Your mother or the future?

January 25, 2011 9:52pm CST
Whether you choose to help your mother or save your money for your future and your family? If you come from a family that just barely, and after work and family, you can provide for your family. Your mother who is still in mediocre condition requiring financial assistance every month while you also need to save for future needs child and your family. What are your priorities? Monthly financial help your mother or saving for your future and your family?
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20 responses
@jodylee (946)
• United States
26 Jan 11
I thankfully have not faced this situation yet, but I do know it is not far off. If my mother is in need of assistance I will find a way to provide it to her. I would not be opposed to sharing a home with my mother if she cannot afford her own. It is not the perfect situation of course, but I only have one mother.
• Indonesia
26 Jan 11
Yea, a wise decision from you, for me no one who can replace my mom.
@jodylee (946)
• United States
26 Jan 11
How do you support your mother? Do you give her money to pay the bills or does she actually live with you?
@toniganzon (72547)
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
I know that under the law i have no obligation to support my mother financially but morally i do. What kind of a daughter will I be if i would allow mom to suffer while my family is enjoying all the things in life from my earnings. My mother doesn't have enough time to live in this world. I would love my mother to stay with us and help me take care of my children while i'm providing for her financial needs to. I don't see it is much of a burden. She too sacrificed when i was young, why can't i give back the sacrifice that she did for me?
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• Indonesia
26 Jan 11
Sometimes I would cry if you must talk about the mother, and your words have made my heart was touched, really no more words from me. I wanted my mom to eternal life.
@nakula2009 (2325)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 11
Help your mother. Meet the main requirement, such as food, shelter, and clothing. But do not obey his will that 'strange example: "Mom wanted to vacation in Bali', or other purposes is not urgent, starting with a fine not to hurt her. It's my experience and my brother who both live mama because they already own us-papa do not already exist-, whose name the money would go back again if used to help parents.
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@kingparker (9673)
• United States
20 Feb 11
If my mother in deep financial difficulties, I would rather sacrifice my future saving, and make it a delay first. I would help my mom first, nonetheless, she is my mother who raise me, and who gave birth to me to come to this world. If I don't have any other choice, I just would help my mom first, that is the priority.
@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
21 Feb 11
Lucky is the God who set it. If you still can help the parents, do your very best, because it helps parents also would be in the account by God, do not fear the future because if not it just a little worried that we do not believe there is a God, because only God who has the power to our lives. So, do not hesitate to help parents as we can, our assistance would be multiplied replaced God with ease.
• Indonesia
27 Feb 11
To be sure both of them .. As long as we have not been able to help parents we can only save money for the family .. and after that if we can work our fingers to the bone to help new parents with our staff .. replace the parents job to meet family needs.
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
26 Jan 11
That is very hard because I am assuming the mother has taken care of you all through your childhood. So it would be wrong to leave her without food or without a home. My father in law often struggles financially and my wife does not feel right not helping him if he asks. There comes a point though when it becomes just too much, we have to worry about our own families and taking care of our children. Our parents should for the most part be able to take care of themselves, but it does get harder for them as they get older to do so. We try to be generous at Christmas, his birthday, and father's day and hope he can take care of somethings with money we give him at that time. Sometimes if we have a good month and there is a little extra we will send it to him to take care of a bill or get something fixed. But we don't do it on a regular basis. We take care of our bills and our needs and then if there is any left over we will send him some money to help him out.
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
my mom knows that its their obligation to raise and provide our needs while we are still young, and now that we are all grown ups, even she is not asking for a financial support, i feel that its now our obligation to help her out that she's already retired.
• Mexico
27 Jan 11
Hi kendedes: I won't think about this twice: I will help my mother. My mom has given everything for me to make me the man I am now and to be sure that I will succeed. In the worst case, if I can't help her I'd invite her to live with me. I won't watch her dying when she has loved me and she did everything for me. She deserves my love and that's what I do. I think my wife and children must understand this situation. ALVARO
@csabiCZ (194)
• North Korea
26 Jan 11
I never been in situation like this and i hope i will never get but who knows what the future can hold. I would try to find a balance between helping my mother and helping my family.I couldn't just leave my mother yo suffer.She done to me so many good things.She always helped me she always worked hard so we can put food on the table.I can thank so much for mz mother. When she needs my help i fell obligatory to help him because she also helped me. But it's a hard thing because you also need to take care of your own family.You can't just help your mother and don't care about your family.
