Finishing Homework on Time
@NerdyAwesomeSauce (109)
United States
January 25, 2011 2:30pm CST
Okay so I, probably like a lot of you, am a very big procrastinator. I get a ton of homework, and while I'm at school, I'll say something like "yeah! I'm gonna get all my homework done and out of the way so then I'll have all this time to myself!" The thing is, I get home, go straight on my computer, and when 10:00pm rolls around I havn't even started. When I try to start my homework right when I get home, I work really slow because I think of all the better things I could be doing right then. So do you have any ways to stop yourself from procrastinating so much?
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10 responses
@aaquib87 (14)
26 Jan 11
Take a half-hour nap before you work. It invigorates the mind.
Your homework may take several hours to complete. You must take a break at least every 50 minutes. If you don't your brain will wear out, you will get bored.
Work at a slower rate. Try finishing one subject of homework, getting a snack, and then moving on to the next one.
Try chewing gum that has a flavor you like but not too sweet.(mint flavored gum has actually been proved to help the brain think faster and clearer)If you have homework that isn't due for a week and you have extra time, do at least a part of it before you reward yourself.Don't just jot down things on your homework and assume your teacher won't notice, take your time and relax.
If you're listening to music, listen to instrumental music or songs you don't know the lyrics of so you won't get distracted by the music.Reward yourself, e.g. ice cream, a cookie, checking your email, etc. But not too many unhealthy foods!Keeping a water bottle nearby and refilling it often keeps your head clear and can be EXTREMELY beneficial.
If you have tests to study for, try reviewing AFTER the actual work is done. Remember that you can always review for tests in the morning while eating breakfast, on the bus or car ride to school, and right before class starts. You don't necessarily have to cram all of your studying into one session. In fact, many people have found that spreading out studying time helps them recall information better.Eat something minty and fresh. This wakes the mind up and helps concentration and memory.Turn off your cellphone. Getting a text every 5 minutes or expecting one will definitely distract you.
@NerdyAwesomeSauce (109)
• United States
29 Jan 11
I think I have to work on starting big projects earlier then the day before it's due like you said lol. Also, when you talked about music, that's probably why last time I tried listining to music to get homework done it took me twice as long, because it had vocals in it and I knew all the lyrics :P I think spreading out study time might actually help, I'm gonna try that the next time I get a big test.
@riquen (45)
• United States
25 Jan 11
Well thats all up to you to change. I was like that in High School, stay late doing hw because I was like "Nah I'll finish it later, It's easy anyways." Later I'd get lazy and forget. Once I got to college I had to learn to prioratize my every day activities. After I get home, I take a break, eat, whatever (It's MY-TIME). After 3 hours or so I do my hw etc, and get it over with. By then, I still got a cuople hours left to spare and do whatever I want again. I find this method better because It's less stressful. If you try to do hw right away It's going to be tough because your brain is tired. If you wait to long, your brain is going to be getting "cold" and lazy. Trust me This works, just work on making a schedule that fits your life. Good luck!
@NerdyAwesomeSauce (109)
• United States
29 Jan 11
After trying this a couple of days I found the best way for me, just changing what you said a little. I'll get home, then play video games or check my computer stuff for about 2 hours. Then I get whatever I think the hardest of my homework is out of the way (atleast half of what I was assigned). Then usually by the time I do that I take a break to eat and take a shower and stuff. Then I do whatever for about an hour, and after that finish the rest of my homework. I found out that for some reason I think better as it gets later. This usually also still leaves another hour or two before I need to sleep.
@akangirl (2436)
• India
25 Jan 11
Actually its easier to finish homework if are doing it along with your brother or sister or any friend.You can compete who will finish homework fast.My mom used to let us go out to play only when we used to finish our homework, we used to get temptations of candies, maggi from our mom.
@NerdyAwesomeSauce (109)
• United States
29 Jan 11
I've tried doing it with my friend but most of them aren't in any of my classes (they're in regular classes I'm in advanced), so I usually just end up helping them with their work the whole time lol.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
26 Jan 11

@wwpauljd (51)
• United States
25 Jan 11
This is a really hard question as I am looking for the answer myself. lol One option is probably to try to do (or start doing) your homework at school and the other option is lots and lots of coffee so you can do homework at night. haha.
@NerdyAwesomeSauce (109)
• United States
29 Jan 11
Sometimes I sneak doing my homework at school, but they made this rule for some reason that you can't do homework in other classes, and if they catch you they give you a detention... Maybe I should try looking into the coffee thing :P
@rammohan101 (23)
26 Jan 11
My Daughter is in UKG, She goes to school at 9AM in the morning and comes back home at 2PM afternoon, She eats her lunch, Plays for some time and sleeps for some time again at 5PM she goes to Tuition's. When coming from tuition's at 7:30 PM she plays for some time and finishes her dinner. Only after 8 PM she sits to finish homework, Her mother will help her to finish the home work.
We can imagine Home work is a big headache to the students, there is no other option but to finish the home work in order to miss scoldings from school teachers.
@alienstar (5142)
• India
26 Jan 11
Homework is the one which you have to complete at the earliest as the moment you start extending your homework dates, you will find it difficult as the day passes by as later on you may not even find any time to do homework at all.So, it is better to relax first once you come out of school by freshening and having tea or coffee break.Then after 10-15 minutes you better start with your homework as once you finish off this, you will be more relaxed not only on that day but even the next day also
@deciever903 (35)
• South Korea
26 Jan 11
Try blocking the sites or think to yourself...
"Is this really worth my homework time?"
Because projects and such needs all the attention we can give!
Hope this helped!
@jessmartian (111)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Being in my second semester of college, I've ALMOST got the bad procrastinating habits of a first semester freshman out of the way... but I'm still terrible at putting things off.
The best advice I can give is not to set your expectations too high. You have to break it up into smaller pieces so that it's less intimidating. The bigger the task, the less you'll want to do it.
What I USED to do, was put something off, telling myself I'll read those 30 pages at one time and not go to sleep... then I'd get down to the wire, start to read, and give up because it was just too much.
You should break up your homework into pieces, do one piece, putting all your focus onto it. Then, once your done, take a break and do whatever it was that you wanted to do. (For a little while!) Then go back and do another section of your homework.
That's what works for me! Just don't set your goals and expectations too high or you won't do it. Do little pieces at a time, thoroughly, taking breaks, till you're done.