potty training is not fun!!!

United States
January 26, 2011 10:33am CST
I was just wondering if there were any tips on how to potty train a 3 yr old girl that has no interest in potty training?? We have bought her the training potty seat for her, which she will sit on but wont do anything... and the actual toilet she screams because I think she thinks she is falling in.... My son is 7, and out of diapers, my daughter is 3 and should be out of diapers soon...and a newborn that wont be out of diapers for a while... but I would love to only have to buy diapers for one. any tips would be appreciated!!
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17 responses
• United States
26 Jan 11
Well What i would do is right after they drink a cup of water, juice, milk etc, i would make sure i put them on the potty 10 minutes later and the key is patience. You have to wait and of course encourage them while they are sitting there. If ever they do tinkle in the potty make sure you jump for joy, jug and kiss them, and constantly tell them how proud you are. That will make them continue to want that attention.
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• United States
26 Jan 11
those are great suggestions....that worked for my son but he was potty trained before my daughter was born so she never got to see it...she knows what to do just doesnt want to cooperate. I will have to try to get her to sit after she drinks, that might be the key!! thanks for the suggestions! have a great day and happy mylotting.
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
26 Jan 11
With my oldest I used stickers. If she went potty she got a sticker and I let her stick it on her potty or on her shirt if she wanted. She had a desire to please though so she wanted to potty train. My middle one had no interest in it. I was watching a little boy at the time and he was younger and in diapers so she saw no need to hurry it even though her older sister went like a big girl. She didn't seem to like the potty chair so we bought the inserts that fit on the big potty. She really liked tootsie rolls so we bribed her with them. If she went then she'd get a tootsie roll. We did the same thing with my son. He wanted nothing to do with the potty chair, he wanted to go on the big potty with the seat. He very quickly learned he could pee standing up and then refused to sit down to pee lol. The candy only partially worked with him. So we got him big boy underwear with his favorite characters on them. That helped a little and when he started getting lazy we said we were going to give them to his cousin who is a little older and he stopped peeing in them because he didn't want us to give them away.
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• United States
26 Jan 11
oh I can try the candy bribe....she loves little chocolate bars, that could be fun. She is fighting me all the way right now so I need something to get her to just try for me. thanks for the suggestion!! have a great day and happy mylotting.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
26 Jan 11
My granddaughter was slow to train too...she had no interest in going on the potty...but after a while she just took off...when she was here and I told her she couldn't do something until she went potty she would go as she didn't want to miss anything....other then that it's been a long time since I was involved the whole scheme of having to potty train someone.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
26 Jan 11
Well, I have 4 kids, from 19 down to 6 and no - potty training is NOT fun. But I found that the little training toilets never worked for me. What did was a toilet seat made for kids that sits on the adult toilet. It is like an adapter for the toilet. The nasty mess goes right down into the toilet water and gets flushed away. And I got her one that was a Dora the Explorer design. She felt like such a big girl going potty on the big toilet, she didn't fall in, and whenever we went on vacation, travelled, etc. we could just pack it away in our luggage and she had her special potty wherever we went. Also, I bought her very pretty Dora the Explorer panties and Little Mermaid panties too. I hope this helps. Have a great day and happy myLotting!!!
@RULizzie (100)
• United States
27 Jan 11
Be careful about getting too stressed over potty training. Your daughter can be feeding off of your stress and feeling a sense of power. She will potty train when ready, the arrival of a new baby may be part of the reason for the delay, still wanting to get that extra attention. I used a variety of approaches to potty training my son. One thing that worked was giving him a matchbox car for using the potty all day without any accidents. Another thing that worked was Huggies had come out with pull ups that felt cold when they got wet, this made him very uncomfortable. On a positive note once he was potty trained, he never looked back. Once when he was sick he had a few accidents at night and I suggested that he wear a pull up to be and he was horrified at the suggestion, he was a big boy that used the potty and did not need diapers anymore. Your daughter probably has put many other milestones in place before potty training, but you may need to check with your pediatrician and make sure that there is not a physical explanation for her problem. My best suggestion would be to sit back take a deep breath and relax, you do not want to create any problems with going to the bathroom.
