Respect = DISrespect!!
By wonttakelong
@wonttakelong (3555)
United States
January 25, 2011 10:57pm CST
My husband and I are two diferent religions and for 12 years we have made it work pretty well. That is, until tonight! My husband is Christian and I am a Witch. I have always respected his religion and never pushed my beliefs off onto him or our kids. He knew what I was before he married me and said he was ok with it.
Now our kids are getting older and they are starting to become curious about different things in life. They came home from school today talking about Ouija boards and knew where they could get one. They had already asked me if it was ok and after a long discussion about it I told them yes. However when my husband got home and heard about it he was irate. He was strongly opposed to having one in the house but couldnt give a valid reason why they couldnt have one. It finally came down to the fact that they were against his religious beliefs and he forbid having one in the house. Being as that I am a Witch it is very much part of my religious beliefs. So by him demanding that I respect his beliefs he is DISrespect mine.
So how do I handle this? I dont want to fight with him about it but I am hurt and angry.
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13 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
26 Jan 11
The thing is, there is no way to respect each other's religious beliefs in this situation. One of you will have to "give in", no matter how unacceptable that might be.
But that is exactly what will have to happen here. One of you will have to capitulate your beliefs "for the common good".
This is a common problem when people of different religions (or cultures) marry. It usually goes fine if the two people are willing to respect each other's beliefs and practices.
However, it almost always causes problems when it comes to the kids. That's because there is a huge difference between simply acknowledging the differences in the two religions and promoting them.
As a Christian, I'm guessing your husband sees a ouija board as a tool of evil. As a Witch, I'm guessing you see it as a tool that can be used for good or evil, so if you're kids don't use it for evil intent, what's the problem?
So how do you "respect" each other's beliefs here... without showing some degree of disrespect? Like I said above, you really can't. But for the sake of the marriage, one of you will have to just accept the outcome... and hold your tongue.
Good luck on that!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
27 Jan 11
You have said that so far you have respected his beliefs by not practicing any of your beliefs when he is home. So what would be wrong with you and your kids only using the Ouija board when he isn't there?
It seems you have decided not to keep doing what you admit has been the agreement between you and your husband so far.
Just out of curiosity, what if your kids said they wanted to wear crosses and start saying "grace" at the dinner table?
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
27 Jan 11
I can answer that one,
As public prayer is not a problem especially before or after dinner or any feasting, (Breakfast or lunch)
What is at issue and you hit the nail right on the head is what is known. The husband should feel honored to know what is going on. They never had to bring the subject up in the first place and with his reaction, I'll bet he never hears another word about it again.
Just my guess...
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Jan 11
well its NOT going to be me this time
I have given in on many things concerning religion over 12 years
I have respected and supported his Christian beliefs from day one
Its high time he returns that respect to me and my beliefs
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Obviously your husband never took your"religion" seriously. You say he is Christian, does he attend regular services? In what ways does he practice his faith? What about you? Don't take this the wrong way, but I doubt either of you is very religious or this matter would have been settled long ago.
You have three kids; most people who follow a particular belief indoctrinate their children in it. If the parents are of two faiths, they generally discuss this issue before they reproduce or at least by the time they find out they are expecting the first time around.
It was obviously not that important to either one of you at the time so why make an issue of it now? If you have raised your children to know right from wrong and respect others there should be no problem with them exploring ideas about religion and other philosophies. That is after all what life is.
All children are curious and almost all children are attracted to Ouija boards and anything they find magical because they are still young enough to believe in magic. Your husband should have the presence of mind to see this stage of curiosity in your children for what it is and let them be who they are.
Again, if this were so important to him, he would have been taking them to Sunday School every week. And even if he had done so, he should have strong enough faith in his own belief not to worry about your kids being corrupted by a ouija board.
You are taking this personally and it isn't personal.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
27 Jan 11
You pretty much said it all right here, Wont. You have taken the time to teach your children all sorts of different paths. In doing so and maybe without meaning to they have picked up where your stronger beliefs lie. It's normal for kids to want to use an ouija but I'll tell you...most don't go to mom for it. Obviously your influence has been strong. He has done from the sounds of it, nothing to influence them. Even if he did...let them learn all there is to know about everything and all the while invoke your own feelings and thoughts. I think you've gone over and beyond to respect his views and now it is time for him to show the same respect. You've taught them without influencing them either way. He has done what? I think it is time you stand up for yourself and your beliefs. If not for you it sounds as if your kids would have had none.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
27 Jan 11
I agree with you, too sid.
Wtl has been the main guiding influence in all of her children's lives as a good mother should be. Without being biased, she has exposed them to all religions so that when they are of mature age, they can decide for themselves, being fully informed.
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Jan 11
He does NOT go to church...EVER
He does NOT talk to the kids about God or any thing religious
I have taken the to church
I have talked them about MANY religions
I do pray everday to my deities multiple times a day
I have taught the kids self healing
oh heck, everything my kids know about religion/spirituality they know because of ME
and just to correct you I actually have 5 kids(only 3 of them are wanting the board)
and I AM taking it personally because it IS personal to me.
