expenses like medications as I am a diabetic. I could not pay more than the minimum forty dollars and none of what I paid them went to lower the bill at all so finally I had to just quit as it was just pouring my money down a hole. Finally the debt was outlawed. and I never used a credit card again. I have a debit card which is great as I will not be in debt again. if I do not have funds in my account I will not shop. but looking back it haunts me as the first year or two I kept the three accounts always paid up. then I got caught in a vicious circle, as my hours dwindled again and again and I started to just pay minimum again.So yes our shadows sometimes haunt us but maybe its good to realize you are not repeating those mistakes. they are past and the shadows are just memories really . they tell us to profit from these errors and never repeat them. case closed.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
Hello Hatley and Cynthie. Speaking of credit card debts as shadows. I just realized that I have a bigger shadow than both of you(combined!). And mine does hang around close to me even when it's dark and I am in bed. I've been trying to outrun it for the longest time, but still it keeps following me around. Hopefully I could do something about it befor it swallows me whole.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Jan 11
I have my shadow with me right now - it is called fear. I have an AGM on Wednesday and have to justify all expenditure and for the life of me cannot remember what big expenditure it was?? Fear paralyses me. Have to calm down and start looking through purchases for the past year. Just have to calm down. Am at office and should be at home but this has to be done
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
27 Jan 11
I am so exhausted right now as have been awake from about 4am and then a 2 and a half hour drive nto the city and then driving back again and having to go to work as something was being installed. However I am happy to report that the highly politically connected person who threatened to sue me did not turn up. Apart from my Chairman throwing me a few curve balls all went well. I looked good and felt good and their were owners in attendance who would have supported me if challenged. Feel good and yes, the shadow has shrunk a little . Blessings
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
I got to this response late. It is already Wednesday here. I think by now, you've already had your AGM. I hope everything went well. I hope you had the chance to calm down and present a good report. And maybe the shadow has shrunk a little bit.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
22 Jan 11
I don't think you can ever really/truly escape your past.. or the "shadows" of your past as you say. There will always be little reminders, especially if you're still dealing with the repercussions of those mistakes today. I don't have a lot of demons, but definitely have made my share of mistakes. It doesn't drag me down, though.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
I think it is a matter of perspective. Some responses here mentioned about learning from these 'shadows', or dealing with them. And it is right that we shouldn't let these past mistakes drag us down in the present. We should just move on, even if it does follow us around. Thanks maezee.
@isloooboy (1733)
• United Arab Emirates
22 Jan 11
By mind set I am an giving person so I never felt in that kind of situation till now and I wish and hope in the future I can stay like that. Forgive your enemies its the biggest bullet in there heart and you will be in peace always.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
Hello isloooboy. From your response I take it to mean that your shadows are some people that you've made into enemies in the past. Thanks for the response anyway.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
22 Jan 11
Those shadows are sneaky things and I don't think you ever out run them. The one good thing is that everyone has at least one to get away from when we wonder why everyone is in such a hurry...hmm. I have shadows and bones and anything else you can think of...I stopped running. I got as far as I could and just stood my ground. Get it over with if it has to
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
So, is that the reason why it's called a 'rat race'? Or the human 'race' for that matter? Anyway, I guess everyone does have a shadow that we keep running away from. And sooner or later, we have to turn around and face it. Glad that you already did!
@Nadinest1 (2016)
• Canada
21 Jan 11
I have a shadow in my past and I have been trying to outrun it.....for 10 years now. I have to realize that I made a mistake and that I am not a bad person. Everyone makes mistakes.....but it is easier said than done. I am working on it.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
Speaking of mistakes in the past... That mistake I was dreaming about is also coming up to 10 years or so. I've also been trying to outrun it. But I guess I have to come into terms about myself first. That I am not a bad person. That's the hard part. Thanks.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
22 Jan 11
I don't think it is possible for us to escape our shadows. I think that as long as we can see our shadow, it will remain with us. Being able to outrun it is not something that can be done.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
Hello sender621. I think even figuratively, you are right. There is no way for us to outrun our shadow. It is part of us, and part of what defines us as 'us'. Thanks.
• United States
21 Jan 11
I am surrounded by shadows as they are constant reminders of what I need to improve on daily. I take my shadows as positive approaches that there is no one perfect person as you just never know what one has gone through in life that can certainly have room for changes. I have a shadow that persists daily into making me a miserable person, each morning but I keep turning on the light as I will not allow it to over power me.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
24 Jan 11
I guess we can never really outrun these shadows. And it is just a matter of how we deal with them that lets us continue with our lives. I like that you make yours into reminders on how to improve your life. And I like that symbolically, light(which could be knowledge, or understanding of this shadow/past) can help you overpower the ones that persist. Thanks.
• Philippines
22 Jan 11
OUTRUN verb: get away from, escape You cant outrun your showdow, it is stock in your mind , but you can learn from it and be a better person. Everyone have a shawdow that keeps cathing, the thing is dont run away from it, face it.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
Hello moneyonline2002. I think that is easier said than done. No matter how brave or courageous we perceive ourselves to be, there are just things in our past that is hard to face. Although sooner or later it catches up to us, we always try to escape it. Thanks and welcome to myLot!
@lydneis (26)
• United States
22 Jan 11
I don't think it's possible to out run it because it's part of you. You can ignore it or accept it, but it's still there. As much as some of us would like to just leave it in the dust, it's always right by our side.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
So very tru lydneis. As much as we want to ignore it, or run away from it, it is indeed always right by our side. And I think it is a part of what makes us 'us'. Or what defines our personality. Thanks.