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• Philippines
27 Jan 11
My mother taught me to let my daughter sit on the potty toilet same time every day. At first my daughter would still wet on her diaper.But everyday I sit her on the toilet bowl to make her more accustom to the real thing. We were not able to use her potty seat much since it seems she's uncomfortable with having to seat on a toy( that's how she see's it). After a month it paid off. When she is about to pee or poo I would sleepily take her to the washroom.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
27 Jan 11
Lot's of people will give you advice, and there are a number of books in the library. That can all be helpful, but I think the most important thing is for you, the mom, to just pay attention to the child. Learn her ways and soon you will see a way to spark her interest in being a 'big girl'. It is often a challenge for parents, but it is such an important task, and in the end you will all be celebrating.
• United States
27 Jan 11
She'll train herseelf when she's ready. I have a four year old boy who's potty-trained, a 2 1/2 year old girl who has no desire to tell me when she has to go, and a 7 month old. I finally stopped stressing it. She watches when I go, and I put her on the toilet 4 times a day, but it won't happen before she's ready. Praise her when she uses it, and if she wets her diaper, brush it off. When she's the only one of her friends in diapers, she'll be ready. lol as long as she's out of diapers before she's 18, there's no problem.
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
29 Jan 11
i agree, every children is different and unique so there's no specific way to really potty train them i feel. i have 2 children and both were so different. my older son who's now 8 didn't use the potty for long as he said it was painful.(in his kiddy way of course)hehe even when he was 4 and going to nursery school, he still used to wet his shorts sometimes in school. i guess he was it was around then that he finally was able to go to the toilet himself or with my help at times. as for my daughter who's 3 this year, she didn't even want to potty train at all and wanted to go directly to the toilet. she was trained basically faster than my son and i didn't even do much. i just encouraged her and let her do what she wanted. she still wears pampers when she goes to sleep at night as she might wet the bed(she's still 3:P) but sometimes she doesn't even wet the pamper so i'm guessing by the end of the year, she'll more or less be trained. i would suggest do buy a potty that is comfortable and appealing for the children but let them do what they want. if they want to sit there, it's fine. if they don't and want to go to the toilet, then we have to endure for a while and go with them. i think they'll learn on their on this way.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
1 Feb 11
Oh be careful with the toilet seat, you don't want her to fall in it! I remember babysitting my sister, my mom told me to potty training her, my sister would say she wanted to go sometimes buyt not all the time, when she said, then I put her on the little potty seat but she would still pee her bed at night so I think you just have to be patient and keep telling her to do so and praise her afterwards.
@minnie15 (143)
• United States
27 Jan 11
Maybe try with a small potty that is her size. I got my daughter a musical potty and she just loved it because it would play music when she went and I could also record me telling her good job. She started going right away after that.
@much2say (57337)
• Los Angeles, California
26 Jan 11
My daughter was potty trained when she was like 3-1/2. Nothing worked for her - not stickers, not rewards, not kids potty books, not anything. We got her a plastic pink potty that looked exactly like one in one of her favorite potty books - but nope, it didn't work. And it's funny because she has such an interest in the potty ever since she could walk . . . but not when it came to doing it herself. We never forced her - and even our friends who had similar issues said one day it will just happen and to not worry about (but you know we're going to worry about it anyway). I've read on some forums how people were using food rewards (like M&M's) for potty training and I told myself I was NOT going to be one of those parents. Guess what - I caved in out of desperation. We never gave my daughter candy, so it was a rare treat for her. She had some mini M&M's in the fridge for Halloween . . . and I told her if she used the potty, she could have one M&M. Are you kidding me - she started using the potty right away - and eventually the food reward thing was forgotten. Oh man, that was such a hair pulling time for us . . . but I'm glad that has passed. Now we await my son to get to that stage . . . oh - I wonder how different it will be for a boy!! Good luck!
