Origin of Life
By jamed28
@jamed28 (1903)
January 22, 2011 7:05pm CST
I was a science high school teacher once, when I was asked by my student which one do I believe. Human civilization started with Adam and Eve or through evolution like Charles Darwin said? It was a tough question, since I am teaching science but I was a seminarian, who believe in the creation made by God. At that time, I was discussing the theory of evolution by Darwin. I was turned in half because I believe in both science and religion but I was teaching science at that time, so if I prefer religion they will not believe what I am teaching. If I prefer science then, I am not believing on something that I thought I was. So what I did, was to tell them what I think and what my instinct believe.
Science is a study of things that needs proof. Scientist are always asking questions and they are also always finding some answers. Now the question was, Where did the human came from? If you will as religion for this for sure they have an easy answer for this, but in science there are series of questions that you need to answers. As they say, in the Theory of Evolution by Darwin, human evolve from apes, next question is, where did these apes came from, after that there will be an answer, after this answer there will be another question of where is the origin of this new answer and another questions and answer again. It is an infinite question and answer and no scientist can answer all of this. But then you'll ask, there must be an origin of all of this things and for sure it is something with GREAT POWERS!
Going back to the Theory of Evolution by Darwin. Theories are acceptable facts, but with no proof. Sound silly huh? And Charles Darwin was able to have this Theory not by studying apes or monkey. He studied a specie of bird in an island.
Good day everyone!
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9 responses
@kaycharmedMD (381)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
Science and religion are hard to separate. Somehow, in such a case like this, you cannot really point the truth. And when I say truth, Im saying WHAT really happened. I am a Catholic and my faith in God is immense. I believe in the teachings of the bible. But then Im also a doctor, and we base life on what science dictates in order to heal and in order to save lives. It's difficult when two different concepts are intertwined. But I think science exists to explain religion. Maybe religion shouldn't be taken with just the superficial meaning of words. Yes God created man and on the seventh day He rested. I think it doesnt have to be interpreted literally. The Bible was written by human beings with inspiration from God. From how I see it, I think science is trying to explain religion. And religion on the other hand keeps pur faith intact. To provide unity. Whatever religion there may be. I really dont know which one I will choose if I were to choose between Darwin's theory of evolution and the story of Genesis. I dont want to choose. I have my faith and I believe in science. So Ill just let it be. =)
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
23 Jan 11
In my research I have found that there is no contradictions between proven science and the Bible.
There is contradiction between the Bible and science theories like evolution.
There is also contradiction between Science and religious interpretations, like the Catholic church and Galileo.
Genesis 1:1-2 (New International Version, ©2010) 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Notice the scientific truths and facts found in this verse. The verse shows that the heavens (the stars) and the earth had a beginning. There is no time factor here on how long God took to do it. So whatever science finds out, it will not contradict the Bible. It might contradict religions but not the Bible.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
24 Jan 11
I just cane across this interesting statement by Charles Darwin acknowledged:
“To suppose that the eye . . . could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”—“The Origin of Species,” p. 190

