I Would HATE To Be Oprah!!!

@LadyMarissa (12148)
United States
January 24, 2011 4:33pm CST
I don't know if you saw today's Oprah show or not. They've been teasing us for almost a week about Oprah's BIG secret. Well, today the secret is out!!! Oprah's Mother had a child after she had Oprah & NOT by Oprah's Father. This child was put up for adoption as an infant because her Mother could not afford to take care of her. As many of you here know, back then keeping your child was NOT always an option!!! This child had been looking for her birth Mother & kept coming up against brick walls. Well, she FINALLY collected ALL the information to find her birth family & lo & behold, she's Oprah's half sister!!! To make this even more amazing, this baby has the same name as Oprah's deceased half sister. Oprah's Mother said she did not give them the same name & it is unknown how she ended up with the same name. I'm thinking that the adoptive parent's gave her a name that they wanted her to have. At the end of the show, Oprah was saying how glad she is to find this half sister & how nice it is to have a sister to call up to only ask how she's doing!!! She also made the comment that she wanted to put this story out to the public herself as she did NOT want it to grow a life of its own due to the rag mags, blogs & the internet. I find it sad that celebrities cannot have a private life without having to bring it out themselves as everything is so sensationalized in such a way as to clearly destroy any semblance of truth!!! Even though I'd love to have Oprah's money, I would NOT exchange my private, yet meaningless life for ALL the money in the world!!! As long as our celebrities entertain us, why should they have to give up their private life??? How they sleep & who they sleep with is NONE of my business!!! What are your thoughts on how people & the press treat our beloved celebrities???
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9 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Jan 11
The Press are like Vultures and need to back of I remember what they did to Princess Diane she could not go anywhere without someone being there with a Camera pointing in her Face and look what happened to the poor Woman Some Celebrities love it but many don't as you say they have a right to their private Life like everyone else
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Jan 11
Yes it certainly was
• Grand Junction, Colorado
27 Jan 11
A tradgic shame what the media did to Princess Diana.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Yes, Gabs, Princess Diana is one who readily comes to mind when I think of celebrities being stalked by the press!!! I now fear for Kate Middleton & hope she realizes what she is getting herself into!!! I heard on the news that she's tossing out bits & pieces of lace & taffeta with her trash in order to keep the press from knowing what her wedding dress will look like. I find it totally ridiculous that she has to go through such antics to keep her wedding day private. Jennifer Anniston was sunbathing topless behind a wall in her OWN back yard & there were photos of her on the front page of one of the Tabloids. If I did that, I'd be charged with stalking or being a peeping tom. There are millions of these kind of stories & I agree with you that celebrities should be able to have a private life as well as a public life!!!!
• Grand Junction, Colorado
27 Jan 11
I am one that has always believed that celebrities are just people and should be entitled to a private life, especially when out doing things with their families, not just talking about the media here, but the general public too. I believe that the media wouldn't be going after the celeb's if people didn't buy the magazines, didn't watch the "Hollywood" shows, they would have nothing to report. So until the general public stops obsessing over them and tells the media once and for all "We aren't buying your crap anymore" it will continue. Think of some of the big stars, and pictures on the news about crowd control due to some star going into "insert business". Of course I can't name any because I don't buy into it. I didn't see the hype about Oprah, and wouldn't even know about it but for here, had I heard some hype I still probably wouldn't have tuned in. Why? Because I really trully don't care, I mean that in a good way. We all have a "closet" and somethings we just don't want to share, and we, the little people get to keep our "closets" closed, celeb's should have that same right Now with internet nothing is sacred within minutes a U-Tube video is up, only showing a portion of something taken out of context, no one is safe anymore.
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
25 Jan 11
It is indeed very hard for public figures to have a quiet private life. To many, it seem that this figures have become part of their life and so they want to know what's going on about them 24/7, forgetting the fact that these are also people who definitely deserves private space. This is probably one big reason why Big Brother houses became such hits and many countries. I don't really know why people want to watch other people's lives. Mine has enough problems already, so I don't think it's a good idea to know others' problems and make it mine unless there is a need to.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Jan 11
I don't think that many of us really care what they are doing & are just told by the greedy press that we "need" to know as they hope to make MORE money off of us. I don't think our local, national & world news is the place to announce what a celebrity did for the day. I didn't see Princess Diana's wedding dress before her wedding & I found it enhanced the occasion for me!!! I remember gasping at how beautiful she looked as she walked down the aisle!!! Had I seen her dress before the wedding, I think that moment would have been ruined for me!!!!
