Do people get too personal in life or in the online world?
@craigy123456789 (1758)
January 27, 2011 2:17pm CST
In life we always know that there will be people who want to put us down, whereas we also have others that will always be there to pick us back up and we also have people who will give us some amazing comments. Offline i guess we only get some form of negative comments froom people that dislike us for whatever reason. To me it is better to ignore them and just move on with life, the problem they have is there problem. Then you look at the online issue, this can create many problems in many different ways, we don't always know who we are chatting to, especially when we are all in different countries, we all think differently, some people do want to cause problems yet others take things to heart or missinterpret things. When online there is not much we can do, in a discussion site like this it is inevitable that we will cross paths sometimes with people who may cause problems, or want to really look like the injured party, no names mentioned, lol. We are all different, we have different ways of life but surely common sense, yes that is common sense would state that when we respond to a discussion most of the time we go off what experiences we have had in a similar situation and also if we have not experienced that then we comment on what we think we would do in that situation. We never do nor intend to tell someone what to do or criticies, our comments are based on us and not the person that writes the discussion, some people take comments to heart and need to learn that this is a discussion site where we all have opinions, it is wrong to criticise someone but if we are talking from our opinion on what we would do then that is called a discussion, not called creating problems for others. Things like this are to easy in sites like this. Maybe it is a case of the person or persons do not understand what has been said, no i am not saying they are thick but people can quickly jump the gun before understanding what the comments mean, knowing that it is not personal against the writer of the discussion. For me i would treat online as offline, walk away, don't bother and let them get bored, but sometimes you may want to comment back, sometimes enough really can be enough. What do you guys and gals think?
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7 responses
@titchy1231 (732)
28 Jan 11
i agree and like you if things got said online it wouldnt bother me, but offline it would be different as i have always been picked on so to speak and had everyone walk all over me and been treated badly by my ex and i tend to take critism to heart. i know i shouldnt but its the way i have always been and have never stood up for myself.
@craigy123456789 (1758)
28 Jan 11
It is not nice being ousted and being picked on, whether it be either online or offline. I like you have been walked all over before and i used to allow it, i also took it to herat to and it really does hurt. I eventually changed and started to stand up for myself, not to fight back but just to rise above what others had to say. When online it doesn't seem as personal as it offline and possibly to your face, but even so, it still should not happen online either. Yet some people are incapable of understanding things that are wrote.
@craigy123456789 (1758)
28 Jan 11
In many ways i agree that you should stand up for yourself, but also make sure that wahat they say doesn't get to you as that is what they are doing, they want a reaction from you. If you start to respond back in a similar way then you are just sinking to there level really. If you are to say anything then i would just say, hey your life must be boring to have to criticise others, if you want to criticise someone then take a look in the mirror, i don't think that they would appreciate it, but after that hopefully they will learn. Maybe they just think that you will just allow them to get at you, maybe saying something to them will shock them and they may then shut up, who know's? Good luck with this.
@titchy1231 (732)
28 Jan 11
no it isnt nice and i will have to start to stand up for myself and start to answer back instead of just taking what people say to me.

@megamatt (14291)
• United States
29 Jan 11
In the online world, I think that you are right. It is very easy to sling insults where you are sitting behind a computer and on the Internet, where there is only a small chance that you will even see a person in real life. In real life, people are a bit more respectful overall, because there is more of a chance that they would get a receipt for their action. Still there are still people who take it to an unfortunate level.
@craigy123456789 (1758)
29 Jan 11
When online it is so easy to create problems, as you say, we are online, just sat at a computer and we don't know eachother, we could be from different countries and so may never meet in person, so too easy to criticise online. When offline we can still face criticism, this could be to our face or behind our backs, but then we have a chance of seeing these people. You would think that people wouldn't criticise you in real life but some do. It is a shame that some people do stoop to that level, i don't know why they do though. Thankyou so much for your response.
@sajuman (1854)
• India
28 Jan 11
hmm...pretty long discussion content..actually am tired by reading..hehehe...just joking..good discussion..ok lets come to the my opinion, in life it is real and it is in some amount it is fake..people just putting some wil not affect their we cannot understand what is their feeling..
thanks for the discussion
@craigy123456789 (1758)
28 Jan 11
It was a long discussion really, even i nearly fell asleep when typing it out,
When in life things that are said and done could be taken personally and to heart, either with no intentions of causing problems, or with the intentions to hurt them, and in real life it hurts more as it is directed to you while you could be there, but online it can still hurt, discussions could be made and these would be see by many people and so people will jump to assumptions. I guess it is just the way of life where some people are too personal and want to create problems. Thankyou so much for your response.