I have supported his religion for 12 years and he lacks the respect for me to do the same
its all about respect and trust and I feel that he has neither for me.
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@urbandekay (18278)
26 Jan 11
n the face of it, he is disrespecting your beliefs and his agreement prior to your marriage but there are some other considerations.
What is your current practices? Do you perform rituals and other ordinances of your belief system at home? If not then his objection is not disrespecting your beliefs but only an objection to their practice within the house.
Secondly, you should have discussed the matter with your husband before saying the kids could get one.
all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
27 Jan 11
" current practices are done at a time when he is not here or otherwise occupied"
And therein, perhaps, lies the problem? I am sure the kids will not be observing such discretion.
"He does stuff with/for them all the time without discussing it with me..." But does this lead to the children doing anything in the house, whilst you are there, that would be offensive to your beliefs?
all the best urban
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
27 Jan 11
yes the kids would have the same discretion
they would only be using it upstairs in their room
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Jan 11
my current practices are done at a time when he is not here or otherwise occupied
out of respect for his beliefs I do not practice around him
I didnt feel that I needed to discuss such a matter with him because it isnt that big of a deal to me
He does stuff with/for them all the time without discussing it with me....
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
26 Jan 11
So does this mean that you have never practiced divination in the home? I find that hard to believe if you are as you say you are a witch that you have never used some form of it. Maybe it was just a bad day for him or maybe you could make a compromise. Ouija boards are not a toy as most people think. There should be a happy medium (no pun intended) that you can both live with.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
26 Jan 11
No pun intended....Hahahaha That still was a good choice of word. ;)
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Jan 11
out of respect for his religion I have never done anything around him.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
27 Jan 11
Well I don't mean to offend but...if you have always avoided it when you really felt strong about it than it is kind of your fault for not speaking up sooner. If you gladly did it out of respect for him than shouldn't the kids have that same respect towards him also? It kind of sounds like you knew it would be a problem and have avoided it until now and are expecting him to change. Men hate change! LOL. I know women think men should change or they can change them but really it sounds like he was being the same as he has been during your entire marriage, from what I have read on the other replies, what has changed is your expectations. Obviously if you have always avoided doing anything around him than you already knew it was going to be a problem.
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Wow when I read that you were two different religions, I was thinking about different denominations or sects, but wow those are very different religions. I imagine it's got to be tough. Sorry, I don't really have an advice to give you. Honestly I don't think I could be in a relationship with someone whos views differed that much from mine.
I can understand why he would be so against the Ouija. There are a lot of stories and a lot of stigma and many people actually fear it. Perhaps your husband is one of these people, even if he didn't say so. Then again, maybe not. I don't know. At any rate, I'm not saying he is right or wrong in the argument; I'm just saying that both of you need to know where the other one is coming from, so that maybe you can find a way to compromise.
Perhaps you could work it out that they not get one right now, but in the future. Maybe this way he will have some time to get used to the idea and be able to feel more comfortable with the idea.

@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Jan 11
He said he didnt believe in that "trash" but was very defensive
I think his defensiveness was masking a fear of something but he wouldnt admit to being afraid of anything
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@koikei (206)
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
greetings! wow, that is a very difficult home situation. i can sense the tension in your house right now. by the way, how do you practice your religion in the house? and what does he say about them? the way he reacted, it seems like it's the first time he encountered it in your home?
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Jan 11
out of respect for him and his beliefs I dont practice when he is around
I keep all of my stuff out of sight
so really you are right
this is the first time that my beliefs have been in the forefront
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Jan 11
In many ways I have already been teaching my kids my beleifs, they just dont realize it
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
26 Jan 11
I think he needs to respect your religion because he knew from the beginning that you were a witch. He had said had accepted that. And with that acceptance, he can not forbid there be a spirit board in the house.
However... You may need to respect his religion and not allow the kids to use the spirit board until he accepts that is what they would like to learn more about.
It is normal in a family of two differing religions for the children to want to learn about both.
But given that religion is so sensitive a subject, each of you to be willing to allow them that freedom.
I know you have allowed them to attend church. Maybe you should find a way of explaining that to him and allow the kids the freedom to chose.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
26 Jan 11
I know you have always been respectful of his religion. Hopefully, poohead will listen to reason when he calms down.
When I saw this post, I couldn't resist. Lol I knew it would shock you. Haha
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Jan 11
I refrained from "explaining" all that last night because I was hurt and angry and it would have come out wrong
YOU know that I have always respected his religions and I have always encouraged the kids to do things on his path.
I didnt prompt this in them, they come to this curiosity on their own and I want to encourage their curiosity and educate them about this topic but he is being a poohead
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Jan 11
BTW OMG!! You are here!!!
I so miss you!!!
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
27 Jan 11
No nookie tonight...
How do you deal with a house divided? The voice of reason must prevail, so how to bring about a reasoned voice from your spouse...
Get back to me on this one, I'm not sure that I am the one with the correct answer.
I look at my life past,
I look to my life forward,
My present is absent there is no gift.
repeat :||
Maybe in not having the answer I have given an answer unwittingly, how does one talk to their spouse? Not just words alone, I'm sure your anger was noted and that he knows of his agreement in the past, he might conveniently be forgetting his vow, be that as it may, it is not an excuse.
