This is explosive! The second Son.
By ph1los
@ph1los (20)
January 23, 2011 8:16am CST
I gathered some information and summed it up all here please post what you think about it.
Look up the sky. It is possible that any moment now right up there could be a new Sun.
The one responsible for it is one of the brightest stars explosion and its becoming of supenova.It is known that one of the most spectacular sights could be seen this year.
Although the star is in the orion constelation and is about 640 lightyears away the blast will be so powerfull that night shall become day and we will see two suns for two weeks.It is not known when it shall happen.It is guesed that the star (betelgeiz, don't known how it's translated) is going to explode in the near future but that doesnt mean you should go and buy sunglasses. Brad Carter from Australias Kvinsland university says that the explosion could be of until 2012 or maybe in the nearest million years.
The rest of the internet is now concerned about the mayan calendar and 2012.They say that the blast of supernova will be the start of the Armagedon.
Experts tell even if the star explodes it will be too far from Earth to do any damage.
In my opinion when the star explodes it will be the most spectacular sight to see in a lifetime.
So the again what do you think, there is sure a lot to discuss
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