@sender621 (14890)
• United States
28 Jan 11

@craigy123456789 (1758)
28 Jan 11
I thourghly agree. No matter where you are there is always someone who gets too involved in somebody else's personal life. Very true that it is easier to get wrapped up in other peoples problems, whether online or offline. Some people though do cause problems when there is no need for anything to be an issue. Thankyou so much for your response.
@infatuatedbby (94912)
• United States
28 Jan 11
I'm 20 going on 21 and my friends younger/older than me by a few years seems to get too personal ONLINE. They share stuff on their facebook, twitter, blogs too much and it seems as if a stalker can just follow them... I try to be minimal but it depends I guess.
@craigy123456789 (1758)
28 Jan 11
I see where you are coming from on this. I agree completely as when online if you are to post your true picture of yourself and give out some of your personal details then things could go wrong, whether you have good intentions or not, too much personlal information online can be a bad thing and could lead to something going wrong. People really do need to be careful with the information that they share over the internet. There are times when you do want to say things but sometimes you wonder what could happen if you do. It is a shame we live in bad times really. I agree though with you, the information that you provide could create the fact that you mey get a stalker, anything is possible, i worry for the younger kids that go online and don't think of what they put down andwhat could happen as a result of this. Thankyou so much for your response.
@raheemsupercool (81)
• United States
28 Jan 11
I think people feel more comfortable on line than in real life. on the computer people don't know who you are so they can't judge you on what yo say. And if they do say mean things to you, yo can leave the site. Butin real life, unless the person is very close too you, people dont get too personal. This person knows who you are and what you told them so it can make the situation akward if you dont know the person to well.
@craigy123456789 (1758)
28 Jan 11
I agree with you that people would feel more comfortable online rather than offline. When on the computer your right, they don't know you in anyway really, even if they get to know you there still will be loads of things they do not know. Your right that if they say mean things then you can leave the site but this just makes them think they have got to you. I personally would rise above it, stay online and just not bother with them. Some people do like to continue to cause problems even when there is no need. Life truly is full of awkwardness, people are too quick to judge, and no disrespect to anyone but sometimes people don't always read what a person says and they quickly judge and they are often wrong, hopefully pepole will learn, plus not all people are great at english, not everyone on here has english as there first language so maybe they do not understand aswel as someone that is actually english. There are so many things. Thankyou so much for your response.
@frontvisions101 (16043)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
Well, I think it's just normal to be personal in real life because, well, it's your life. It'd be abnormal if you're never personal about it. Good point, though, because some people are really taking comments and critiques online as personal, which is not really necessary. Flamewars are results of taking things personally online. I'd understand though if someone posted something personal online and some other user dissed it because it's personal. Whatever critique he throw upon that will give the author an impression that he is criticizing or even judging the author upon his post.
@craigy123456789 (1758)
27 Jan 11
I agree, in real life it is normal to be personal and often happens. Sometimes i think that when people create discussions then when they read somebody's response if it is not to there liking then they take it as a negative comment to themselves, even if it is not directed at them. I mean as i said, we comment on discussions from either persaonal experience, or situations we have seen before or on what we believe we would do in this situation, but some people take what we say regarding ourselves as an insult to them, even though it is not directed at them. If the people are doing that then why be here in mylot, it is a discussion site, we will never always agree and we comment on our own thoughts and not to criticise others, some people really do need to read in between the lines sometimes and stop thinking the world is against them.
Thankyou for your comments. Hopefully people will take notice when reading other peoples responses.