My ex is an ex because she disrespected my beliefs, she made me think that she would follow my lead, but she did everything independent of my participation. My input was not required. I think a discussion with him and bringing him on board might have yielded better results.
The spiritual is a connection to GOD, your husband doesn't seek to understand the spiritual which is his basic belief system in as much. GOD is in the Spirit.
I'm not sure that I am helping, but maybe something to consider.
Good luck,
Blessed Be,
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
27 Jan 11
I just posted a distraction...
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
27 Jan 11
I'm used to no nookie LOL
there is no clear cut answer to my problem so your responce was perfect
hopefully he will calm down and the voice of reason will be able to shine through
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
Maybe it would have been wise to have waited until he got home to discuss it with him first before giving the kids a decision. Maybe it should have been a decision you both came to together. Wouldn't you have been upset if he had made the decision without your input?
You say, "it finally came down to the fact that they were against his religious beliefs". You mean the children are leaning towards your religion instead of his?
And isn't it a bit of a concern that they may invite a bad spirit into the house?
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
I almost sounds like he doesn't have a problem with any other religion other than the possibility of them choosing yours. I understand completely why you are hurt by this. I think he is being unreasonable. You have covered all the bases thoroughly and it is time he allowed the kids to explore your religion as well. They have expolored his quite thoroughly, so why does he suddenly feel so threatened by them also exploring yours. Does he not realize that if he forbids them, they will have all the more interest? I hope he sees reason sooner than later.
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
26 Jan 11
So, from reading your responses above I got a few answers to my questions. It seems he has already been given the leniency by yourself to 'teach' them about his religion, so you should also be given the same opportunity, particularly when they have asked. Also, if he has gone ahead and given permission to do religious things regarding his religion with them without consulting you in advance, then you should be given the same treatment. TRUST.
What he needs to face, is that the children are going to choose something. They need to be encouraged to do research in a positive way to find their own path. In his ingnorance, and sudden emotional irrational outburst, he has allowed his emotions to cloud his judgement where his/your kids are concerned. This day was bound to come. Bottom line is, will he see reason or be the tyrant in the house?
I hope your 12 yrs together will make him see reason when he calms down.
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Jan 11
I didnt feel that this was a major enough decision to have to have his input on.
I never dreamt he would react the way he did.
the kids have most leaned towards his beleifs their whole life because he asked me not to teach them about mine untill they were older
I have over the years taught them about many different religions and they still lean towards Christianity.
However this is the first time they have showed any interest in something that I am familiar with through by beleifs
I have already talked to the kids about the posibility of bad spirits and how to keep themselves protected.
I will always be here supervising while they are using it.
the kids and I have talked at length about this and I feel they will do just fine with my supervision.
Besides there are several protection spells in place already over the house and the kids LOL
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
27 Jan 11
Hey wtl~ I guess at some point this was bound to be an issue. I
don't think that anyon.e can answer this except you and your husband.
I believe "in things that are of the "Witch" type", but am not here
or there to make a proper committment. I had a Ouija Board when I was
young and got rid of it because it scared the sh!t out of me! Don't know
if it was "for real" or just "playing games with us" but I wasn't ready
to deal with "it" and the rest of the crap in my life at the time. I
honestly am still not sure about "them" and whether to "believe" that
they "work" or not. I am still "exploring" my religious issues to see
if I really am a "Real Witch" or not. My Mom always thought I was one,
for many reasons and so do I, but I need more proof. Maybe we can speak
in private and I can tell you some things I need clarification on... I really need some answers before it's too late...
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
27 Jan 11
Too late for what Opal?
You have time to work things out for yourself, the power is inside of each individual.
As for private clarification I will leave that between you and WTL...
Peace and Blessings,
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
27 Jan 11
Opal I sent you an email
whenever you feel up to it feel free to ask whatever questions you have
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
4 Feb 12
You are certainly in a trying situation. Me and my b/f have very different belief systems too and respect for one another is very important where this is concerned for sure. I have no problem listening to certain opinions he has about this or that but things can become rather heated pretty quick if he steps over the line with me.
I know that you were hurt by this and I'm sure that you have worked things out by now, but if it were me and there were children to be raised together..a serious discussion of do's and don't's for one another might be in order. Not so much as far as you or him are religiously concerned, but just a rundown of things that would make you or him feel hurt or uncomfortable. We should feel comfortable and unguarded in our homes.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
26 Jan 11

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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
26 Jan 11
see here Witchcraft is not a weapon
It is a belief system based on balance, nature and love
I already do use it to protect my family and home
I also feel that TRUE Christians should love EVERYONE
and with love comes respect
Right now he is NOT acting like a TRUE Christian.
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
27 Jan 11
well I cant stand those people that use it for personal gain
that is NOT what Witchcraft is about
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@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Your choices are to let him decide your children will practice Christianity and only Christianity, or to fight.
I think you should remind him that he said that he had no problem with your religion and ask if he bore a true witness or not.
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