Beauty is Wealth or Danger?

@visavis (5934)
January 24, 2011 2:43am CST
Are you agree that beauty is wealth? Or beauty is giving danger? Physical beauty is a good investment some other declare because can be used to achieve goal, to earn money and to become famous (like miss universe, world, international and others). Or beauty is giving danger to the holder on how? You know more and more crime against women what are the most famous reason being attractive, obsess and others. So for your opinion and views what beauty is WEALTH OR DANGER? How? Any experienced or news, share to us. see you around
12 responses
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
24 Jan 11
Beauty is both a benefit and a weakness in a person. Just like what you described here, beauty can smooth things out but beauty is also a target for a crime. When you have a beauty you should be aware of these facts and try to live wisely.
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@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
24 Jan 11
As what you quoted from jen... "live wisely". From the situation you have shown it seems that this beauty will either save or kill her.... since I think the intention primarily is to rob and the intruder just find another treasure (beauty)... living wisely means to value life then ... If I'm that girl I'd rather give it and live than shorten my life where in fact there are too many good things to achieve... beauty is one factor but there are many to consider choose life.
@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 11
By living wisely means not to flaunt your beauty, not to look down on others, be nice to people etc. If this crime still happens it means fate or bad Kara.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
24 Jan 11
thanks to your response, I just notice your word "try to live wisely", how you can tell try to live wisely if the criminal target your house or somebody house and saw the certain beauty and attract for rape action of the criminal. What do you think? see you around
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• Philippines
24 Jan 11
Greetings! I agree with what you've said. For me beauty is wealth. It only depends on the person how she is going to handle her life. Its just a matter of being careful because of being beautiful. We all know that beautiful persons are prone to crimes especially rape that's why those pretty girls must not go to places that are dangerous for them. Beauty can bring you wealth because you can join modeling, pageants and searches. It only depends on the woman how is she going to handle her life and how is she going to use her beauty. :)
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
24 Jan 11
Hi bianca, thanks I like what you said that "it depends on the woman how is she going to handle her life and how is she going to sue her beauty". What if such lady is in bad situation that only possible way is her beauty? Like one of her family member need a big amount of money for hospitalization, then one DOM offer for one night stand for such amount - what do you think the necessary action? Accept or reject? see you around
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
24 Jan 11
@ Bianca: You're right!!! Everything in life depends on how you will deal with it. It's up to you how you enrich your wealth, beauty is an example. @ visavis: I can't judge her if she'll do it.. I hope it'll not end like that but who knows, right. The necessary thing to do first is become resourceful. There are many things that we can do instead of indulging such dirty decision, still it's in the owner's body and will if she'll do it or not... crossed fingers, hope she'll not to.
• South Korea
25 Jan 11
I agree with babyEj we should not judge those who did it... if we will get affected to all the people gossips around us.we can never live a happy life anyway those kind of people are not the one whose feeding us... and they are not the one who will suffer....
• South Korea
24 Jan 11
For me it could be it both like what you said beauty serves as an asset and its an advantage..but there are times that some people gets too jealous without you even knowing why.... that could lead to danger.. Sometimes there are woman who doesnt know where their actions will take them like for example flirting...and blah blah but they are not actually interested they just wanna flirt... its not dangerous most of time time but of course we'll never know... so to all woman out lets just be carefull
• South Korea
25 Jan 11
HAHA you got me..this one is a hard question.. till now I cant visualize myself being like because I got a few savings that I could use in case of emergency.. BUT.. like what you said if I dont have a money and someone in my family is really in danger.. I might think of it.. if I already tried everything that I could... maybe.. but still if Im gonna do that, I will make sure I know the person, if the person is safe or dangerous to be with. I love my family so much... and I just cant imagine loosing them....
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@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
Your so wonderful daugther, I agree with you and I will never blame such person. But sometime the nature is very uncertain we cannot tell what ahead of us... Anyway hope we can overcome what ever problem or situation we are facing. Beauty still a matter.. see you around
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
24 Jan 11
Yeah your correct in the effect of flirting if the girl doesn't careful on her action. I just asking what is your possible action if you are the only way to save your family problem like hospitalization, are you go on for one night stand if somebody offer? Sorry for the question, up to you to answer or not. This is beauty in the answer to save... see you around
@shuley (368)
25 Jan 11
Well it depends to the person on how she used her beauty. It is a wealth for those who enter in pageant contest they can win and be known, can also win a rich man to be her husband [em]laughs[em].
