Do you tune in to Radio programmes?

@dpk262006 (58677)
Delhi, India
January 30, 2011 8:19am CST
Hi friends! It is considered old fashioned to listen to Radio programmes now a days. Do you enjoy listening to radio programmes, if you find time or you are glued to internet and TV in your leisure time? Is any of you tune in to BBC world service or used to do in the past? I read recently that BBC world service is dwindling and it has not many takers and they are going to close their ‘Hindi’ service and some other services in some other languages. Please share your experiences listening to radio programmes in good olden days and if you used to tune in to BBC world service on radio?
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24 responses
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
30 Jan 11
hello dpk, I am still tuning to radio station,listening music while doing mylot or listening to one program that is a big hit here in our place,it's a radio program that cater calls from listeners and provide advice for broken hearts and heart problems in particular. I enjoyed listening to the DJ's advice,he's kind of smart when giving advice...and is really based on real truth. but most of the time i just listen to musics from my fave radio station. have a great day always
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
31 Jan 11
Hi Jai! I think it is good habit to tune in to your favourite programme specially when it is about broken hearts.. Most of us enjoy listening music played by DJ. Thanks for joining and sharing your views.
@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
30 Jan 11
I don't listen to radio programs a whole bunch these days. Last year my commute was much further. I drove an hour round trip each day. This allowed for me to listen to NPR for an hour each day and listen to the news, weather and some interesting programs. My husband loves listening to old radio shows on Sirius sattelite radio which we have in our other car. I tend to listen to more music than anything because I'm not in the car long enough to listen to much. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy them, it's mostly just a matter of the amount of time I have each day to devote to listening to the radio.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
5 Feb 11
It means you do not get enough time to listen to Radio, otherwise you may do so.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
31 Jan 11
In Kerala, radio was an important part of every household...even when the television was around. Going by my in-law's place, I think it is still the case. Most of us (when I was growing up) would time ourselves using the radio. I had to leave for school soon after a song programme in the morning. I haven't tuned into the BBC's world service. Till a few years back, I would listen to old Hindi songs in the morning and at noon. I stopped when I started working and our system conked off. We've got a new system now but I listen to the radio only once in a while. In summer when I'll be up earlier, I will revive that habit:)
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
31 Jan 11
Hi SV! I think those who still listen to radio actually likes to listen to it because listening to something is different from 'seeing' it on a medium like TV. With the advent of computer and internet, people spend much time on line rather than doing other things (like you and I are doing)
@SViswan (12051)
• India
31 Jan 11
It's so calm and peaceful in the morning. I love listening to the radio then. Another advantage of the radio is that you don't need to be glued to one place when you are listening to it....which is not the case with the television. I can get other work done as I listen to the radio.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
5 Feb 11
It is very true that we can enjoy listening to Radio when it is calm and peaceful, if there is cacophony of various other noises around, one just can not enjoy music or anything else on the Radio. Yes, while listening to Radio one can move around, which is not the case with 'Idiot box'.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
30 Jan 11
THere was a time when my transistor radio was even more faithful than Mary's little lamb.I would take it everywhere I went and used to listen to film songs like crazy. But this habit stopped soon after I got married and now I do not even have a radio at home.However , there are so many programmes on television that I do not have the need for this radio. But it is not because it is old fashioned or any such thing.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
31 Jan 11
Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow, And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went, EVerywhere that Mary went, THe lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day,school one day, school one day, It followed ehr to school one day , which was against the rule. It made the children laugh and play,laugh and play, laugh and play, It made the children laugh and play to see a lamb at school. THis is a very famous nursery rhyme Deepak. I am sure you remember it now. Your children may also know it.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
2 Feb 11
My memory is getting poorer day by day. I could not recall this poem ........ Nonetheless, many thanks for reminding me and making me understand your response.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
