My Son's First Birthday

@aisoice (272)
January 31, 2011 12:44am CST
January 30, 2010 was the first birthday for my first son. My wife and I celebrated it at our house with a simple celebration, just with close family and my neighbors kids. My son seems to really enjoy it, although I don't know whether he understands or not. Other children who also seemed happy and excited. Praise, everything went smoothly from start to finish. How about you ? Maybe you are celebrating it in a different way ?
4 responses
• United States
7 Feb 11
You absolutely did right as he is at an age where as he will not understand all the fuss in huge gatherings. Family togetherness is the best way to celebrate for the first birthday indeed.
• Mexico
31 Jan 11
Hi aisoice: I think it's a nice moment to celebrate. I know a little baby don't understand that it has been a year since he was born but the rest of the family will enjoy it. I remember that my cousin didn't celebrate when her daughter was 1 because the baby wouldn't understand why people where clebrating so her first birthday was when she was 2. However I think it doesn't matter and the first birthday of a baby is a celebration for the entire family. ALVARO
@nainesh1 (1656)
• India
31 Jan 11
There is 4 months gap between birthday of me, my wife and my son , I am doing blood donation on these occasion from last year . On my son's birthday we celebrate like you did.
@nj_1022 (251)
31 Jan 11
I alsocelebrated my son's 1st and 2nd birthday at our house with only close family with us. It is much more solemn, definitely not grandious with the financial problems nowadays. It turned good than those celebrated in fastfood chains or other venues without sacrifcing the budget.