Bad Week Turned Great!!!!

United States
January 22, 2011 9:29am CST
So, you all saw my discussion about how stressful this week is going to be for me (first week of school, jury duty). Well, my week actually did a complete 360 from what was expected. First of all, I did not have to go to jury duty, when I called in the day before I was due to appear a recording said I did not have to go. And because I did not have to go to jury duty, I went to work that morning. Because I went to work that morning, I was listening to my favorite radio station. Because I was listening to my favorite radiio station, I heard them call my name. And because I heard them call my name...I ended up winning 700 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expecting a bad week and getting that...awesome!
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17 responses
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
23 Jan 11
yeah!!! That's so GREAT! I can not beat that! Well, I can do pretty good, but only because I spent a LOT of money this week!
• United States
23 Jan 11
lol! Well, spending money is sometimes fun too! If you actually want to spend the money Thank you!
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@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
23 Jan 11
well, I paid off the house and then I had to buy a new car
• United States
24 Jan 11
Well the new car sounds good!?!? No?? lol You paid off your house completely!??? Congrats on that!!
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
22 Jan 11
Wow, what an amazing turn around! $700 for free is awesome! I bet you were jumping around like crazy when you heard your name called! I am glad that you did not have to do the jury duty. I had a feeling that you would get out of it.
• United States
23 Jan 11
Well...I wasn't jumping around when I heard my name because I was sitting in my car at work...btu my heart was pounding soo hard! lol But when I was at home, every hour I won another 100 I was jumping all around! lol My dog's were super excited too, even though they didn't know why!
• United States
23 Jan 11
They call a name every morning at 8am, my name was called. So I had 8 minutes to call in. Once I did, I had the chance to win 100 dollars an hour (up to 800 dollars). But, every hour they call a new name, and that person has 8 minutes to call in. If they don't I get another 100, if they do, they now have the chance to get 100 every hour, up to 800.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
23 Jan 11
How did the competition work that you got $100 every hour???
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Jan 11
Hiya happy for you. I was reading where you told Bill how the contest works and what you had to go through to get the money....oh my gosh! That was pretty hard going my girl. I'll bet by the end of it you were excited but also wrung out. Good for you...what a winner!!!
• United States
31 Jan 11
Oh yeah! It was torture! lol. I thought I would just sit on the couch all day and listen to the radio, but I was going crazy! I can listen to the radio station live on the internet, so I brought my laptop and phone into the bathroom with me while I took a shower lol. I also got some homework done, so the day wasn't totally wasted! lol Thank you!!!
• United States
22 Jan 11
Wow Lil, SUPER COOL!!! It's soooooo nice to hear some GREAT news here on myLot for once! And the nice part is, you just remind me of the type of person that really deserves it! I'm very, very happy for you! I bet you really did the happy dance with your dogs, haha! They probably felt your excitement right along with you. Funny how things work out, isn't it? You just never know when karma is going to return some favors to you, and no doubt, in the way of MONEY, yea! Nice things happen to nice people. I hope you treat yourself to something special, maybe a small vacation in the summer? Have fun, whatever you do, at least with some of it.
• United States
22 Jan 11
Awww thank you Kash! That's so sweet! I actually am taking a trip in the summer...I consider it a vacation, but other people might not since I'm going to be working lol. I'm volunteering at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary (I'll be working with the dogs, cats, horses and pigs) for a whole month (except, a week out of that month I'll be taking their workshop "How To Start An Animal Sanctuary). But I am so excited for it!!! it'll really help me out with my future goals. The money will help me a lot when I'm there. I won't have to worry as much!! The only thing I'm worried about is making the 5 hour drive alone, and once I get there figuring out where everything is! lol Thank you!!!!
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• United States
24 Jan 11
Thank you so much! That is all so nice of you to say! I will definitely get my car checked out by a trusted, family mechanic before I leave (in fact my parents will insist on it). I'm also going to buy myself a couple audio books for the drive to keep myself occupied. I am definitely going to enjoy this trip! I thought maybe I would worry about living by myself for a month, and so far away(i am a huge family person and don't like being away from them too long) but I actually can't wait for that! I'm really excited about being on my own for a while...I need to get used to it!
• United States
23 Jan 11
Yes, I do remember you talking about this now that you mentioned it. There's so many people on myLot, sometimes I forget what each and every one of them are doing until they remind me, I'm so old, haha. That is just too great, see, Karma does come around and this will certainly help you feel more comfortable in your new journey. How exciting, and I'm excited for you! That is a long drive, but I have the feeling you will be nice and safe and secure. The angels are watching out for you and will be along for the ride. One thing you might do, just to be on the safe side also, is have a good mechanic just check your car out before you take the trip (the angels need help also and can't do everything by themselves, lol!) I hope you have a just a totally wonderful time, which I'm sure you will, and good grief, how much more fun can this be doing something that you absolutely love. So happy for you!!!!
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
24 Jan 11
Awesome week! It just shows, you never know what happens. Life can throw you curve balls, but once in a while you get surprises too. It's great that you didn't have to do jury duty! I think that $500 would go a long way for your school expenses (Of course the $200 would be for your personal things that you deserve).
