What do you usually read?

January 26, 2011 10:24pm CST
I love to read especially all sorts of magazines.I used to subscribe REader's Digest for many years too.Magazines and the likes are informational and they have a little of everything, news, fashion, health, homelife, and life about other people-all rolled into one reading material. During my college days, i enjoyed reading novels by Danielle Steele and Agatha Christie's books.Now that i am busy, i make sure that i get to read once in a while. Reading gives us knowledge and understanding about life and about anything under the sun.Do you agree with me?
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30 responses
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
27 Jan 11
Yes, I love to read too. I read every night before sleeping, I particularly like biographies. I also read a lot online for research purposes, as I'm a freelance writer; and just for the fun of it. As you say, there's so much to learn; and so much knowledge available thanks to the miracle of the World Wide Web.
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
Yes some say reading helps you fall asleep and if does not help, why not try counting the stars in the sky!!!LOL that was meant to be a joke!
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• United States
27 Jan 11
does reading before you sleep help you sleep ?
• United Kingdom
4 Feb 11
I don't think reading does help me sleep; in fact it may agitate me if the reading is exciting! But I still sleep OK: I like to invent stories/movies in my head, not sheep...:o)
@rog0322 (2829)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
28 Jan 11
Hi lex, I understand your preferences. Almost all of my lady acquaintances prefer romantic novels. I still have to come upon one that has preferences as I had. Maybe it is in the upbringing or background, I really don't know why it is so.
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• Philippines
28 Jan 11
Probably but we have our own individual differences so that sums it all up
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
I am still trying to finish "Love In a Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I asked for this book for Christmas and I still haven't finished reading the book. I do read a lot of Paulo Coehlo and I have quite a few books by him in my shelf right now. For magazines, we have this cookbook magazine that I do buy if I see that the recipes inside are good.
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• Philippines
28 Jan 11
Thanks for the response!I think i got interested with the title of the book you are presently reading.I'll send you a message when i get my copy.Thanks
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
Hi. Books are really a great source of information and understanding of life. No matter what the genre is, be it trade books or fiction, you will get a lot of insights. Some of the gadgets we use today were even inspired by some fiction book. Personally, I prefer authors like Mario Puzo. He has this uncanny ability of making fictional characters seem like real ones.
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@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
27 Jan 11
I enjoy reading many things,especially online newspapers and sport journals,and when I have time I try to read books;lately I enjoyed several excellent science fiction books;the last 2 books I read are 'Roadside picnic' and 'Solaris',so right now I find sf literature fascinating and I intend to read more classical sf novels in the near future.
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@lmdehart (15)
• United States
27 Jan 11
I happen to enjoy reading magazines and books. I usually read just good fiction. Like, maybe what's on the New York Times Bestsellers List. But, when somebody asks me what I like to read, I don't have a favorite author or genre. I never know what to say. It's like, they don't take me as a serious reader, which I am. What should I start telling people when they ask me that question?
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Jan 11
I read afew Danielle Steel too. The movies made from her books were always enjoyable too. I like Anne Rice's Vamp series and the witch series. I like Karen Moning(her Scottish Warrior series) and stories of strong woman. Reading does give us understand and knowledge of other cultures and such. I read one once about a woman in India who was trying to leave her abusive husband and it was quite a book! Her whole family wouldn't help her. Afraid of him!
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
What book is that?Seems interesting!I've read notebook and message in a bottle by Nicholas Sparks.The notebook story brought me to tears, i haven't watch the movie version though.
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
27 Jan 11
It was a really good book. If you PM me I will check into and see if I can find it. Both the Sparks movies were made into movies and were quite good. The Notebook is the best. Haven't read the book.
@brisk123 (2823)
• India
27 Jan 11
Yes I am fond of reading and I read Reader's Digest too. I love to read novels and magazines and I am interested in especially suspense stories, adventure, mystery, etc.These days I am reading online articles and eBooks too. Audio books are good since you don't have to go through pages. Books helped me to increase my vocabularly, my knowledge and understanding.
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
I read online articles too coz i write once in a while.REading helps us in a lot of ways, that is a fact :)
• United States
28 Jan 11
I love to read fantasy novels. Some of my favorites in the classics of that genre are The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, and The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle. I love a good epic adventure to save the world, good vs. evil showdowns, and tales of myth and legend. I'll read other genres but fantasy is my favorite.
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
Yes fantasy seems interesting, it's a creation of a very imaginative mind
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
Yes, reading is truly helpful in life- it's how we learn many stuff about life and everything else. I also love reading Reader's Digest and other magazines. My favorite novels are those by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Christine Feehan- vamps and werewolf, and the like. I also love reading inspirational books- "Chicken soup"....
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
Oh yes, how can i forget "chicken soup for the soul "and "daily bread", a small book you can bring with you everyday.