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
23 Jan 11
Life comes from God. He is the Creator of life. One of the greatest kings that ever lived had this to say: Psalm 36:5-9 (Young's Literal Translation) 5 O Jehovah, in the heavens [is] Thy kindness, Thy faithfulness [is] unto the clouds. 6 Thy righteousness [is] as mountains of God, Thy judgments [are] a great deep. Man and beast Thou savest, O Jehovah. 7 How precious [is] Thy kindness, O God, And the sons of men In the shadow of Thy wings do trust. 8 They are filled from the fatness of Thy house, And the stream of Thy delights Thou dost cause them to drink. 9 For with Thee [is] a fountain of life, In Thy light we see light.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
24 Jan 11
Science does not disprove God or creation. It is only some theories that do so.
“Natural order was not invented by the human mind or set up by certain perceptive powers. . . . The existence of order presupposes the existence of organizing intelligence. Such intelligence can be none other than God’s.”—Dieu existe? Oui (Paris, 1979), Christian Chabanis, quoting Pierre-Paul Grassé, p. 94.
Read more: http://relijournal.com/christianity/god-does-he-really-exist-and-what-proof-is-there-that-he-exists/#ixzz1Bunz39mR
@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
24 Jan 11
Thanks my friend. Praise the lord for that. I know if a person is a faithful believer of God, then that person will favor God's creation. Likewise if a person is a person of science, then it will be the other way around. But if a person is both, then it will be more complicating. Good Day!
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
30 Jan 11
If I believe what the Bible says about creation, that does not create any conflict with science. That belief however, is at conflict with what certain groups of people say that science teaches. Evolution is a theory, it is one way of interpreting the facts we are able to find in nature. It is not the only way. Whether you believe evolution or the Bible, it will take faith. The fact that faith is necessary certainly suggests that there will be certain things we do not understand as well as we should. That is OK with me and does not surprise God in the least.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
25 Jan 11
To describe the Creation of the Universe you would have to jump from Biology which is the Theory of Evolution and go into Quantum Physics M-Theory (Mother of All Theories or Membrane Theory) This theory explains everything as far as the creation of the now famous big bang and to what happened before said big bang which is this there are 11 Dimensions. In the 11 Dimension some Billions of years ago 2 of these membranes collided and created the Universe that we now live in the huge thing about this theory if ever proven to be correct their could be Millions of other Universes. The 11 Dimension is the Highest Dimension in which all the lower dimensions are effected by. We being Human are most heavily effected by 4 Dimensions. 3D space and Time.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
24 Jan 11
Hi Jamed,
I am really surprised that as a science teacher teaching evolution you confused children by giving them contradictory answers in one breath. Not everything is 100% right in bible or any other religious book, otherwise we would still be thinking earth as center point of Universe. Darwin and Lamarck were pioneers on work on Evolution and unfortunately they were very much right given little resources and predicting how life started from single cell. No need to bring in religion in to everything. More humans are researching more we are finding proof how humans evolved and more proof we are getting that Darwin was right.

@agrim94 (3805)
• India
25 Jan 11
I think there is a big bang theory too if which explain all this. I am not expert on evolution but Darwin is not wrong. Evolution is ongoing process and still going on. How come human race has changed so much in last 10,000 years. Just check the DNA of human and Orangutan ( a kind of ape) and their DNA matches 98%. This should give a very clear indication how easy it could have been for orangutan DNA to undergo mutation and produce a human in primitive form called Dryopithecus.
@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
25 Jan 11
You mean I confused them with my response to their question? It was a Catholic school my friend. What do you want me to do, tell them Darwin's theory is not true, and religion is true. Or Darwin's theory is true and religion is not? I left them with an OPEN answer. In which, it is up to them to find for themselves. HAVE YOU READ MY FIRST POST! I never brought in religion to that discussion, the students brought it out. What do you want me to do? Avoid the question? Believe me my friend... a couple of days after that discussion I was called by the Mother Superior of the school and give me some good complements about what I did. Who are you to tell someone what to do? Do you really know the answer to these things! Avoiding problems is not a solution!!!
@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
25 Jan 11
AND SUPPOSE DARWIN WAS RIGHT!!! Do you think the questions stop there? Suppose it was true that human evolve from apes, then where did apes came from? Suppose apes evolve from bacteria, then where did bacteria came from. Suppose bacteria evolve from dust, then where did dust came from? Suppose dust came from the universe, then when did the universe came from? Suppose the universe came from your underarm odor, then where did you underarm odor came from? Questions after questions after questions. This is infinity! And do we need to wait for humans to answer all of this? If you believe that everything has a source, then WHO, WHAT, WHERE IS THIS SOURCE!!!

@Kilacam77 (10)
• United States
23 Jan 11
I beleieve that the orgin of mankind originated fom both parts of religion and from various thories in science. The Adam and eve theory is a little harder to believe because the evidence in the story isn't ample but also Charles darwins theory was about a certain species of virds from the gallapagos islands.
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
23 Jan 11
for me to go in this discussion its going to b so so questionable of how i came by the info.so i can direct u to the ECKANKAR SCRIPTURES,known as the SHARIYAT KI SUGMAD if u do want to know the truth about the origin of life,and its chapter3 THE ECK MARG.
@dineshprayagmishra (14)
• India
23 Jan 11
Theories after theory will continue if you go behind the science. There are so many things where science is still mum and later on believe on superpower. Now,instead of thinking our origin if we think that what we have right now with us..are they our's. Can you say that your hand is your and you have full authority on it and your hand will obey your order every time..? No certainly not..!