31 Jan 11
Hi Kala! OH I see your radio was more faithful than Mary's little Lamb (I have not heard of Mary's little lamb , what is it?). I think you should buy a transistor to listen to songs, as now a days you can listen to many FM stations playing songs all day.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
1 Feb 11
Hello Deepak, You remembered my golden days (childhood) then radio was the only entertainment source in our village. We sit infront of the radio (which operated by battery) for listening the drama, films songs, etc and the time of relay from the local station was also limited. After a particular time the Delhi relay will start and nobody interested to listen because it is either in English or in Hindi. The scene changed soon and so many radio stations started in the state and many programs are also available. By the time tv also got a place in home but still the radio is at my home, (not the old one but another musical system with radio) Now radio also started programs like TV e.g. phone in programs. At present I am not listening the radio, the musical system in our home (here in Delhi) is also have the radio but I hardly get time for it. Here the radio is telecasting sweet and memorable hindi songs (my earlier mobile had FM and I used to listen it)
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
2 Feb 11
Hi Sree! So I took back to memory lane and all your previous life, as regards listening to Radio is concerned, all your past memories would have come alive. I know that in good olden days Radio was the best bet for entertainment, however, now scenario has changed drastically and people keep gluded to internet and TV and only listen to Radio sometimes.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
2 Feb 11
• Pamplona, Spain
30 Jan 11
Hiya dpk, If I can find a good Radio Station then I will listen to it for a while. I don´t go out of my way to see the Television or listen to the Radio actually if my mind is on working on something else that I am doing while I am offline. If I am online and have work to do on here but I need to online to do it then surfing the Internet is left till I have finished everything that I need to do on that particular Job first. I don´t think it´s old fashioned to listen to a Radio Station of any kind at all. We listen to the Radio in the Car sometimes because we have a bit more time to relax and just listen. Have a great weekend all. xxx
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
2 Feb 11
Hi lovin! I can understand your priorities and it is always better to listen to Radio, when you can do some other activity with it. I think most of us love listening to music on the Radio, rather than boring and tedious news.
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• Pamplona, Spain
2 Feb 11
Hiya dpk, Music will always be better than the News don´t you think? All they do is blah blah blah all Day long I tire of hearing the same thing over and over. I already know what a state this World is in and I need the Music to help me forget that bit for a time. Sometimes we put on a Cd that is a favourite of ours when the Music they have on is not that good either. It all depends really.
• Pamplona, Spain
31 Jan 11
Hiya dpk. It all depends really. Right now I have just finished some work but I have to be online to carry it out as I am using a little gadget that types out labels for you to put on envelopes. Before that I have to find all the addresses to type them out too. I prefer the Radio in the Car actually but I like listening to in on those Television Channels as well. You know where you can´t see anything but you can hear the music instead. Much prefer music on the Radio as to News but sometimes I will listen to the News as it´s every Spaniard´s habit to be listening to the News a good part of the Day. Have a great
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
30 Jan 11
I miss Indian Radio so much. It was so nice when we where children....whole day radio was on and nice songs would keep repeating again and again and we would automatically learn the wording and start singing with the song.....Old songs, new songs , always fresh in our memory.......I grew up listening to songs and it was pleasure working in the kitchen listing to the radio.......those days have gone now and will never come sad.......Here in Israel, there is no Hindi radio. Though radio is now available on computers , yet it is not the same. Nice discussion
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
7 Feb 11
When I was in school, I often listen to the radio. I often listen to music on the radio, and sometimes I listen to news on the radio. But now I, never again to hear the radio. I do not know why, but I feel bored when listening to the radio. Unless there is news that is really very interesting to me.
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
22 Feb 11
Hi dpk, I still listen to the radio. Some of us here are not lucky enough to have cable or internet connections so we rely on local channels on TV, music and news on radio to be updated.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
23 Feb 11
Hi There! It is good to hear that you love listening to music on your radio and you find it a good source of entertainment. Nice to see you in my post. Thanks for joining. PS - Have sent you a request for add on mylot and on Facebook, please accept.
