I really wish that my hubby's ex-girlfriend would get a life

United States
January 25, 2011 11:20pm CST
My husband dated a mentally unstable woman before he was with me. He was at the bar drinking one night and was called back to his apartment by her. She had punched herself in the nose and made it bleed then called the cops. He was arrested as soon as he got back there because she said he did it and he was drunk. He went to court where his lawyer failed to show up and a public defender was placed on his case at the last minute and then went in front of a judge who had been a victim of domestic violence so he went to jail for three days for a crime he did not commit. We have been married for eight years and I have never had to worry about violence from him. Yes he has a temper but if he gets upset, he walks away. His ex is still telling people all these years later that he is a woman beater and she can back it up with the false charge against him. It just angers me that this woman can spread these lies and people believe her because her mom worked in the court system. I also get tired of people telling me to be careful around him. My hubby is not a monster. In fact, he saved my life when I was choking. Just needed to vent. Thanks for listening!
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9 responses
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
That is one mentally challenged girl if you ask me. People should stay away from her, not your husband. She has some really serious issues with your husband, I presume. Do you mind me asking about details about the girl and your husband before? It's just that it got me curious about the girl's case.
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• United States
26 Jan 11
Yes she does still have issues. She wanted to break up with him and didn't have the courage to tell him so she pulled the cop trick. When we first got together he went to a friend;s house and she was there. She admitted to me that she set it all up then asked if we could be friends. My husband did attempt a friendship with her and the guy she is with now until she showed up at our house while I was at work. He told her that she wasn't welcome here and if she didn't leave he would call the cops and get her arrested for trespassing. This same woman had my hubby afraid of her because she would pull a knife on him when they were together. He even tried going to the domestic violence shelter to get away from her and they at first didn't take him seriously then sent him away because they said they didn't have a facility for men.
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• Philippines
26 Jan 11
Jesus Christ, that girl needs a daily visit at the psychiatric ward. I thought that only happens in movies.
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Wow!! This is so Sad that there are women out there that are this Psycho and there is not help for men against them? Wonder if given a chance what this woman is really capable of, and what it would take for someone to believe just what a Danger she really is?
• United States
26 Jan 11
Oh my linda, this has to be very stressful for you and not to mention your husband. This woman apparently is not all there. Exes at times have a tendency to linger on and not only be miserable but create misery to anyone who attempts to make their ex happy. This has to be hard on you sweetie as you love your husband, and you know the truth. I learned from my past experiences with my ex-husband. Rumors sweetie will always affect us for years to come and no matter how much we rebut them the rumors somehow to unstable people carry weight. Here is what I did one day, as I cried hearing some rumors, my son who was only 8 at the time, said mom why do you take the time to listen to these people, he said you know you so why should it matter. linda, it was at that time that I sort of developed a blind ear. I know how difficult this has to be for you sweetie, try to develop the blind ear, it is not easy and I am glad you can come on here and vent a little, as you are human and sometimes you need to let off some steam. As always linda do take care of yourself, your hubby and son. You know the truth, and that is all that matters. You are a kind person, as I can tell that from your caring posts of others. Onward my friend and continue with your wonderful happy family. The crazy ex, keep reminding yourself that, that no matter what you do and or fight back with she will always be unstable.
• United States
26 Jan 11
linda I know from your discussions that you are such a caring and sweet person. I sincerely wish you, your hubby and son a blessed life. You all remain who you are and hopefully with time this ex will go on about bothering someone else, as you know they never stop. Take care sweetie, and remember chin up always!
• United States
26 Jan 11
Thank you for your post. That made me feel better. It is harder living in a small town. People were talking at a craft show where my mom was selling her crafts. She defended hubby and said people shouldn't talk if they don't know what they are talking about. People are intimidated by hubby because he is a big man. He has even had people approach him at the local Walmart and ask for his autograph because they thought he must be a professional wrestler.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Hi Linda, I would just ignore the talk. It's been a lot of years and if there are people that are still talking about it and listening to her story then I would say that says a lot about the kind of people they themselves are. Even if he really did do it....it's a long time to still be talking about it or thinking about it. They need to get some excitement in their lives or something.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Hi Stowyk, A restraining order would only serve to keep her physically away but I don't think it would be very effective in shutting her mouth. If he could prove "detriment of character" though then that would be a possibility. From what I understand though, that is a pretty hard one to prove. He would have to prove that his life has been negatively harmed as a direct result of her words. Being that it was many years ago and charges were brought and he served time...I think it'd be a hard case.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Sorry to hear of your woes. Normally mentally unstable people will eventually show their hands to everyone and then she will be the talk of the town instead of your hubby. Just ignore people and get on with life.
@minhaj09 (236)
• Bangladesh
26 Jan 11
its really your greatness that u want her back in a sound life. i'm also wid u. but how? we've to think abt it. the girl should b kept within a keen observation finding for which she is a psycho. if ur hubby is the only reason for dis, then u both can assign anybody else taking mental care of her. she may find a shed like ur hubby she lost. tell ur hubby continuing necessary counseling to the guy for wat d girl actually expects. if u really want her betterment, plz keep away ur hubby from him, not even a ph call. And of course keep urself away too for safety. So..wat i think, may b after d break up, no guy came by her with love & care. u all can try to solve it.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
26 Jan 11
When there is an ex who will not let go of the past, it can affect your relationships in the present. You don't want to hurt their feelings, but an ex must move on like you have. It can't be healthy for anyone involved to hang on to something that will not happen.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Wow what a wonderful woman she is. (NOT!!!) This really takes the cake sometimes how some women just because they cannot have someone take and make some Drama for them like this, and then continue to spread things around like this forever. Does this woman really have any type of life, and if she is like this how can she ever really have a Good man? I guess there are still the type out there that no matter what happens there is really ever going to be any hope.
• India
26 Jan 11
i think she is reallie a big physco kinda gal !!! aware of her :P lollz happie mylotting
• Philippines
26 Jan 11
You've been together for 8 years, you dont have to prove to everyone that he is not a monster. For as long as you know within yourself that he is not and you are happy together, that proves it all that he is a good person.His ex probably is sour graping and wants attention. She is not worth your time.