• India
25 Jan 11
Dear visavis, I feel beauty is not Wealth and even not danger. This is a beautiful gift given by god so some of the people who the god likes a lot. Beauty sometimes help us in motivating us by given us smartness but sometimes due to beauty we have to pay. Specially for girls sometimes danger take place. Thanks
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
Beauty is just beauty and wealth is just wealth wherein a person can incorporate these two qualities into more and successful way. One of the other is not totally present for some women, but some have talent and brain. So, when it comes to beauty, it must have all the ingredients of being a woman to reach for her goal without danger. Most beautiful people in the world had its own share of success and failure, but they're making their own fate according to their sensitivity. If women are brave enough and careful with their lives, danger is not in the picture. But, the risk of danger is always on them. Most beautiful women prefers wealth than danger right?
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Jan 11
hi visavis beauty is just beautyk how people use it determines whhat else it is but beauty of outside looks is superficial a beaurtiful woman may be meaner than an angry tiger. I am not that impressed by just mere phyusical beauty.ia m impressed when a person who is pretty is also kind and compassionate and thoughtful. Some plain people are far more beautiful in their character and personality. People now days go ga ga over a pretty woman and do not even care if she is as stupid as a rusty nail. Beauty in people by itsself to me does not mean anything but beauty with brains may get wealth if that is all they want. Danger no not any more than any other person, if someone is evil they will do evil to anyone who gets in their way. I get so sick of people yapping about beautiful women always getting wealth, is that a ll anyone cares about anymore just wealth money money money. I get sick of hearing about it' as you can be a multimillionaire and still be unhappy.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
24 Jan 11
Hi Visavis, Beauty has always been a danger to itself... Why only the girls... Nature is beautiful and we humans are destroying it out creating multiplexes, forests of concrete, Animals are beautiful and we are killing them. It is not today but happening for centuries...
• Philippines
24 Jan 11
hello visavis! Beauty, for all its worth, is wealth to any person who possess such, that is my belief. Although, beauty could be subjective (beauty is in the eye of the beholder), real physical beauty shines through even without any add-ons of make-ups. In our world today, where physical beauty is given more importance than innate beauty, a beautiful person would rise to the top fast or get successful than her/his ordinary counterpart. Many businesses and big corporations bank on personal appearances and one with exceptional beauty would truly surpass those who don't have it, in terms of work opportunities. I do agree though that beauty could pose danger to the person, but not to the matter you have discussed about. I would say, a person's beauty would be a danger to himself if he/she doesn't know how to use such or misuse it. If a person has physical beauty and would use such to further her interest, even to the point of selling herself for fame and money, then that's where the greatest danger lies. By the way, i don't think there's a particular crime trebd directed at beautiful people, even in rape cases. There were more nondescript faces who were raped than beautiful ones, if i'm not mistaken. And so, danger in that area for beauty should not be taken too seriously, lol.
@llbo1981 (1237)
• China
24 Jan 11
When the women are not famous,beauty is a kind of wealth,you can depend on beauty to become a famous person.Once you become famous in the world,your beauty may become your danger,because so many people attention to you
@tkonlinevn (6438)
• Vietnam
25 Jan 11
I think that beauty is a wonderful gift of life. We should thank God about this. Beauty is not the reasons of crimes.
• Philippines
24 Jan 11
For me it can be both. As you said that physical beauty is an asset. Most of the beautiful people use their beauty to enter showbiz. As such, they now earn a lot. But it can also become life threatening for them for many of them have stalkers (that would do whatever it takes just to owned them). As such, they should become extra careful of themselves. But I think there is one beauty that will never give danger to oneself. That beauty is the inner beauty. If we are kind-hearted, very friendly, and have positive outlook in life, then whatever our physical look maybe, we could say that we are still wealthy.