@much2say (55118)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jan 11
Hi dpk! The only time I have for radio these days is while I'm driving in the car! And with 2 kids, I don't drive all that far for the most part, so we just listen to music . . . a couple songs and we will have reached our destination. I used to listen to the news stations - particularly if I were in a long drive with terrible weather (and wanting to know about freeway conditions). I loved Top 40 music programs over the weekend in my teens and early adulthood. Interviews with pop stars were always cool to hear (sometimes I would listen to BBC programs for that). I think of my parents and their Japanese programs they would listen to on Sunday mornings. Gosh, you remind me I should take advantage of listening to the radio more often!
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
31 Jan 11
Hi much! I can understand that it is convenient to tune in to radio programmes, when one is driving. Listening to radio has its own advantages and one can do her work, while listening to it. On the other hand, if you are hooked to TV or internet, you can not do other jobs. Hope you will soon buy a new transistor/radio to listen to your favourite programmes.
• Philippines
30 Jan 11
I used to when I was a kid. My dad bought me this small radio device that plays a range of fm stations. There were great music back then, especially the '90s rock. I really enjoyed listening to them. If you're pertaining to radio programmes such as audio plays or stories, no, I'm not a fan. The radio programmes I listen to are the top 10s weekly and the request segment where you can request for your favorite songs. I'm also not a big fan of the news back then.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
31 Jan 11
Hi front! It means you listen to selective radio programme and for your news you do not depend on the radio. Hope listening to radio gives you enjoyment.
@allknowing (134097)
• India
30 Jan 11
Radio has it own charm but unfortunately it does not fit into the hectic schedule that one follows.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
31 Jan 11
It absolutely fits into our hectic schedule because you can listen to radio programmes, while doing other jobs e.g. cooking, cleaning and driving.
@ruthsm (222)
• Thailand
30 Jan 11
I listen to the radio only when I'm driving. I live in a big city where traffic is really bad, and so I have more time to listen to radio. We have only one English news channel that I listen to. I'm not sure it's BBC though. And yes, I would love going back to the time when radio is still popular. I think people can still go on with the work they do while listening and the imagination is more active then. Unlike today, most people are hooked up in the internet like I am now at m Lot and I still have washings to do, haha!
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
31 Jan 11
Hi ruth! Thanks for kick starting the discussion. I think it is a good idea to listen to radio, one when is driving. It keeps you engrossed and takes away from the noise of traffic and traffic snarls. Internet has robbed us of our pleasure to listen to radio..
@polaris77 (2040)
• Bacau, Romania
30 Jan 11
I sometimes listen to radio stations when I'm at home,but it isn't a regular habit;I remember the days when when I had an old radio and I used to enjoy listening to it,especially when there were live soccer matches,but now they're all on tv.Anyway,I still enjoy listening to certain musical radio stations on the Internet and that's all now.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
31 Jan 11
Listening to Radio commentry of soccer matches is really interesting.
• Philippines
31 Jan 11
YEs, I still listen to radio (AM and FM) from time to time. Whenever I am off the work, I listen to FM radio stations for their music and usually during mornings, AM stations serves their purpose for me because I listen to the news from there. =)
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
5 Feb 11
I like to listen to Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and THE WORLD (PRI). Rush Limbaugh is also pretty good.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
31 Jan 11
At this, my friend. I am no longer listen to a radio station. I prefer now watching news on TV or reading news online
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
31 Jan 11
I listen to the radio almost every day! I like to exercise to music or if I am doing a big housecleaning chore. The station I listen to also has comedians and I like that also. I could make a tape to exercise to, but this way I kind of know what is going on in the world. I don't watch the news much and I get most of the news from the radio.
@pokumon (644)
• United States
1 Feb 11
I've never tuned into the BBC world service. I have listened to a lot of NPR always in the car. They have interesting radio programs. I don't drive anymore so I don't listen to them anymore.
• Philippines
31 Jan 11
I never listen to BBC radio because we don't have BBC radio here in my place. When I was a kid, my family used to listen to the radio. We get our news and entertainment right from the radio. We listen to the old and latest music through the radio. I miss listening the old radio days, but still I prefer the Internet than radio.