How hard is it to ring the doorbell when you leave a package?

@megamatt (14292)
United States
February 1, 2011 9:46am CST
In megamatt versus the United States Postal Service Round 5,252, we got a new mail carrier. Who seems to have this aversion to ringing the doorbell when they have a package for me. Thankfully I was home but what if I was not? The package could have blown away or got lost or stolen or whatever. Thankfully I called and it got straightened out that the mail carrier will make sure that I'm home. Still, really, shouldn't this be common sense? Especially in the winter time where the weather can get bad. I'll be glad when teleportation technology is invented, so they can beam packages straight to your house when you order them over the Internet. That way I never have to deal with the Postal Service ever again.
2 responses
1 Feb 11
This is not a good thing really. As you say anything at all could have happened to the parcel as they are not to know whether you are in or not and this could cause so many complications. Most of the things that come for me either get posted through my letter box if small enough, or they leave me a card to say it is at the local office as it needss a signature, or they may leave me a note telling me that they have left it in my backyard somewhere, obviously letting me know where, but no way would they ever just leave it in plain sight after knocking and knowing that there is nobody in the house.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
1 Feb 11
All of those things are logical things that you would think would be thought of, after verifying whether or not I was home. What if I was out of the house for a couple of days? That package would be long gone. Hopefully the problem is now solved. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.
@Nemaat (30)
• United States
1 Feb 11
Yea it should be common sence but the end when you talk about teleportation I thought how funny it would be if you were walking out of your house and a big package landed on your head or in your breakfast. Or maybe appeared in front of you and you tripped on it. All joking aside wouldn't people be able to teleport into your house and rob you just like your mail?
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
1 Feb 11
That would be the case with all technology. It could be used for good or bad. The Internet being the most triumphant example would be the Internet. On one hand someone could use it to connect with the world. On another hand, it can be used to commit fraud or identity theft. I'm sure that if some such technology would be invented, we are many many years from it, so we have to deal with the postal service just a little bit longer. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated and it contributed to the topic well. Have a nice day and thanks.