• United States
24 Jan 11
Thank you!!! :) Actually I'm going to be boring and all 700 will be used for expenses I personal things for me. Well..actually I just bought something for's an epilator, I want to see how well it works on my legs...I also bought numbing spray and "after-epilator lotion" because it's suppose to hurt! lol. But that also only cost me about 50 bucks, the rest is going in my bank account.
• Portugal
23 Jan 11
OH man great for you! Iam so happy. My next week is expected to be stressfull, maybe I will have the same luck you did. I hope so but I think it is going to happen...sadly...
• United States
23 Jan 11
Thank you! :) Aww that stinks! What kind of stresses do you have coming? If you don't mind sharing.
• Portugal
24 Jan 11
Yeah sure no problem. Let's say that life isn't being too kind for me, I'm having 3 job interviews and since I just have money for 3 more months of house rent, those interviews will be very important for me, otherwise I'll be going to sleep on the bench street :( But it will get better I think (hope).
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
23 Jan 11
I am the type to put it away for the summer trip, but you are so lucky to get it. I have not been called so far on this round of jury duty, but I still have until April, I think. Enjoy your great prize, however you decide to use it. It sounds like you are using it to buy some "peace if mind."
• United States
23 Jan 11
You are definitely right about that. I am putting it all in my savings account, and using it for important stuff (school, summer). Thank you!
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
22 Jan 11
Wow!!!! Lily, that is wonderful news.. See, now, you were worried for nothing and now have some extra cash to either save up for the future or to spend on something you need, or a little of both.. Congrats!!!!!:D
• United States
22 Jan 11
Yes!!! I really needed that money, and it couldn't have come at a much better time! I have so much to save up for, and that 700 really helps! Thank you!
1 person likes this
• Australia
22 Jan 11
Congrats on winning $700!! Being a student, any money handed your way is always welcomed! - i know as i was a uni student too back in the mid 90's. I am glad your week turned out to be good after all.
• United States
23 Jan 11
Oh yeah, the money definitely helps! This money would pay for over half of one semester, so that's very good for me since I'm not getting any financial aid. Thank you!
• United States
22 Jan 11
You lucky dog you. I'm glad that happened for you! It was meant for you to miss jury duty, wasn't it. That's great the way it worked out. Yayyy! Yayyyy! Hot dog! I'd be screaming if it were me. I was playing bingo one night about 5 years ago, and the jackpot is 1002 dollars. Well, Id been playing for a few weeks cause my daughter worked there when she was 19, and she kept saying just come and seee what I do, so I got hooked for a while. Anyways, when someone would win at the end of the night, you actually had to watch to see where the payer went to see who won, cause they didn't make big sounds or anything. I won one night, and I screamed and thru my driver's license in the air and it came back down and hit a guy in there on the shoulder, and no one had to look around and figure out who won! Congrats!!!!!
• United States
22 Jan 11
Every hour that I won another 100 I would jump up and down and do a little 'woot!' lol. My dogs were very excited, they just didn't know why! And they never really need to know do they? I am generally a quiet person, so I'm not sure if I would scream and holler and jump around if I was in front of a bunch of people lol. But I was sure excited yesterday since I was home alone, i could be as loud as I wanted! lol
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
23 Jan 11
Hi, Sometimes we have to believe in miracle in our life. Not always a bad day will come to us...but life is Ups and Downs.. so there will be time when we will down with bad lucks..but do believed that after bad luck is over,then good luck will come soon. We as human being has to do good deed and then we will have a good luck. Congratulation to you for winning 700 dollars. That will be a good day for you ahead.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
23 Jan 11
Gooood LOrdie girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Send me some of your LUCK !!!! hugs, quita
• United States
24 Jan 11
I never thought I had luck!!! lol. i was positive that after being SO excited my name was called, it was going to turn sour because the next person would call and I would walk away with 100 bucks. of course, that would have been fine too, 100 more than I had before...but it still would have stunk a little, since it's possible to make 800! lol I think with this experience all my luck went out the window! I need to save up my luck again for my summer trip, so the 5 hour drive goes well! lol
@millertime (1394)
• United States
23 Jan 11
WOW! Talk about a turn around. That's really fantastic. You not only got out of the dreaded jury duty, but won money too. It just doesn't get much better than that. I've never had that kind of drastic turn around for the good. I bet you were feeling pretty good after that. Congratulations, I'm really happy for you.
• United States
23 Jan 11
You're right about that! My heart was pounding SO hard when they called my name...oh boy! lol. I am so happy I won that money, I really need it and it is going to come in handy!!! :) Thank you!
• United States
23 Jan 11
Before I read the post, I'd seen the brief summary on the main discussion page and thought "Geez, is everyone getting called to jury duty right now?" Both my mom and I have been called to jury duty within the next few weeks. Now that I've read your post, though, I'll be all disappointed if I don't somehow get $700 out of it. :P Seriously, though, congrats and I'm glad your week improved so much.
• United States
23 Jan 11
LOL! Aww man, well then I hope you win 700 dollars too, don't want you to be disappointed! It's funny that you say everyone is getting called for jury duty...because my sister was currently on the jury for a case when I got my summons lol
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
23 Jan 11
Congratulations Lily... Luck takes such full turns sometimes for good... Keep it up..
22 Jan 11
Thats a fab turn around for your week hun well done you
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
For me it is not good it is good if it is not week.