Hey Athiest.. if you don't believe in God why are you here?

@kimian55 (132)
Alamogordo, New York
January 23, 2011 11:03pm CST
Ok this is not an attack on you guys. But why are you here? If you don't believe in God why spend so much time in this section answering question about religion and God if you don't believe in God. I believe that their is one God many names, many religions but only one. Muslims call him Allah others call him God. I also believe that we shouldn't try to understand God that much with out limited human minds.. Why? Because he is God. Albert Einstein said himself that he believed in God but in a personal God where we can pray to and that we are insignificant in his eyes. Well I believe that if we pray hard enough and shout hard enough he could hear us whisper in his ear maybe just maybe hear us out. I AM BELIEVER =)
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8 responses
@rappeter13 (8608)
• Romania
24 Jan 11
I don't want to judge anybody, but I think that it is easier to be an atheist than a believer. An atheist has no fear of being judged by a supreme being, so the only rules they care about are the society laws. If they can avoid them, then they are free and can live with that. Myself, I am a believer and I am more afraid of the Final Judgement Day, than from the police or other authorities. This is what I think about this. As for Atheists who share their thoughts here, they want to find out more about religions, and I think that they also have that urge to find a God to worship, because humans have this "feeling" inside them.
• Romania
24 Jan 11
This is what I was talking about, that people have inside themselves that there is Somebody that is more powerful than us. I think that even the people who haven't heard about God or religion still search after somebody that is superior to worship.
• Canada
25 Jan 11
I think the human reasoning that has come to these conclusions is that it's a part of our evolved minds to ask the question of, "Why?". We have this philosophical urge inside of us, and it's a part of every intelligent being on this planet... "Why are we here?" "How did we get here?" "Where are we going?". We have so many questions, but some of them don't have answers, so we put something there to make an answer... A great example of this comes through earlier religions. Back around 4000 BCE, Polytheism was huge, because there were big questions in front of the people that they didn't understand, so they put gods in their place to have an answer. The Sun was often the main leading god, and smaller ones were the tides and the stars and emotions and plants, and everything around us that we didn't quite understand. Well, as time went on, we got to understand those pieces more, but they still kept on bringing up more and more smaller questions... now we know what the sun and the plants and the moon are, but we still have a zillion questions without answers... so, whats the easiest way to come to an answer? God did it! It leaves so many things open to generate philosophy and stories and imagination... and it doesn't need to have any kind of real proof behind it... science doesn't work with it, instead, its something you just have to set your mind up to believe, and it makes everything easier.
• Pakistan
24 Jan 11
I am a believer in ONE AND ONLY GOD!! A GOD cannot be a man.. Atheism has no base.. whenever you are alone and frustrated who do you rely upon?? NO ONE?? how can it be possible.. I believe on my GOD!! Most of the Atheist do not believe in god because their parents believe in some strange man god or idols.. being rational they give up that idea and become atheist.. a vast majority of people in the world believe in fake gods!!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Jan 11
WOW....you might want to lighten up alittle there Zainahmed AND be a little more openminded to the fact that myLot has ppl from ALL walks of life, cultures and also religious and/or spiritual paths so flinging potentially insulting comments is probably NOT in your best interest that being said...who are YOU to decide what god/gods is or are fake? and what makes you say "Most of the Atheist do not believe in god because their parents believe in some strange man god or idols"....how did you even come to that conclusion? Of the ppl that I PERSONALLY know...the Atheists actually come from CHRISTIAN families/parents and backgrounds..
• United States
24 Jan 11
So... no Jesus in your religion then? OK.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
24 Jan 11
Because Atheism is there religion and they practice it with all the fervent preaching of a fire and brim stone tent revivalist on altar calls. Doth protest too much, methinks.
• Greece
27 Jan 11
Atheism is not a religion.Instead it is the lack of faith in a religion.If you had searched what it means you would have known that.I am an atheist myself and if you want to know we answer topics like this one because of your provocative behaviour.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
24 Jan 11
Firstly, while I do not believe in any god myself, religion has huge influence over society and everyday life and therefore it has an impact on my life. Also, I have always had a great interest in truth and knowledge. I have found that contemplation of differing views and debate have been a very effective tool in my never-ending search for this. Secondly, Albert Einstein actually said that he did not believe in a personal God to whom we can pray.
@kimian55 (132)
• Alamogordo, New York
24 Jan 11
Your right about Albert Einstein. I just forgot to write the NOT in my statement =)
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
25 Jan 11
Isn't that the same as asking someone in the movie boards, "If you don't work for a studio, why do you come to this board?" or on a political board about not being in politics, or a smoker on a non-smoking board. I'm an atheist, and I come here because I have a real interest in religion, although I don't believe it's actually how the world works. It's really a wild kind of concept. Something that has no proof behind it, beyond what you're told by others... something that has gone for a 5000 year old game of telephone, and people still believe in it... That's so shocking to me, that it still has devout believers, that it makes a great conversational topic to be reading and writing on.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
24 Jan 11
I think that Atheists just believe that man just evolved from nature. they don't believe in God so they don't believe in creation either. Atheists don't see God as the reason for them being. They would raather just believe in science.
• Canada
25 Jan 11
I say thats quite a good way to put it. Thats what I believe in.
@dfollin (25553)
• United States
24 Jan 11
You have a very good point there.I am a believer in God and that Jesus Christ is our savior.
@riquen (45)
• United States
24 Jan 11
Well, everyone has a point of view. If they want to believe that they decended from monkeys, so be it. I don't really like to judge people at all. I'm a catholic believer. Sure I don't go to church every Sunday, but I go when I can, even on a weekday. Just to be in a church and find that inner peace/pray. To answer your question idk... I believe in God so I feel like there is some kind of purpose to life than just live and wander around.