@najibdina29 (1309)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 11
both is a priority, live how we prioritize which is more important. we were saving for the future of the family,but we are also obligated to help parents. by prayer and work, God will give us blessing in everything.
@vamship (132)
• India
26 Jan 11
absolutely mother......
@lizmik143 (137)
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
I have to save up for the future but I can also explain to my mother why I can only give her a portion of my income. Of course, my mother or my father is important and whenever they need financial help I will do the best I can.
@koikei (206)
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
greetings! your family will always be there for you so as much as possible, you also try to be there for them. if your mother really needs your help, then try to help her. you might not be legally responsible for her welfare, but somehow, you owe everything to her. also, in the example, you're only trying to save up, so it means you have extra cash. helping your mother in this context seems to be an immediate need so prioritize it.
@katcarneo (1433)
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
I'm 25 and I'd like to start saving for the future but I am the only one who's still single among my mother's three children so I am helping her out whenever I can. My two brother's also help out but because they have their own families they have different priorities. Good thing, my mother has always been self-sufficient and right now she's still working and we are gonna join forces to get our house back. I'd like to enjoy the money I earn but of course I am where I am because of my mom so I am more than willing to help.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
26 Jan 11
Dear Kendedes this is a sensitive issue! It is really difficult to balance both the things if we are financially not so sound. But for me irrespective of my income of financial position I would prioritize to help my parents if they are need of financial help for very obvious reasons that I am their offspring and it is my basic duty to look after them when they are grown old. I think we should not forget that we are here today standing on the foundation created by our parents who have toiled day and night without thinking for their own interests and comforts. They have been our support right from the day we are born. They have taught us to take our first step i to this cruel and competitive World. They have provided us the basic needs of food, shelter and education to make us an responsible and respectable Citizen! So I think there is no question of thinking any thing about the issue as we are naturally indebted to their invaluable deeds and they deserve the possible best treatment from us. When it comes to mother, just think we were part and parcel of her body for at least nine months.She nurtured us with her blood and shared her blood in the form of milk when we were infants without anticipating any thing in return. Now at this old age if we are not supporting her who else would do for her! Yes we have our own family and we have responsibilities too, but then we have time for our family's future and for the future of our Kids.But mother since she is growing old and she will live for a shorter period as compared to us having worked hard through out her life, it becomes a prime concern for us to look after her and we should look after her to become a role model for our children who will learn how to respect their parents from the way do it! It is always we reap as we sow ! If we treat our parents with care and if we provide them all possible amenities, facilities together with love , affection and care we can anticipate the same from our children, as let us not forget that one day we are also going to be old and would require the help from some one! In conclusion, I think though it is important to plan the future of our family and children by saving for a rainy day, I think our priority of helping the parents comes first as this not only help them financially but it would make them happy to realise that there are people around who really care for them and have concern for them! Nice topic of discussion, while appreciating your frankness while posting this sensitive topic, I sincerely wish you and your family all the best! Thanks !
• United States
26 Jan 11
Well, for me personally, I am never having children and I have no interest in owning a house, so I would absolutely help my mother if she needed it. Three months ago we lent my mother $500 and she hasn't been able to pay it back just yet.
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
My mother and my family is my priority right now financially so I won't be saving for myself for a while. Well, I save for myself but it's for short-term expenses.
@rifnee (1713)
• Indonesia
26 Jan 11
Hallo Either way you can do with the settings auspicious, because both are very important! Believe me, there was provision governing, we are just told to look for! And it seems there is no person falling into poverty because it helps the needs of mothers who are deemed appropriate. If possible, you and other relatives who may venture to provide equity capital for example by opening a shop in front of the house so mother has the extra income. That's my advice, may help,,
@xinshunhe (132)
• China
26 Jan 11
Mom gave us life,so mom's needs is always the priority to consider. An individual who doesn't love his/her parents is not faithful.and not deserve to make friends with. So i feel the topic you have raised should not be a problem to talk about,because we love mom always. we live for her.