27 Jan 11
I used to love reading magazines and seeing all of the fashion in them and what the celebrities were wearing but I no longer have the time as I have two very young children. I used to read my magazines in the bath, it was great a few years ago before I could drive and I would walk home from work in the freezing cold, I would buy a magazine on the way home then go for a nice long warm bath. I also used to read the newspaper and do the crossword in it but I got sick of reading about all the horrible things people do in this world so I have not read a newspaper now for 8 months (when I was in hospital after giving birth) I also like reading true crime stories but I don't really know why, I just think it is amazing to see how these people get caught.
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
Yeah, everything in the papers really affect us good or bad.But the good thing is we are aware of what is happening around us.
@NoWayRo (1061)
• Romania
27 Jan 11
I also try to find a bit of time in my life for reading, even if it's just a few pages before I go to sleep in the evening. Reading on public transportation and while taking a bath are also good for me I read mostly fiction - novels - and history books. I used to love Agatha Cristie when I was younger, and the in past 20 years or so there is a fashion that combines some of my favorite traits in a novel: history and whodunits, by authors like David Wishart, Lindsey Davis, Danila Comastri Montanari - I really love these books.
@NoWayRo (1061)
• Romania
27 Jan 11
Heh, yes, I meant in the bath tub, though I used to read in the shower as well when I was a student, I had very little time back then, every second was precious I had a whole system of wrapping pages in transparent plastic foils so they didn't get wet.
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
LOL! i was about to comment on that too, but of course you cant read while taking a shower!ha ha ha!
@moirai (2854)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
lol I was just amused when you said reading while taking a bath. I take showers so... I imagined that would be hard, the book would become all wet!! But I suppose you meant the bath tub variety, yes? =P As for reading while on public transportation... personally, I prefer watching the passing scenery instead of reading while doing that. =) Besides, reading while in a moving vehicle sometimes make me dizzy. =P
• China
29 Jan 11
AS the saying goes,reading is always profitable.In my childhood I formed the habit of reading.every day I always have abook in my hand.I like to read history,literature,etc.I think reading can enrich my knowledge and I can have a talk with many thinker and philosopher.
• Philippines
1 Feb 11
Yes it is true. Reading is enriching, it is like traveling around the world in one place :)
• United States
28 Jan 11
hi Lex Currently I'm reading the short stories of Flannery O'Connor. My fave authors are George Orwell, Charles Bukowski, John Steinbeck. I have read a broad range, though. At one time I was a member of two readers' groups. I've read Agatha Christie, but not Danielle Steel, I must admit! Best wishes P
• Philippines
29 Jan 11
I understand, most readers of Danielle Steele's novels are females :)
@pogi253 (1596)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
One of the other major benefits of reading is that it exercises your mind. Your mind begins to curve and loosen mentally, It stays lose and supple so to you can gush easier through the course of the day. The normal routine ensures that the reading muscle stays in good shape as well as the mind. Just like physical exercise, there has to be willpower to make reading part of your life. If you understand the various benefits of reading, you will have no trouble adopting a normal habit of reading.
• United States
27 Jan 11
If you like to read, check out this website: great deals to get the reading material that you need. www.delluniversity.com !
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
I read almost everything, everything wholesome I love books and read to my heart's content. I love reading and it's my way of rewinding and relaxation! I treasure books and collects some I like best!
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
27 Jan 11
Me too.I love books and articles so I will just read any reading material from various themes and categories.Reading is part of my life.
@rog0322 (2829)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
27 Jan 11
Hi lex, I read anything I can lay my hands on. My favorites in my high school and college days are usually novels written by Alistair Mclean, The Sherlock Holmes series, war novels, and science fictions from various authors. I also once subscribed to Reader's Digest but got tired after a year of it so I didn't renew it. I am planning to subscribe to Time Magazine but still not done so.Like you, I read a lot. Nowadays, I go for technical books on computers since I took up computer programming and hardware repair course. Fiction books has taken the back stage on my priorities but I still pick up a science fiction once in a while.
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
Haven't had the chance to read war novels and science fictions probably because i was more interested with romantic novels.LOL
• China
27 Jan 11
I don't like reading magazines. I am interested in reading novels. Usually I will first think about the name of the book. If it is common and unattractive ,I will not read. I think the the expression of the first sight is quite important.
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
You may be right but what's important is the content of the book.Judging by first impression does not apply generally. :)
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
28 Jan 11
I've read so far Jane Austen - "Sense and Sensibility" and Henryk Sienkiewicz - Quo vadis "(two books that I have loved it) ... now read the first volume of" Taiko "by Eiji Yoshikawa.
@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
15 Feb 11
My favorite stuff to read are horror books, psychology books, fantasy, celebrity magazines, BBC and CNN websites and a lot of e-books. Reading is amongst my favorite things to do to relax beside watching movies.