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@pastigger (612)
• United States
26 Jan 11
I had my daughter in the pull ups and nothing. Then one day she tells me she wants her princess diaper meaning the pull up well then I saw the problem. So I had to do the tough love thing I put her in panties and sure enough she peed her self she didn't like it and started going. It only took a couple of weeks after that and accidents went down to nothing. I had mini M&M for her but she is just not a kid you can bribe, she would tell me no thanks and just walk away. We did have a problem with poop and finally I told her next time I was throwing her princess panties away I was done washing poop out of panties, I was upset I just told her matter of factly. For whatever reason that worked and now she has been potty trained for close to a year I guess. She was a few months from turning three when she finally potty trained. I never had a problem with night time as she would just stay dry so I really have no tips for that I got lucky and I thank my lucky stars for that. She may be a little reluctant because of the new baby because she was that baby till the baby got there. Hard to tell sometimes what they are thinking. Good luck.
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@margeryann (1845)
• United States
28 Jan 11
What I would do that might work but all kids are different. I would go to the store with her and tell her that after she starts going to the bathroom in the toilet all the time she will get to ware some big girl panties because she is a big girl now. Show her different panties and ask her what design of panties would she want to ware when she starts going to the bathroom like a big girl. Tell her that you will buy them for her as soon as she starts wanting to go to the bathroom. I would put her on the toilet after she wakes up and after every meal and drink to try to catch her while she needs to go to the bathroom and every once in a while even when she hasn't had nothing to drink so she can get used to using the toilet. You can buy some pull ups to make it easier to put her on the toilet.Have her go to the bathroom before you leave to go some where and when you first get some where and when you leave some where so you can try to get here use to the toilet. She needs to get used to the big toilet too you holding her there so she feels safer so she will be use to using toilets at other places when she needs to go to the bathroom. Ask her to tell you when she has to go to the bathroom so you can help her go. Good luck and maybe you can experiment and find something that works better for her. Every child is different.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
27 Jan 11
One of the biggest reasons kids won't potty train, is because the wet diaper feels much the same as a dry one. The cure for this is use cloth diapers (the ones you can wash and reuse) These cloth diapers get cold and clammy when wet and feel uncomfortable, so the child soon learns to use the potty. Its human nature to go the easiest route, so why would a child bother if the wet diaper is just as comfortable as a dry one?
• United States
26 Jan 11
We just let our son who is now four go in his own time. We started trying to train him at two and he just had no interest. He didn't actually start using it until he was almost four just before his birthday. We bought him big boy pants and said that when he was ready they were ready. He also had a special seat to put on top of the big toilet. We didn't do a separate toilet seat for him. I think what motivated him, as he'd try off and on, was when he found out his friend was already using the toilet. He wanted to be a big boy like his friend and from then on he used the toilet. Our youngest is now two and half and we are going the same route. She has underwear when she's ready. She does try to wear them outside the diaper but the few times we've tried she's still had accidents so we use the diapers and let her go as she wants. I believe, and this is a personal opinion, that in our culture here in the US kids will go when they are ready. If we lived in the country, or in a society where such conveniences as diapers did not exist I'm sure potty training would be an entirely different scenario but as it is I just use the diapers and let them do what they are going to do. At one point we had both in diapers at the same time, and I simply made use of coupons. Best of luck. Keep it fun. Namaste-Anora
@jodylee (946)
• United States
27 Jan 11
I don't know about bribing but I think encouragement. Kids train when they are ready. For my oldest son, he went back and forth a lot. I just let him lead and encouraged him to use the bathroom. We talked about it pretty regularly with him and showed him where the bathrooms were in public places. I think you have to just be patient, she will train. Good luck to you! There are a lot of fears for children with giving up the diaper. Try to determine any fears and figure out a fun way to ease those fears in your child.