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
26 Jan 11
It is true that it seems that they can't have much of a private life. It is kinda of sad. I really do believe that celebrities have a right to a private life of their own. We're all entitled to this, I think. It's sad that some people won't take this into consideration, and let them have a private life.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
27 Jan 11
I know I wouldn't want to share everything in my life with the public...especially after some goofball twists ALL the facts around so I can no longer recognize them!!! I thought Oprah handled her coming out very professionally; but I still find it sad she felt she HAD to put her story out there first!!!!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Hi LadyM! I did see the show and I had alot of thoughts running though my mind, as I know many other people did. I will give "points" to Oprah for being, once again a woman with "class" and bringing the story "out" on her own before the media got a chance to tear it to pieces as we know they would! People are still going to "whisper" as to what are the "intentions" of the "half sister" regarding what she really "wants" from Oprah regarding "money". It is a natural question, isn't it? I know that it is a really difficult situation for both of them, but even more so for Oprah because of her fame. I do hope that for both of them it is a positive personal experience that they can work out privatelybetween themselves~
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Jan 11
I didn't get the feeling that Patricia is there just for Oprah's money. Most greedy people wouldn't sit on such info for 4 years as their greed would push them to get the money faster. If she was only there for the money, I think she would have gone straight to the tabloids & gotten paid for her info. Even if she is only there for the money, that is still Oprah's private business & NONE of mine, yours, or anybody else!!! I also don't think Oprah would have so readily accepted her into her inner circle if she had ANY doubts about this woman. Her known half sister Pat had put Oprah's secret info out to the tabloids & I'm sure this hurt Oprah & I just don't see her willingly opening herself back up to that kind of hurt again!!!!
@mokkka (881)
• Bulgaria
25 Jan 11
The life of celebrities is always difficult.You should either choose a personal life or a career under the cameras.Of course she has a huge amount of money but I would also prefer to be myself and earn as much as I can that be on her place.So all you people out there may choose either to live like that or have your personal and private lives.
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@BarBaraPrz (49026)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
25 Jan 11
It was mentioned on the news. But wasn't Oprah adding to the hype by having her show tease the viewers for a week?
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Jan 11
Of course she was...It is her life therefore her right to hype!!! I felt sad when she said she felt she had to release this info first as she didn't want any of the internet & media crap that goes along with her life. When it comes to her personal life, she (nor any of the others) shouldn't have to feel like they must protect their private life!!! I feel their private life should stay private!!! Are they gay or are they not gay??? I JUST DON'T CARE!!!! I can see the good things most of them do & I feel I have NO right to judge the humanly mistakes they all inevitably make. I know I wouldn't want anybody judging my life that close!!! NOBODY is perfect 24/7/365!!!!
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
25 Jan 11
I just do not understand the public's obsession with celebrities. When I heard the news about Oprah yesterday I thought wow, how nice for her. I did not look up the story or try to find information about it--it's NONE OF MY BUSINESS!!!! I could not care less about the personal lives of celebrities. I don't understand why people spend money on gossip magazines or why they make celebrities the subject of long conversations. I think it's unhealthy and sick to be so interested in another person's life that you don't even personally know.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Jan 11
It ALL leads back to a subject we've discussed often...being lead by the news!!! Last night EVERY news show, including the Nightly News which used to report World News, was reporting the news of Oprah's newly found sister. There was a bombing in Russia with lives lost, yet that was skimmed over to announce that Oprah recently found a previously unknown sister. The news keeps telling us that we NEED to know about the celebrities when, in fact, we wouldn't care if they were never spoken of again. The true celebrities would prevail!!!
• United States
25 Jan 11
I understand when some celebrities have the need to publicize their personal lives however, it is then that they should realize that the public will tune in, and not always favorably. I feel that for what ever reasons her mom made this decision that is up to her and one she apparently has lived with. I am on the neutral side with how the media and press treat the celebrities, as it was there choice to put it on the show, so naturally the media will be all over it. She could have kept it to herself, but of course risk the truth be known later, my thinking though is who really cares if the public finds out later as her mother's reason's were valid and that is all that matters. Quite easy for anyone to comment from the outside in, however I was never raised by either parent, nor grand parent so I can relate to a sense.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
25 Jan 11
I understand how her Mother came to the decision she did as I lived during those times & keeping a baby that you couldn't afford to take care of was considered child abuse. You were strongly encouraged (if not pressured) to put the baby up for adoption for its own good!!! You were told you were a selfish Mother if you didn't give the baby a good home. I think Oprah was more worried how the stories would come out in such a way as to harm her her new sister who is a complete innocent in this situation!!! Her new sister has treated her with total respect & she was just trying to return the same. PLUS...in all honesty...it did make for a GREAT final season show!!! When she said she did it to circumvent the facts growing a life of their own, I could see the front pages of ALL the tabloids & see the headlines on the internet & the nightly news!!! They weren't pretty!!!!